[h2]Dort Road - Hikari[/h2] When the blonde girl stepped out of the carriage, Hikari ran through a mental checklist. What would be appropriate behaviour...? From her age, she would normally have been, at most, a senior executive's daughter or something similar: someone to treat well because of association, yet not warranting any respect on her own. However, this was a fantasy world, was it not? Even if the girl was clearly still reliant on her family [i]connections[/i] rather than possessing power in her own right, her social status and relative position was vastly more important than theirs. Furthermore, despite the haughty demeanour, she was displaying a level of care for her subordinates that showed that she might not be a [i]bad[/i] potential employer. Perhaps it was too hasty to consider joining the first prospect she had met in this world? If this girl was even willing to consider it, of course; to be so apparently a maid in well-maintained clothing and yet [i]not have a job[/i] mustn't make a good impression of her character or abilities. When the others were bowing, she was forced to make a rapid decision--she [i]knew[/i] bowing, and it could still be seen as appropriate if she was in Japan, but... was this not obviously a more western world? And, naturally, she was in a maid dress... which might also have other considerations when bowing, given the number of tails. A curtsy it was, as formally as she could make it--which might not have been much. Bowing was [i]far[/i] more her area of expertise. Or handshakes. "It is as he said, we are simply travellers, although glad to be of assistance. If your attendant requires aid, I could look? Although it may not look it, I have some experience." Albeit, it wasn't like modern first aid training covered [i]stitches[/i] if those might be required, especially not when you had taken lessons merely to ensure sufficient staff coverage...