
Name: Alice Riddley

Sex: Female

Age: Nineteen

Appearance: Rather slim, with larger upper arms and thighs. Her skin is tan from spending so much time outside, and her brown hair is chopped short and styled to stand tall above her wide forehead. Square jaw, with thinner lips, a round nose, and green eyes. Dresses lazily, and seems to have an obsession with over-sized sweaters and skinny jeans.

Personality: A level-headed and quiet girl, Alice is extremely gentle and calm in even the most stressing situation.

Bio: Alice first moved into the city when she was eight, and lived a fairy average life with a fairy average middle-class family of six. Her mother and father, while average, were also extremely over-protective and nosy, much to Alice's dismay, and her three siblings were just plain mean-spirited (but then again, they were much younger then her). All throughout high school, they just got caught up into her business, questioning her with "who's this" and "why that"s until she couldn't handle it. Alice decided long before she entered the local college that she would move out and live on her own (even though she was terrified to do so), and thus at the age of eighteen, a few months after graduating high school, she moved into a small and rather crappy apartment. At first she was scared, but one night after laying in her own bed, in her own room, warm and safe and comfortable, she decided it was better then being back home. 
Goes to college for art and graphic design, works at a local cafe.

Relations: Lives with a small, black, female cat named Rubix. Ashley and Rubert are her parents, and Kim (11), Richard (11), and Doug (8) are her siblings.

Fears: Being alone, the dark, and dogs.

Back Ache: To Be Assigned