[center][h1][b]Numans[/b][/h1][/center] [center]Numan is an umbrella term that encompasses those individuals who fall outside society's definition of “normal". This broad categorization refers most commonly to people who adopt personas as heroes, villains, or ambiguous figures operating in the space between good and evil. However, it's important to recognize that not all numans conform to these archetypes. Many eschew the path of flashy alter egos and live modest, ordinary lives indistinguishable from the general populace. Though the exploits of costumed heroes and villains may dominate popular narratives and media depictions of numans, they represent only a fraction of this diverse community. The majority quietly go about their daily business, pursuing careers, raising families, socializing with friends, contributing to their communities, and finding meaning in life's simple pleasures. Their supernatural abilities or atypical attributes do not define them wholly. Like anyone else, their inner lives are complex and nuanced. They contain multitudes. While the archetypal numans make headlines, they should not be taken as representative of the group as a whole. Numans are first and foremost people. Some may live up to lofty ideals of heroism, others may channel their exceptional natures to destructive ends, but most seek only connection, fulfillment, and an ordinary kind of happiness. Though set apart by their extraordinary traits, numans ultimately want only to find their place in the world as anyone would. The numan, known colloquially as “supers", possess extraordinary abilities that set them apart from ordinary humans. These powers, which range from telepathy to flight to manipulating the elements, often seem to defy scientific explanations. While some numans use their gifts responsibly, many humans view them as dangerous anomalies or even threats. This unease has led to open hostility and discrimination. Numans regularly face verbal abuse, with hateful slurs like “freak" or “mutant" used to dehumanize them. More disturbingly, some businesses refuse them service, and extremist groups openly raise funds to “eliminate" them. Even well-intentioned humans may patronizingly treat powerful numans as celebrities, badgering them on the streets and invading their personal lives to ask them questions as though they were something to be studied. Tragically, many numans live in fear, unable to access basic rights and opportunities. Their distinctive traits, rather than being celebrated, make them targets. It is for these reasons that for many decades, those with numan abilities lived in secrecy, concealing their powers from the public out of fear of persecution and discrimination. However, this long period of hiding in the shadows began to shift around the early 20th century as attitudes started to gradually change. The most significant catalyst sparking the emergence of numans into mainstream society was the rise of the hero known as “The White Guardian" in 1912. When a devastating earthquake struck Port Angels, causing widespread destruction, The White Guardian used his abilities to save countless lives and protect the city from total collapse. His selfless and heroic actions captured headlines across the country and even the world. Despite initial controversy and backlash from those who distrusted or feared numans, The White Guardian became a beloved public figure and helped pave the way for more numans to begin openly using their powers for good. Inspired by his example over the next few years, more super-powered individuals started coming forward as protectors and champions of justice. Though prejudice persisted in some segments of society, numans slowly but surely were coming out of hiding and finding acceptance through their admirable acts. By the mid-20th century, the presence of numan individuals was commonplace, marking a profound shift from the secrecy and obscurity that previously surrounded those with extraordinary abilities. The White Guardian's emergence was the spark that ignited a gradual but remarkable change in attitudes, beginning a new era of numans stepping out of the shadows and asserting their rightful place in the world. Unfortunately, with every hero comes a villain, and, with the steady rise in crime, destruction, and danger in general, it was hard for numans to gain full acceptance, as many humans blamed them for the chaos, regardless of who they were or how they chose to live their lives. Despite the good deeds of many numans, a vocal minority of humans protested their presence, claiming that all numans should be cast out of society once more. These extremists went even further, preaching violence and persecution against the entire population of numans. Today, despite laws being in place to try to protect numans from extremists and discrimination, many numans still choose to live discreetly among human society. While most don't feel the need to completely hide their identities, many numans make an effort to downplay their supernatural differences and abilities. They try to blend in and live as far below the radar as possible in order to avoid attracting negative attention. This guarded behavior comes from a learned caution - an understandable response considering the lingering undercurrent of prejudice. Numans remember the vitriol hurled against their kind when crime rates rose. They hope to quietly coexist, staying under the threshold that might provoke fearful or hostile reactions. Though progress has been made, numans remain wary, knowing that for every step forward, there are still those who would gladly force them back into the shadows. [/center]