[hider=Kira Mapenzi][center][b][color=#4DD0E1][h3]Kira Tigerlily Mapenzi[/h3][img]https://i.imgur.com/HfJ5kZL.png[/img] [color=black]☁[/color] 28 [color=black]☁[/color] Female[/color][/b] [color=black]☁[/color][/center] [center][color=black]☁[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaO70TzRoZA&ab_channel=LydiatheBard]Poison[/url] [color=black]☁[/color] [color=black]☁[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCznYfFZJUQ&pp=ygUQZW5lbXkgYW5uYXBhbnRzdQ%3D%3D] Enemy[/url] [color=black]☁[/color] [color=black]☁[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WXPVN8w5DQ&ab_channel=7clouds]Anti-Hero[/url] [color=black]☁[/color] [center][hider=Companions] [color=black]☁[/color] [color=lightgreen]Liam -- Fox[/color] [color=black]☁[/color] [color=lightyellow]Maggie -- Raven[/color] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/28/22/98/282298c8b3f54e88352c6e1c87df8f33.jpg[/img] [/hider][/center][/center][hr] [b][color=lightgray]Appearance[/color][/b] [color=#4DD0E1][color=black]☁[/color] 5’10 [color=black]☁[/color] 140 [color=black]☁[/color] Topaz [color=black]☁[/color] Mid-back, curly [color=black]☁[/color] Black [color=black]☁[/color] Light tan [color=black]☁[/color] Trademark Stoic expression, tattoos across entire body, locket around her neck and bracelet [color=black]☁[/color] Floral and open attire; pants with corset top, long flowy dresses and usually clad in black. [b][color=lightgray]Likes[/color][/b] [color=black]☁[/color] Dusk [color=black]☁[/color] Alcohol [color=black]☁[/color] Jewelry [color=black]☁[/color] Animals [color=black]☁[/color] Her family [color=black]☁[/color] Being alone [color=black]☁[/color] Cloudy days [color=black]☁[/color] Music boxes [color=black]☁[/color] Weapons/Violence [b][color=lightgray]Dislikes[/color][/b] [color=black]☁[/color] Magic [color=black]☁[/color] Dawn [color=black]☁[/color] Loudness [color=black]☁[/color] Sunny days [color=black]☁[/color] Staying sober [color=black]☁[/color] Enclosed/Tight spaces [color=black]☁[/color] Insects & creepy crawly bugs [b][color=lightgray]Sexuality[/color][/b] [color=black]☁[/color] Biromantic [b][color=lightgray]Hobbies[/color][/b] [color=black]☁[/color] Singing [color=black]☁[/color] Swimming [color=black]☁[/color] Daydreaming [color=black]☁[/color] Reading alone [color=black]☁[/color] Arts & Crafts [color=black]☁[/color] Dance & Gymnastics [/color] [b][color=lightgray]Life Goals/Dreams[/color][/b] [color=black]☁[/color] [color=#4DD0E1]Living on an island with her family and pets surrounded by riches and treasures. [b][color=lightgray]Personality[/color][/b] [color=#4DD0E1]Kira is extroverted and enjoys striking up a conversation with anyone she can. She knows how to be charming and manipulative to get her way. She is flirtatious and arrogant. She is mischievous and enjoys a good laugh, sometimes at others expense. Kira won’t go out of her way to be friendly or kind, but she won’t be mean either unless given a reason. There is a softer side to her resorted for only those she trusts and cares for and is deep down. When resorting to meanness, her malice could kill; at times, she will bite her tongue, but sometimes can't help herself. She is selfish and only looks out for those she cares for; strangers are rare although if they deem useful, she might save them. Her self preservation is fairly strong as well. Kira has a temper, though she is working on being more level headed. She can be fierce, aggressive and often frightening when angered or in battle. Due to her past, her ability to trust others is severely impoverished, and she has aggression issues. She isn’t the most patient, and often has to distract herself. Bold, brave, and fearless, Kira isn't scared often. She holds back if her life may be in danger, but wouldn't hesitate to throw herself in front of a loved one to save them. She is sly as a fox and can play people like a piano and not blink an eye. She lies often to get out of trouble and spins tall tales. Kira is fairly intelligent, wise and also cunning. She does not make friends easily and struggles due to becoming insane and unhinged unpredictably. Her humor ranges from stupid jokes to dark and morbid ones. Her tongue is sharp, dry and sarcastic, although she can be witty and playful as well if in the right mood. She struggles with energy and sometimes has a burst and overextends herself. She'll often recuperate by reading or sitting by the ocean, staring out longingly at the horizon. [/color] [b][color=lightgray]Current occupation[/color][/b] [color=black]☁[/color] [color=#4DD0E1]If you know, you know. [/color] [b][color=lightgray]Past occupations?[/color][/b] [color=#4DD0E1][color=black]☁[/color] Mercenary [color=black]☁[/color] Assassin [color=black]☁[/color] Weapons instructor [b][color=lightgray]Relatives[/color][/b] [color=black]☁[/color] Mother-Nia - Deceased [color=black]☁[/color] Father-Wren [color=black]☁[/color] Sister-Maya (Triplet) [color=black]☁[/color] Sister-Talia (Triplet) [b][color=lightgray]Skills[/color][/b] [color=black]☁[/color] Stealth [color=black]☁[/color] Resourceful [color=black]☁[/color] Combat, land and water [color=black]☁[/color] Charming & manipulative [color=black]☁[/color] Knives/Daggers/Swordsmanship[/color] [b][color=lightgray]History Summary[/color][/b] [color=black]☁[/color] Captain Nia Mapenzi was known through the Alidasht seas. Native from the Sakha region, she had taken the ocean by storm with her crew, commanding the sea with ease and amassing massive amounts of treasure. Wren, her first-mate, was not only her lifelong confidante but also her partner in both plunder and peril. Together, they were known as the twin flames of the high seas—a power couple whose tales of romance and raids were sung in every port and cove. However, Captain Nia had also amassed as many enemies as she had treasure, and not just from all her pirating. From birth, she had carried a generational curse that much a magnet for danger as for gold. From her earliest days, this curse controlled her fate, drawing the gaze and greed of friend and foe alike. Yet, those who dared chase the whispers of her curse often found themselves entangled in her web of cunning and courage, outmatched and outmaneuvered at every turn by Nia and her loyal crew. Whispers in taverns and even shanties tell the tale of Captain Nia and her secret. Then came one fateful evening that Nia and Wren spent together on their honeymoon in the captain’s quarters of their ship- Bahari's Wrath. Soon, Nia was pregnant with triplets. During her birth, enemies attacked their ship. As a result of lack of medical care, Kira’s mother Nia perished from her childbirth and injuries. Heartbroken with three children to care for, he retired from his sea days and went back to Sakha, to live in the city of Yola. Though her two siblings did not inherit the curse, it was evident that Kira did, and for the rest of her life she’d draw in those looking to exploit her the moment they discovered her secret. Traumatized and haunted, he wanted to prevent Kira from suffering the same fate as her mother. He began teaching her to defend herself from a young age, spending more time on her than with her siblings. He noticed she had proclivity for using swords, knives and daggers and hand-to-hand combat. Kira was also quick on her feet, strong, and stealthy. Though he pushed her to master the arts of archery and firearms, she struggled with both of them. Perfection, he told her, was always out of reach. Kira strove to meet his unrealistic expectations every day, often wearing herself down to the point of exhaustion. When Kira was ten, her curse was discovered in a public manner and targets were put on the family. Enemies had finally found Wren, the infamous first mate to Captain Nia Mapenzi and they weren’t going to let him get away easily again, especially knowing he had a very special daughter. The added stressor pushed her to train harder to protect her father the way he had protected her. Inevitably, Wren and Kira were confronted by enemies and to Wren’s surprise, she was able to kill some of the attackers and even managed to scare some off with her bloodlust and brutality. It was clear she had inherited her mother’s ruthlessness. Wren and his children moved to the Varian Kingdom after that incident, but their enemies caught up with them after some months even there. They became vagabonds, moving from place to place often for safety. This lifestyle became Kira’s norm through her teens until she eventually caught the eye of an Iron Wolves member- Orion at the tender age of fifteen. He came to Wren with an irresistible offer: allow Kira to join the Iron Wolves, train and become an assassin and they would protect their family. Her father sealed the deal without asking Kira her opinion and forced her to join, eager to protect her and her siblings. They were especially curious about her curse, and used it to their advantage. If Kira had not been proficient in fighting, then she would be now as she spent years with the Iron Wolves, engaging in situations of constant violence and high stakes. The protection from the Iron Wolves finally allowed her family to know more peace, but it was all too much for the young mind of Kira. Nonetheless, as time went on, Kira and her family became more estranged as she became more entangled in the mercenary life. She unraveled as she grew up, because all she knew was violence and bloodshed. Her body count grew as the years went on and she became bloodthirsty. Kira was praised for her actions, and being a mercenary kept her family safe so nothing else mattered. Brainwashed, and indoctrinated, Kira began to love being a part of the Iron Wolves. She soon rose throughout the ranks, though she had her failures at times especially during her youth. She even made her first real friend within the group. The two became quite close and were often on missions together. However, over the last year, the friend abandoned her on a high stakes mission and left her alone. The betrayal tore her apart and left her utterly heartbroken. Unable to deal with her emotions, she started to question the Iron Wolves. If they would abandon her and leave her, then who else could she trust? It was then she was approached by a mysterious figure, offering her the ultimate deal, one that outweighed that of the Iron Wolves. This person not only had the means to protect her family, but to assist her with controlling her curse. Kira accepted the deal and now resides in CaesoNia where her life has unraveled faster than a ball of yarn. Trapped in a deal with the devil, she is consumed by rage and pain. However, even while serving her new master and doing their bidding, Kira still has eyes for her number one target that she refuses to ever quit hunting down. [img]https://i.imgur.com/zXz29eQ.png[/img] [/color] [/hider]