[center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/Q37HjWn.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/L4GDi1Q.png[/img][hr][hr][hr][/center] Since Lisa was… incapacitated, a spider was not a good idea to get back to home base. So, the trio just used the money that Lisa had left over to get a taxi. They returned to their room… where Kimberly and Jordan were already inside. The two turned towards them as Jordan crossed her arms and asked the question… “... Where the fuck were you three?!” Jordan asked. “Wait…” She loudly sniffed. “... Ya’ll [i]reek[/i] of alcohol,” Jordan raised an eyebrow. “Did ya’ll go out and get plastered?!” Kimberly asked, laughing just a little bit. “Kim,” Jordan shook her head, then jabbed Kimberly with an elbow. “Stop laughing.” [color=DC143C]"This is us rebelling,"[/color] Saskia said, walking right past Jordan and Kimberley and falling down onto their bed. [color=e77fbf]"Yeah, you can’t keep us locked up forever! How are we going to live our lives like that! We’ve missed so much!"[/color] Ella shouted. [color=e77fbf]"Sure, we got drunk, but that’s living our life!"[/color] [color=DC143C]"We did leave you a note this time."[/color] While this was going on, Lisa flopped on her bed, spit up more bile, then passed out. “Have you three forgotten that there is literally an army of murderous monsters looking for you…?” Kimberly asked, narrowing her eyes. [color=DC143C]”We can take them,"[/color] Saskia said dismissively. “I get it, ya’ll have a lot of catching up to do,” Jordan said, “but you all pulled a huge stunt a few days ago, and they are hot on ya’ll ass.” Jordan shook her head, “Where did ya’ll even go?” [color=e77fbf]"Oh we went to Lupe's place! It was pretty great!"[/color] [color=DC143C]”Not a single society member came after us,"[/color] Saskia said, closing their eyes. They really wanted to go back to sleep like Lisa, but they couldn't leave Ella to deal with this cause she'd fuck up. [color=DC143C]”We've got someone on the inside. She'll definitely help us."[/color] “Look,” Jordan shook her head,”We’re not trying to act like your parents, but we are working together he-” Lisa loudly dry heaved more bile. Kimberly stepped over and rolled Lisa onto her side. “We’re working together, and we need to be on the same page here in case something happens,” Jordan said. ”... We did a lot for you three, despite it all,” Kimberly added, looking over her shoulder. “Is it too much to ask you three to stay put when we ask?” [color=e77fbf]"Yeah, being trapped sucks,"[/color] Ella said. [color=DC143C]"It [i]would[/i] be fine if you actually told us what you were doing,"[/color] Saskia propped themselves up on their elbows to actually look at Jordan and Kimberley. [color=DC143C]”You say we're working together, but you don't exactly keep us in the loop. You do just tell us what to do. It's not very equal."[/color] “We’re doing the same thing ya’ll should be doing: staying put,” Jordan answered. When Jordan finished speaking, Kimberly pulled out her magical camera and said, “Occasionally we spy on the Society using this but it's difficult to do so sometimes.” [color=DC143C]"... Well I guess it's fine then,"[/color] Saskia held up their hands in a half surrender gesture. [color=e77fbf]"Ohhhhh,"[/color] Ella jumped over to Kimberley, sticking her face right next to the camera. [color=e77fbf]"How does it work for spying?"[/color] “It's simple, all I need is a picture of that place and I can just focus on it to see what’s going on there!” Kimberly excitedly said. [color=e77fbf]"Whoa that's cool! So you can spy on anything you have a photo of… do you need to take the photo? Oh, can we see it working?"[/color] Ella asked excitedly. Saskia, on the other hand, narrowed their eyes. [color=DC143C]"You haven't used on it to spy on our room at all, have you?"[/color] “... And see what?” Kimberly snorted, “You all fighting over the laptop again?”’She slapped a hand on her hip. [color=DC143C]"So you haven't been watching,"[/color] Saskia nodded knowingly. [color=DC143C]"I guess we can lay low now, since you've explained… but we did make a good connection. We have someone in the society now."[/color] “Just don’t get too comfy with her, tho’,” Jordan said, putting a hand on her hip. “You still don’t know her all too well.” [color=DC143C]"... too late,"[/color] Saskia said ominously. “Alright, just let us know before you do something crazy,” Kimberly said. “Okay?” [color=e77fbf]"Alright, promise!"[/color] Ella nodded. [color=e77fbf]"We’ll let you know next time- oh, and you can come along!"[/color] [color=DC143C]"Yeah, you both need to have fun too,"[/color] Saskia agreed. “Don’t worry,” Kimberly said as she walked towards the door with Jordan in tow. “... We have plenty of fun on our own.” She stepped out the door before poking her head through and saying, “Don’t have too much fun.” She vanished out of sight, and the door closed behind them. [color=DC143C]"All I want is a nap,"[/color] Saskia muttered, lying back down. She was fucking tired. [color=e77fbf]"The laptop’s mine, then!"[/color] Ella grinned, going over to grab it. Lisa’s phone began ringing…. It was stuffed into the pocket of her unconscious body. Saskia rolled over, climbing off her bed and onto the other one. She had to move Lisa a bit to actually get to her pocket, pulling out the phone and answering it just before it automatically hung up. “... Mami?” Lupe hesitantly asked. [color=DC143C]"Hey,"[/color] Saskia said. Ella jumped up onto the bed beside her, leaning in to hear. [color=DC143C]"Sorry, had to find the phone."[/color] “Mami! How are you?!” Lupe asked. “Is the lightweight still spewing? Or do you want me to get straight to the point?” [color=DC143C]"She’s passed out,"[/color] Saskia snorted, patting Lisa’s leg as if Lupe could see her doing it. [color=DC143C]"Yeah, straight to the point."[/color] “So… I got word that some out-of-towners are coming to make a deal with the Society! They're from your home city, too!” Lupe laughed. Saskia tilted her head. [color=DC143C]”Who?"[/color] “[i]... Dollhouse,[/i]” Lupe answered. [color=DC143C]"... Who?"[/color] Saskia asked again. She’d literally never heard of them. “Oh, right, right, I forgot again,” Lupe said. “I don’t know much about them myself. They’re like the boogeymen of Florida, mami!” Lupe began her explanation, “They sell magical goods like a black market, mami! Potions, magic, weapons, artifacts, you name it, mami! However, there’s a reason why everyone was so scurred of them in Florida….” [color=DC143C]”Why? Were they going round killing people mob style? Torturing people? Oh, did they kill people-"[/color] [color=e77fbf]"Stoooop!"[/color] Ella wailed. [color=DC143C]"Fine. Why are people so scared of them?"[/color] “Beats me, mami,” Lupe answered and Saskia could probably hear the shrug, “Point is, they went to St. Portwell - no! Point is that they are coming here to make some type of deal.” Lupe paused, “... I know at least two members of the Endless Seven will be there.” Lupe added. That had Saskia sitting up, looking at Ella, who grinned excitedly. [color=DC143C]"When and where?"[/color] “... This Saturday, mami,” Lupe answered, “Dollhouse might be in the city already.” Saturday… Saskia wasn't actually sure what day it was, but it must be soon. [color=DC143C]”Alright. We'll be there… hopefully we can take out the endless seven members and stop the deal."[/color] [color=e77fbf]"We have to tell Kim!"[/color] Ella said in her ear. [color=DC143C]"Oh yeah,"[/color] Saskia intoned. [color=DC143C]”We'll bring along our parents."[/color] “Tell whoever, mami!” Lupe said, “Ya’ll got my number? Or… you can get it from Lisa’s phone! Whatever you think is best. I still need to finish cleaning up my apartment!” [color=DC143C]”She doesn't have a password, so we can get it,"[/color] Saskia replied. Even if she did… It would probably be Adora's birthday. [color=DC143C]”I'll let you get back to cleaning… thanks for the info."[/color] [color=e77fbf]"Next time you should come round to our hotel room and party!"[/color] Ella shouted, leaning in close enough to be heard. “Sure! When ya’ll vomit all over the place it's not on me to clean up!” Lupe laughed. “Catch you on the flipside, mami!” [color=DC143C]"Don't worry… I'll have developed something to stop it by then,"[/color] Saskia said, rather ominously. [color=DC143C]”See you, try to stay alive."[/color] Saskia hung up, putting Lisa's phone back down on the table. Call over, Ella immediately grabbed the laptop and jumped onto the other bed to watch anime. It looked like it'd be up to Saskia to go tell Kimberley and Jordan, but there wasn't a rush. First… she looked at Lisa's prone body. [color=DC143C]"Hmm, maybe I can finally practice blood letting…"[/color]