[center][h2]Tachibana Masaru[/h2][h3]Nagano Prefecture — Abandoned Mansion[/h3][/center] With the komainu that had been pursuing him now most [i]certainly[/i] dead (for the moment?), Masaru took a quick glance around to reassess the state of the battle as it was now. There weren't any accidental casualties in the interim—at least, not for anyone who injuries would matter to—so the Agent was free to join in on the whole 'dogpiling onto the only two targets left standing' thing that was going on. The hail of electric arrows dividing in midair certainly felt unfair, though, especially when he could only fire one at a time. That wasn't any sort of replicable skill he could learn, and trying to clash with that head-on wouldn't do much of anything. All that could [i]really[/i] be done was add more chaff to be blocked in hopes of overwhelming the onna-bugeisha so that someone who could land a more decisive blow could jump in and close this out.