
Viktor said something about one team being the infiltration squad, and one team being the distraction squad. Zach was quick to volunteer to be on the distraction squad. [color=darkviolet]“Distractions are my specialty! I’m sure me and Lightning Lass over there can give them a show they won’t forget!”[/color] Zach said, gesturing to Cora.

[color=00ffff]”Yeah, I think we can.”[/color] Behind her helmet, Cora grinned at the prospect of some super powered mischief. [color=00ffff]”What’re we thinkin’ magic tornado? Thunderstorm? Maybe you make some magic portals and I throw lightning bolts through ‘em?”[/color]

Zach’s eyes went wide with excitement. [color=darkviolet] “All of it! Throw everything we got! It’ll be so epic, these goons won’t know what hit ‘em! Etativel”[/color] He started hovering in the air, and waving his wand in circles.[color=darkviolet] “Mrots cigam!” [/color] Purple storm clouds started to gather, and bolts of purple magic started to strike the ground.

[color=00ffff]”Oooohhhh [i]yeah.[/i] Just watch your eyes, wizard boy.”[/color] Cora took a running start and leapt off the ground, propelled into the sky once more by her powers. She weaves through the storm clouds made by Zach’s magic. The lightning strikes didn’t scare her- after all, nothing but her own powers could electrocute her. So in the chaos of the storm, and began to rain down her own bolts of vibrant, neon teal lightning. 

The concussive sounds of thunder and the blinding bursts of metahuman lightning lit the swamp up like a Christmas tree.

Zach started laughing like a madman as the goons standing guard outside were panicking at the chaos that was unfolding.  [color=darkviolet] “Congratulations lovely people. You get a private spectacle from Zatara the Great and his assistant Stormcaller. Lucky you!”[/color]

Cora wasn’t aiming for anything in particular, since if she did, it might give the goons a chance to triangulate where she was through the clouds. Rather, she just floated to and from one cloud to the next, raining them down indiscriminately along the walkways they were using to stay dry. They could take a shot, but they’d risk being too immobile to get blasted.

Zach however did take a shot. He made no attempts to stay hidden, and fired blobs of purple magic at goons that came his way. [color=darkviolet] “Aw… is that…the best you got?”[/color] Zach taunted in between gasps for breath. Doing this magical hurricane was taking a lot of magic, and it was taking it’s toll. He started getting red in the face.