[hider=Kari A. Wilson (DECEASED?)][CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/bemGSrE.png[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmZSGz9El2I[/youtube][hider=Alternate Themesong][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFnVcJLm_DE[/youtube][/hider][/CENTER] [i]"All-Seeing. All-Knowing. All-Sharing. [b]All-Caring.[/b]"[/i] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cqjaCgJ.jpg[/img] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [sub][color=#eac6ae]Kari Anastasia Wilson[/color] [color=#eac6ae]She/Her[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=#eac6ae]26[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=#eac6ae]African-American [/color] [b]|[/b] [color=#eac6ae]4'11ft[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=#eac6ae]168lb[/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [color=#eac6ae]Inadequate[/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [color=#eac6ae]Skills & Talents[/color][/sub] [i]"Unfortunately, I have little to offer [b]besides[/b] my abstraction."[/i] [sup]___________________________________[/sup][/center][hider=] [sub] [color=#eac6ae][b]Creative Writing ⫻[/b][/color] Kari has always had a talent for creative writing. She has been a bookworm and storyteller since childhood. She has a vivid imagination and can weave deep, complex storylines that could make Hollywood hang their heads. This skill was developed to help her express her thoughts and emotions creatively, turning her experiences into short stories and poetry. [color=#eac6ae][b]Drawing and Art ⫻[/b][/color] In addition to her writing, Kari is a skilled artist with a focus on drawing. She enjoys sketching scenes from her imagination and illustrating characters from her stories. Her artwork ranges from simple drawings to more detailed and colorful pieces that she finishes off in some image editors. These days, Kari uses her art as a form of creative therapy, allowing her to explore, express, and healthily process her emotions. [color=#eac6ae][b] Problem-Solving ⫻[/b][/color] Kari is an excellent problem-solver with an analytical mind that was developed through her time in the Old Coven. There, she had to think on her feet and stay calm under pressure, which shaped her ability to find creative solutions to problems. [color=#eac6ae][b]Mediation and Conflict Resolution ⫻[/b][/color] A skill that emerged from her role as a peacemaker in the Old Coven, she made herself great at solving conflicts and fostering peace between members of the Old Coven. She was empathetic in resolving disputes, often helping others find common ground and understand different perspectives. She played a crucial role in keeping the group together for as long as possible, though she couldn't help but feel like she was only delaying the inevitable. [color=#eac6ae][b]Firearms ⫻[/b][/color] Born out of necessity due to the [b][i]increasingly[/i][/b] dangerous situation in St. Portwell and that she's practically helpless compared to some of the others, Kari has learned how to handle and operate firearms, specifically pistols. Though she doesn't consider herself a gunslinger, Kari dedicated time to learning the fundamentals, ensuring she could handle a pistol safely and accurately. [/sub][/hider] [/cell][cell][sub][b][color=#eac6ae] Appearance[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"I'm cuddly."[/i] [indent]The All-Knowing, All-Caring woman herself! Kari is a petite and approachable woman, with not so much hair on her body that anyone would find intimidating. Whether it's her short stature, smile, or chubby facial features, she looks very approachable and open, not the kind of person who would be mysterious at all. She usually speaks with a very bubbly tone and usually has a friendly, open demeanor. Smiling, eye contact to ensure she's listening, and positive energy are her trademarks; even in tense situations, Kari maintains a calm and reassuring presence. Kari is a petite African-American woman, standing at just four-eleven, with a chubby frame that she was cursed with since childhood due to her shitty genetics and love of eating. Her build is voluptuous, with a fat butt but a relatively average chest at 34B, and she carries herself with a casual, almost reserved demeanor. Her round face is marked by a gentle smile, which, when it appears, brings warmth to all in sight. Something as trademark as her smile are her wire-frame glasses that not only correct her shitty eyesight but add another layer of cuteness and sophistication to the gal. Her hair is naturally curly due to the afro texture that all African Americans have. Still, Kari keeps it straightened and is generally styled in a way that suits her laid-back personality. Kari often pulls her hair back into a simple ponytail or bun, but she lets that hang loose at home. Her hair is usually kept at a manageable length, long enough to style but not so long that it becomes a hassle. Kari's wardrobe reflects her modest personality, with a focus on dresses that are simple yet flattering. She prefers A-line cuts that complement her chubby frame but don't show too much. To add a touch of character to her look, she might wear patterns like black-on-black stripes or polka dots, enhancing her witchy vibes without drawing too much attention. Kari doesn't go for accessories, but she keeps it simple when she does. She might wear small earrings or a delicate necklace, but she rarely opts for anything too flashy. However, she usually carries a small crossbody bag or a simple tote to hold her essentials, typically a book to read or a notepad. Footwear is another area where Kari's practicality shines; she generally picks comfortable shoes like black flats or pumps and puts on Sneakers or slip-on shoes when she expects to be on her feet for a while. Sometimes, she will put on some ankle or combat boots. However, Kari usually has a wide-brimmed fedora on her head, which gives her a witch-like vibe.[/indent] [/cell][/row][/table][sub][b] [color=#eac6ae]Psychology[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"You don't know what it's like to be helpless as the only thing you can do is [b]watch[/b] the people you love get ripped apart."[/i] [INDENT][color=#eac6ae][b]MAIN GOAL ⫻[/b][/color] Kari's primary goal is to find a [i]purpose[/i]. After the collapse of the Old Coven and the loss of her closest friend, the Magical Girls, she is unsure of where to go or what to do with her life. The trauma she experienced has left her feeling broken and without a clear direction, and it weighs heavily on her as she tries to reconcile the person she once was with the person she's become. Her purpose has shifted from finding a way to defeat the Stygian Snake to coping with the war inside her. She longs for a place or group that can give her something to belong to, as she not only finds her inner peace but [i]something[/i] that can help her rebuild her sense of self-worth. Kari's goal is ultimately to rediscover who she is and what she stands for, but she's unsure where to start. The dissolution of the Old Coven left her with more questions than answers, and she's constantly searching for signs of hope in a world that feels [i]hopeless.[/i] [color=#eac6ae][b]PHILOSOPHY ⫻[/b][/color] Kari used to be [i]the[/i] optimist; she believed in hope, love, and compassion and thought that she could use her magic to make everyone happy. Kari [i]previously[/i] believed in the power of second chances and advocated forgiveness and redemption over punishment. She thought that regardless of their actions, people could [i]always[/i]change for the better. Her worldview was rooted in empathy and a fundamental belief in the goodness of human nature and everyone has some good in them. This naive belief shaped her role as a mediator, always seeking to bridge gaps and resolve conflicts with understanding above anything else. However, Britney Williams's actions utterly [i]shattered[/i] this optimistic outlook. The realization that someone she trusted could harm others for a weak reason utterly uprooted Kari's belief in second chances. She felt [i]betrayed[/i] by the Old Coven's leadership for essentially allowing Britney to go unchecked until after the situation with the Stygian Snake had been revolved. It made her question the value of giving people a chance to redeem themselves when it led to more pain and suffering. This has left Kari skeptical of people's intentions and cautious about extending trust. Despite it all, she still believes in compassion, but she's less willing to overlook people's actions and is thus far harsher on them, and she is more protective over the boundaries of not just herself but those around her. The experience with Britney has made her wary of people who seem well-intentioned, and she finds it difficult to forgive those who hurt people in the past, even if they claim they've changed. While she still values kindness, she strongly focuses on protecting herself. [color=#eac6ae][b]SECRETS ⫻[/b][/color] Kari's observation spell allows her to observe locations and individuals remotely, and she has used this ability to uncover dark secrets within not only the Old Coven but also her present social circles. She has chosen to keep some secrets, fearing the repercussions of revealing them. Additionally, Kari's observations have led her to discover some truths about the Stygian Snake and beings similar to it, knowledge that she guards [i]fiercely.[/i] [color=#eac6ae][b]SEXUALITY ⫻[/b][/color] Kari is pansexual and is attracted to people regardless of gender. However, Kari's guilt, self-hatred, feelings of inadequacy and the loss of her friends have left her detached from romantic and sexual relationships. The trauma of losing those she cared about has made it difficult for her to form new romantic connections, leading her to focus on rebuilding her sense of self-worth instead. However, Kari's pansexuality remains a crucial part of her identity, and she hasn't given up on relationships. Deep down, she hopes to find someone who can understand her pain and help her[i] heal[/i]. [color=#eac6ae][b]FEARS ⫻[/b][/color] Kari's greatest fear is losing control over her life and abilities. The collapse of the Old Coven and Britney Williams's actions have left her desperate to keep control of her life and her actions—she refuses to let anyone dictate the fate of herself and others. She worries that her Observation spell, once a source of pride, power, and[i] limitless[/i] knowledge, could become a liability if used against her. After losing Lisa, Saskia, and Saskia in the battle with the Stygian Snake, she fears forming new connections because she fears she will only lose them in the end. This made her more reserved and hesitant to socialize, even though she [i]longs[/i] for it. A struggle where she attempts to balance the need for human companionship with pushing people away so she doesn't lose more people. Finally, Kari is haunted by the memories of the Stygian Snake's rampage and the destruction it caused, including the deaths of Ella, Lisa, and Saskia. This fear drives her to continue using her observation spell to monitor Shimmer and the adjacent world, hoping she can prevent another tragedy. [color=#eac6ae][b]REPUTATION IN OLD COVEN ⫻[/b][/color] In the Old Coven, Kari had a reputation for being a compassionate and caring individual, someone who was always willing to help others. Her crowning achievement was locating the Apparition Killer, an artifact that allowed the Old Coven to defeat the Stygian Snake. Alongside this, Kari used her observation spell to find other valuable artifacts, such as the Bull's Ring, which proved essential in the Coven's battle against the Stygian Snake. This earned her the respect and admiration of her peers, making her one of the most valued members of the Coven. Beyond that, Kari was also known for her talent as a[i] mediator[/i]. When conflicts arose within the Old Coven, she often stepped in and tried to de-escalate the situation. Her ability to understand different perspectives made her a natural peacemaker, but there was only so much Kari could do. Kari was the one who discovered that Britney was forcing people to adjoin with Apparitions, and rather than staying silent, she brought the issue to the Coven's leadership and pushed for accountability. However, this was during the Coven's darkest hour, and the leadership requested that she remain quiet. However, after the Stygian Snake was defeated, she openly announced to the entire Coven Britney's actions with proof and pushed for her removal. This move showed her commitment to justice and the well-being of others and made some view her as even [i]more[/i] of a hero. This truly cemented her as a vital member of the Old Coven, but again, there was only so much one person could do, and it meant little in the end as the Coven fell apart. However, she wasn't above criticism, as many found her ability (and habit) to spy on people without their knowledge uncomfortable and leveled complaints at her as well. Some even lobbied to have her removed despite her contributions. [color=#eac6ae][b]ROLE IN THE BATTLE WITH THE STYGIAN SNAKE ⫻[/b][/color] During the battle with the Stygian Snake, Kari played a [i]pivotal[/i] role in the Old Coven. Using her Observation spell, she could remotely track the Stygian Snake's movements and locate key critical artifacts in the fight. Using her Observation spell, she could track the Stygian Snake and its forces, thus allowing them to strategize and form plans. While also informing them of traps, ambushes, and other dangers and leading them to key locations where they could strike back against the Stygian Snake's thralls, Apparitions, and Abominable. The most significant contribution to the Old Coven was locating the Apparition Killer, the ultimate weapon used to weaken the Stygian Snake so they could seal it into that tree. This discovery required countless hours of observing different dimensions, but it all paid off. She told the Old Coven where it was located, and the recovery team found it in a complex labyrinth and brought it back to Shimmer just in time for the final battle. [color=#eac6ae][b]FLAWS ⫻[/b][/color] Once a cheerful and fun-loving young lady, the loss of her closest friends and the betrayals she witnessed left her emotionally scarred for life. This trauma manifests in her as self-hatred and feelings of inadequacy, leading her to brutally question her self-worth. Kari often doubts herself despite her accomplishments, which has dampened her confidence. She struggles to let go of past mistakes and feels a neverending guilt for being unable to do anything to save Lisa, Saskia, and Ella. Her traumatic experiences have also led to a general sense of detachment; Kari finds it challenging to form new relationships and tends to isolate herself, being unable to approach and create new meaningful relationships. This makes her appear distant and aloof, even though she cares for those around her. Her reluctance to engage with others on a deeper level stems from her fear of experiencing [i]more[/i] loss. This makes it difficult for people to understand her and misinterpret her feelings. [/INDENT] [sub][b][color=#eac6ae] Backstory[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"I'm sad to say I'll never be as important or useful as I was in the Old Coven..."[/i] [indent]Native of St. Portwell, Kari grew up in a quiet neighborhood, surrounded by a close-knit family. She was the family's bookworm and always preferred the company of her favorite literature over playing games with the other kids. As a child, she had a strong imagination and got lost in her thoughts, creating entire worlds. She spent her time as a kid writing stories that she would make into TV shows and movies! Her nature as an introvert made it hard for her to make new friends (That wasn't a bad thing because it wasn't her primary interest), but her best friend, as long as she could [i]remember[/i], Elsa Conner, whether Kari wanted her to or not, was always there to pull her out of her shell. Despite her hesitance, Kari would often find herself tagging along with Elsa to parties and doing things to make Elsa happy. Despite her reluctance to leave home sometimes, their friendship was as solid as it gets and built on a foundation of trust, love, and shared experiences. The two of them balanced each other out, where Elsa helped Kari become more social, and Kari mellowed out Elsa's more excitable side and kept her from acting too impulsively. Kari's childhood was not notable, as she just did regular kid stuff... however, the Stygian Snake's arrival at St. Portwell changed everything enough to force Kari out of her shell. People started dying in boatloads, there were [i]millions[/i] of dollars in damages, and nobody could explain [i]why[/i]. What started as a regular night out turned into a nightmare as they found themselves in the crosshairs of the Stygian Snake's rampage. They were hanging out at Elsa's house when the Stygian Snake's thralls attacked them. Kari's instincts kicked in, and her quick thinking helped them survive, but the event caused both of them to undergo a Kindling-Event - with Kari activating her White Lux and Elsa activating her Red Lux. However, it didn't do them much good because the Stygian Snake's minions were on top of them and had no spells at their current disposal. Britney Williams, a member of the Sycamore Tree Coven, rescued them and introduced them to a world Kari had only read about in books: the world of magic and the paranormal. It was something fresh, new, unique, and exciting! She discovered the wonders of magic and met many people, including her friend group, "The Magical Girls," which consisted of herself, Ella Brooks, Saskia Otten, and Lisa Turner. Not only did Britney see potential in both Kari and Elsa, but Kari's White Lux intrigued her the most. With the instructions and expertise of Britney, Kari was able to develop the spell that would be a breakthrough in the fight against the Stygian Snake: Observation. Through some tweaking, trial and error, and experimentation, Kari could observe a location remotely as if she were there and peer into different dimensions in the All-Verse. This spell made her an invaluable asset to the Sycamore Tree Coven, allowing them to track the movements of the Stygian Snake and locate valuable artifacts like the Bull's Ring and the key to defeating the Stygian Snake: The Apparition Killer. She spent an entire week looking for the sword and watching over the parties that went to recover them. Kari became a crucial player in the Coven's battle against the Stygian Snake, as without them, they would not have been able to find the Apparition Killer and would have lost the final battle. However, apart from her "all-caring" person, Kari would occasionally observe the people she cared about to keep tabs on them, and this is how she was the one who found out that Britney Williams was going around adjoining people to Apparitions by force. She brought this up to the Coven's leadership, who told her to keep quiet until things blew over. Kari was [i]not[/i] happy about it, but she had no choice but to oblige with the Old Coven's leadership. Not only that, she found out about her friend Lisa Turner's stalking habits, but unlike Britney, she figured that she was going to talk to Lisa about it [i]gently[/i] after everything blows over. However, despite it all, they pulled through and sealed the Stygian Snake, but Kari wasn't happy at all... Not only did she practically have to sit by and let Britney hurt people, but she lost her three best friends (Lisa, Saskia, and Ella) and [i]watched them die,[/i] helpless to do anything about it. She remained in the Old Coven despite the trauma they brought her, but one of the first things that Kari did was reveal to the entire Coven what Britney was doing and provide proof. Then, she attempted to steer the Coven toward removing Britney and helping her victims. Though, instead of listening to her, the Sycamore Tree Coven faced internal strife and constant bickering. Kari, ever the peacemaker, tried to keep the group together, but not even she could keep the Coven together. She watched as everyone left one by one, and she was one of the last members there - and even thought about forming her own Coven, but ultimately. After the Coven broke up, Kari found herself at a crossroads; she didn't know what to do with her life; she felt so attached to them, yet all she could do was stare at the remains. Not only that, the Coven left her with heaps of guilt, self-hatred, and inadequacy, and she just [i]desperately[/i] wanted the rest of the magical girls back so they could be together again. Years passed, and her feelings intensified as she realized she would never be as important as in the Old Coven. Her parents, survivors of the "natural disaster" that hit St. Portwell, decided to retire to Florida and left Kari their house—her childhood home. Hoping for a semblance of normalcy, she went to college, dropped out, and ultimately took a secretary position at a tech firm owned by the illustrious Blake Schmidt, Paragon United Tech Solutions. However, her curiosity about the Stygian Snake never faded. In her spare time, Kari continued to use her Obersation Spell to peer into other dimensions, gathering information about the Stygian Snake, other beings out there, and whatever else she could ascertain about the alternate dimensions (but often she found people (and monsters) banging). She didn't just view these events; she wrote them down into a collection of different notes and had amassed [i]thousands[/i] of notes detailing findings on not just the Stygian Snake but other Paranormal-Beings. She kept them safe with the help of Kenshiro Murakin. As much as she tried to, Kari couldn't shut out the deteriorating situation in the city, and unfortunately, one of the Coven's vast mistakes reared its head: Emily G. Reed. Kari knew that Emily had formed her own Coven, but she began harassing Kari to join 8th Street due to how useful she was, and she wasn't taking no for an answer. Despite Kari's best attempts, she had no choice but to join one of the other factions to get Emily off her back, and she enjoyed some peace. A few months later, the murders began, and Kari began acting strange... she withdrew from all social circles, quit her job, and just remained in her house until Father Wolf murdered her. She was buried next to her best friend, Elsa Connor, also a victim of Father Wolf. That should have been the end, but it turns out that, after summoning her spirit, their Kari has been replaced by another from another universe. Thus, the reformed Sycamore Tree Coven has been attempting to track Kari down to figure out just [i]what[/i] exactly happened to her. And if she has anything to do with Father Wolf.[/indent] [sub][b] [color=#eac6ae]Abstraction[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Where ever you go, [b]I'm[/b] with you!"[/i] [indent][color=#eac6ae][b]TYPE ⫻[/b][/color] Adept. [color=#eac6ae][b]ABSTRACTION ⫻[/b][/color] [i]White Lux.[/i] Her Channeler is her friendship bracelet with Elsa. [color=#eac6ae][b]ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻[/b][/color] Kari Wilson's White Lux manifests into a blend of intuition, perception, and [i]compassion[/i], designed to navigate both the physical and emotional realms. Her spells range from powerful observation abilities that allow her to see and hear from afar, to empathic connections that help her understand the emotions and well-being of others. Kari's spellbook is flexible, with spells that let her explore the unseen, uncover hidden truths, and locate friends in need. At the heart of her magic is a deep sense of empathy and a strong bond with those she cares about, guiding her actions and strengthening her resolve. Whether she's tracing magical disturbances or creating a beacon of light to signal her location, Kari's magic is a testament to her profound understanding of all elements of life. [indent][color=#eac6ae][b]OBSERVATION ⫻[/b][/color] A pinnacle Spell in Kari Wilson's (and the Old Coven's) magical arsenal, and it is also the most potent. By focusing her mind, she can establish an [b]"Observation Point,"[/b] a magical focal point that she can move around freely to scan the surrounding area. Through this Observation Point, Kari can visualize the location as if she had an extra pair of floating eyes and can also [i]hear[/i] everything through this Observation Point. With Observation, Kari can explore various locations without [i]physically[/i] being there and establish Observation Points to gather information from different parts of the same building, across St. Portwell, or even in entirely separate dimensions. Unlike traditional scrying spells, which require an existing connection to the target, Kari's Observation can leap into unknown places and navigate as needed. She can adjust her perspective, zooming in or panning out as required, and it can move through walls, floors, and other barriers completely undetected by mundane means. Not only that, Kari can create up to [i]four[/i] Observation Points and move them around independently of one another, which is a powerful asset. However, creating multiple Observation Points increases the strain on her mind, requiring far more concentration and causing more fatigue with extended use. [indent][color=#eac6ae][b]The Loving Eye ⫻[/b][/color] A sub-spell under Kari's overall Observation spell, this allows her to create an observation point on someone she loves or cares about at will. Once created, the observation point stays with and follows the person, enabling Kari to watch over them from wherever they are, regardless of whether or not they're in the same dimension. The observation point provides real-time visual and auditory information, allowing her to keep a [i]loving eye[/i] over them.[/indent] [color=#eac6ae][b]INTUITIVE PERCEPTION ⫻[/b][/color] This discipline, characterized by its focus on information spells, plays a crucial role in Kari's spellbook. These spells harness the power of perception and intuition, allowing her to gather insights and uncover hidden truths with a touch or a focused gaze. Each spell within this group offers a unique way for Kari to gain information, whether through direct contact with objects and people or by tapping into the subtle energies surrounding apparitions and artifacts. [indent][color=#eac6ae][b]Mechanical Insight ⫻[/b][/color] A spell that allows Kari to instantly learn the inner workings of an object with a mere touch. When she makes contact with an item, she gains knowledge of its construction, functionality, and possible uses. The depth of understanding depends on how long she touches the object; she can discern even intricate details and subtle mechanisms with prolonged touch. With this ability, she can identify weak points, locate hidden compartments, and gain insight into complex devices or artifacts. [color=#eac6ae][b]Apparition Insight ⫻[/b][/color] This spell grants Kari an instinctual understanding of Apparitions by allowing her to view their aura and concentrate on it. She can determine what belief or emotion spawns the Apparition and get a general sense of their Abstraction. As she gazes into the aura, the spell reveals clues about the Apparition's nature and, thus, its intentions. [color=#eac6ae][b] Artifact Intuition ⫻[/b][/color] A crucial spell in the fight against the Stygian Snake, one that Kari made to help the Old Coven decide if a recovered artifact was helpful or not. When Kari places her hands on an artifact, she can instantly sense its magical properties, understanding its intended use and any hidden functions it might possess. The longer she holds the Artifact, the more detailed her understanding becomes, allowing her to identify its core mechanisms and deduce how to activate or utilize its magical properties. [color=#eac6ae][b]Pericognition ⫻[/b][/color] Pericognition is a spell that enables Kari to gain contextual information from an object through touch. Instead of focusing on the internal workings, this spell allows her to understand the [i]history[/i] surrounding the item. When Kari places her hand on an object, she can sense its past — such as the last few people who handled it and significant events in which it was involved. The longer she maintains contact, the deeper her insight becomes, allowing her to create a timeline of key moments or interactions related to the object. [color=#eac6ae][b]Fate-Touch ⫻[/b][/color] When Kari touches someone, she can gain insight into their fate, perceiving hints about events in their future. It's not quite the ability to see when it's somebody's time to go, but she can provide a vague guess on it on touch. With prolonged contact, she can gain information on events in a person's purple, and the longer she maintains contact, the more evident this will become as she learns about the timing of those events. [color=#eac6ae][b]Tracer ⫻[/b][/color] Tracer is a spell designed to detect the residual energy left behind by magical disturbances. When cast, Tracer scans an area for any signs of magical activity for Kari and creates a floating glowing orb at the [i]exact[/i] spot where it occurred. By focusing on this orb, Kari can identify the type of magic used, giving her knowledge on both the abstAbstraction used and the kind of Paranormal-Being(s) involved. Additionally, the Tracer spell picks up a "scent" of the residual energy, which manifests as a flowing glowing trail leading toward the source of the disturbance. The trail can guide Kari to the Paranormal-Being responsible for the magical event. [color=#eac6ae][b]Information-Sharing ⫻[/b][/color] Information-Sharing allows Kari to transfer information gathered from her other spells to another person through touch. She can share details from Precognition or Mechanical-Insight by placing her hand on another person. This spell was crucial in the fight with the Stygian Snake and allowed her to share the location of the Apparition Killer and where the Stygian Snake's forces were. However, the transfer process can be disorienting and might take time for the recipient to comprehend it fully.[/indent] [color=#eac6ae][b]THE LOVING-BOND ⫻[/b][/color] This spell group is driven by [i]compassion[/i] and represents Kari's bond the people she loves and her ability to connect to them without magic. The spells in this discipline revolve around Kari's emotional ties, allowing her to locate, aid, and understand the people close to her. [indent][color=#eac6ae][b]Emotional Spectrum ⫻[/b][/color] This spell allows Kari to view the auras of people around her and [i]understand[/i] their emotional states based on the colors she perceives. When cast, Emotional Spectrum manifests as an array of colors around the people in her vicinity. Each color corresponds to a specific emotion or state of mind: red signifies anger, blue represents sadness, green indicates happiness, yellow points to fear, and so forth. As Kari observes the person, she can identify emotional shifts and gauge the intensity of someone's feelings. [color=#eac6ae][b]Friend-Finder ⫻[/b][/color] This spell allows Kari to locate her friends across significant distances by utilizing her emotional connection to find them using her White Lux. When cast, the spell locks onto the friend's aura signature, highlighting it with a color unique to them and can be seen by anybody nearby. This creates a path on the ground, guiding Kari or others directly to the person. The path's brightness and clarity depend on the strength of the bond between Kari and her friend. [color=#eac6ae][b]Tender Embrace ⫻[/b][/color] A spell that allows Kari to assess a person's physical and emotional condition through touch. When she lays her hand on someone, the spell gently reads their body's signals and mental state, giving Kari a clear sense of any injuries or underlying emotional distress. [color=#eac6ae][b]Compassionate Insight ⫻[/b][/color] Compassionate Insight allows Kari to trace the origin of a person's injury. By focusing on a wound, she is pulled into a Recollection that begins a few moments before they receive the injury and ends directly after the wound has been received. [color=#eac6ae][b]A Friend in Need ⫻[/b][/color] A passive spell that grants Kari an intuitive danger sense when her friends or loved ones are in peril. It manifests as a surge of awareness in her mind, alerting her to when someone close to her is in distress. Guardian Angel allows Kari to briefly see the auras of her friends and loved ones to determine their exact location. The spell's sensitivity is tied to Kari's emotional bond with the individuals involved, with more robust connections yielding more precise warnings. [color=#eac6ae][b]The Guiding Light ⫻[/b][/color] A spell Kari created to help people find her if she was ever in danger or got lost. It allows her to create a towering beacon of light that pierces the heavens, revealing her location to friends and allies. When cast, The Guiding Light emits an intense beam of light that can be seen from all over, even through solid barriers or dense obstacles. It serves as a pinpoint of Kari's location, no matter what obstructions might exist. The Guiding Light's intensity is directly proportional to Kari's emotional state, with stronger emotions producing a more potent beam. [color=#eac6ae][b]Touching-Echo ⫻[/b][/color] Touching Echo embodies Kari Wilson's profound connection to her cherished memories and her desire to share them with those she holds dear - or leave behind a warning. Through this spell, Kari can leave behind a magical imprint of a memory in a location, that is experienced as a Recollection either when they enter or spend a significant time in that area. A Touching Echo can remain in a location for [i]years.[/i][/indent][/indent] [color=#eac6ae][b]LIMITS ⫻[/b][/color] [indent][color=#eac6ae][b]OBSERVATION ⫻[/b][/color] While using Observation, Kari has to remain stationary and [i]focus,[/i] if she is moved or attacked while using this spell, the Spell can be canceled entirely. Kari must find a secure and quiet location to concentrate when using Observation, which can restrict her ability to use the spell in chaotic or high-stress situations. The more Observation Points Kari creates, the more challenging it becomes to maintain control. Each additional point increases the cognitive load, requiring her to focus more and manage the resulting mental strain. While a single Observation Point can be maintained with relative ease, adding more can lead to disorientation and a shorter duration of use. Kari cannot use any of her other spells while using Observation. [color=#eac6ae][b]INTUITIVE PERCEPTION ⫻[/b][/color] If Kari overuses these spells, she risks severe fatigue, headaches, or even temporary loss of magical abilities due to mental exhaustion. The Mechanical Insight spell works best on physical mechanisms. The information gained might be minimal or irrelevant if the object relies on magical constructs. Fate-Touch can only offer insights into specific pivotal moments rather than a comprehensive view of a person's future, meaning Kari might miss significant events or draw incorrect conclusions. The Tracer spell has a half-hour time limit; beyond this, the glowing trail gradually fades until it disappears entirely. This spell can be used once per magical disturbance. Tracer's scent-based tracking might be imprecise in crowded or heavily trafficked areas, where the residual energy from multiple sources could cause confusion or misleading trails. Information-sharing can only transfer information gathered from the Observation and the Intuitive Perception disciplines. It cannot share knowledge or memories unrelated to these spells. [color=#eac6ae][b]THE LOVING-BOND ⫻[/b][/color] The Emotional Spectrum spell has a limited range of around three meters; anyone outside of it will be out of range. Environmental factors such as low light can interfere with the spell's effectiveness, making the auras unclear. The spell can overwhelm Kari with sensory input if many people are in the area, making it difficult to focus. Friend-finder requires a strong emotional connection to lock onto a specific person, and if Kari's bond with someone weakens, she may not be able to use the spell on them. The spell also doesn't reveal barriers, obstacles, or other hazards along the path, which is the shortest route to them. The Friend in Need spell's "warning system" can sometimes trigger false alarms if a loved one is startled or under mild stress. The spell doesn't grant detailed information about the danger, only a general sense of distress. Its sensitivity is tied to Kari's emotional bond with people; if she's emotionally distant, the warning might not trigger. The Guiding Light lasts a limited duration, typically a few minutes, and gradually fades in time. While the beacon is [i]highly[/i] visible, its effectiveness diminishes with distance, and its range is limited by terrain and weather conditions. Casting The Guiding Light consumes a significant amount of Kari's energy, limiting the number of times she can use it in a short period. It also has an hour of cooldown time before it can be used again. Creating a Touching Echo requires significant energy and concentration from Kari. She can only leave behind a limited number of echoes (around five) at any given time, and each one demands careful crafting and maintenance.[/indent] [color=#eac6ae][b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/b][/color] [indent][color=#eac6ae][b]OBSERVATION ⫻[/b][/color] Observation is a powerful tool in Kari's arsenal. However, it comes at a cost. First and foremost, Kari has seen things she does [b][i]not[/i][/b] want to see more times than she can count, and the thoughts of it make her [i]shudder[/i]. So, she can't use it willy-nilly, or else her psyche will not be able to handle it. Observation has made people uncomfortable in the past, as a spell that lets her spy on people without their knowledge is a potent tool.. she has to be careful who she informs of this ability and how she uses it. Observation has caused so much detachment and self-hatred in Kari due to her ability to see events but have no direct control over them as they play out. She watched her three friends die and was helpless to save them, which made her feel intense helplessness and guilt, which interfered with her social life. Prolonged use of Observation, especially with multiple Observation Points, can cause significant mental strain on Kari. This strain can manifest as intense headaches, fatigue, nausea, and dizziness. In extreme cases, excessive use of Observation could lead to memory loss or unconsciousness. Finally, while using Observation, she loses [i]all[/i] ability sense through her body, leaving her vulnerable to attack. She has to remain immobile the entire time, which cannot help. [color=#eac6ae][b]INTUITIVE PERCEPTION ⫻[/b][/color] Using Mechanical Insight on complex or magical objects for too long can lead to sensory overload, causing intense mental fatigue and confusion. Staring into an Apparition's aura for too long might expose Kari to negative energy and spiritual corruption. This can lead to disorientation and paranoia or even allow the Apparition to extend its influence on Kari and control her. Focusing on an Apparition's aura can alert the Apparition to Kari's presence, allowing them to see [i]her aura[/i]. Artifact Intuition may expose Kari to cursed Artifacts, and by using this spell, certain artifacts might carry lingering memories or emotions that can affect Kari's psyche. Environmental conditions, such as wind, rain, fire, etc, can disrupt or destroy the trail created by the Tracer Spell, making it harder for Kari to follow or detect. [color=#eac6ae][b]THE LOVING-BOND ⫻[/b][/color] The Guiding Light is incredibly bright and noticeable, and everyone, friend and foe alike, can perceive it and track down her location. However, the other spells within the Loving Connection have no notable weaknesses or drawbacks.[/indent][/INDENT] [sup][b] [color=#eac6ae]Other[/color][/b][/sup] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"I am the [b]key[/b] to everyone's happiness!"[/i] [indent][/INDENT][/hider][hider=Kari's Relationships][table][row][cell][h3][color=f4eb93][b]Britney[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Williams[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/viOvXFI.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"How could you do this to us?"[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 4:[/b] [i]Britney. Williams. Even writing your name makes me angry. I trusted you - we [b]all[/b] did. How could you? You were supposed to be our [b]best.[/b] Our [u][b]champion[/b][/u]. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't even know the Apparition Killer [b]existed[/b]. But I guess your idea of protection was a lot different from everyone else's, but who knows what you were thinking. Forcing people to bond with Apparitions. [b]Cursing them?[/b] You acted like you had the[b] right[/b] to play God with people's lives. You ruined Luca's life, you know that, right? The worst part was how you tried to justify it. It was all for the greater good, and we should all just accept that [b]you[/b] had to make some "tough choices." But who gave you that right? Who? Who decided you could play with people's lives and then wash her hands of the whole thing? Yeah, that's right. [b]No one did you bitch.[/b] And the worst part? You [b]still[/b] don't get it. You think making a few apologies, a few gestures, will fix everything. You [b]ruined[/b] things for everyone, and [b]you're[/b] the reason we couldn't trust each other. You [b]ruined[/b] something beautiful, the only place I felt like I ever belonged. So, Britney, if you ever read this [s](you never will)[/s]: know that you can [b]never[/b] undo what you've done. You can't just apologize and think it'll fix everything. I'm not sure you even realize the [b]damage[/b] you've caused but let me stop here. I need a minute to calm myself myself.[/i][/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=3874f4][b]Drake[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Blackmore[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Zw9wfIE.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"Father Wolf should have taken you instead of Jade."[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 172:[/b] [i]Drake Blackmore. You're an idiot. Nothing but an overgrown man-child - Do you even [b]think,[/b] Drake? Is it [b]all[/b] about showing off your magic? It's always been about you, is it? You were the one who charged off without thinking, the one who couldn't be bothered to listen to anyone else's plan because you were too busy. You were always acting like you were some sort of superhero. But heroes don't get people killed. You do. You couldn't even save your own [b]father.[/b] Saskia is dead because of you, Drake. Saskia's blood is on your hands, and you don't even seem to give a shit. You're too caught up in your own little world. [b]Fuck you, Drake Blackmore. You should've [u]died[/u][/b]-[/i] (The rest of the sentence is not legible) [i]Did you even think about her, about how much she mattered to Lisa, Ella, and[b] me?[/b] No, you were too busy living in your own fantasies, playing knight in shining armor - that you will never be - without any regard for anyone else. Even after all of that, you have the audacity to run around like you're Batman, and hurt more people? Yeah, I know all about it. I'm all-knowing. [b]All-seeing[/b], remember? [b]Or is your head that far up your ass![/b] Kenshiro is wrong to think that you're anything more than an idiot. Now, you're trying to avenge Jade, when you couldn't even save her in the first place! When I went to her funeral, I couldn't even look you in the face. Jade deserved better. You're not a hero, Drake. You're a danger to everyone around you. And the worst part? You won't even [b]admit[/b] it. You're just a broken boy with magic and no sense. And I can't forgive you for taking Saskia away from me. So yeah, Drake, and keep acting like everything is [b]fine[/b]. Keep pretending you're some sort of savior. When it blows up in your face, don't act like nobody told you! And don't you[b] dare[/b] forget that Saskia's death is on [u][b]you.[/b][/u] You might never understand what that means, but I can only hope it haunts you until the day you die. Just to close this out one last time... Fuck you Drake.[/i][/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=White][b]Alizée[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Altieri[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZGUJ1xQ.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"I hope you win this battle, Alizée Altieri. I hope you get rid of that parasite before he leads you to your death."[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 922:[/b] [i]Hey Alizée, I get it. I know there's a higher chance of getting struck by [b]lightning[/b] than you ever read this, but [b]I,[/b] Kari A. Wilson, understand... [u][b]You never asked for this.[/b][/u] The Void Heart is scary. And what he was making you do was... scary. But, the Old Coven should've [u][b]helped[/b][/u] you, not demonized you. But instead, they just pushed you away and ignored your silent cries for help. You hurt people. We can't get around that. But, you didn't have a [b]choice.[/b] If the Void Heart wasn't in the picture, things would have been different. We could have given you one of the artifacts I found, and everyone would be okay. You should've been a hero, but instead, you became the problem, and none of that was right. That’s the thing; no one understands how [b]hard[/b] it is for you. They just see the night-stalking, the dangerous stuff, but they never see your battle. You have to deal with that apparition [b]every. Single. Day.[/b] Its whispers, its demands. It's always there tempting you like a devil on your shoulder, and you're supposed to just... [u]ignore[/u] it? If the Coven had helped you, things would have been different. Maybe you wouldn't have to act like everything was fine when it wasn't. I think they should've tried to understand and [u][b]help[/b][/u] you instead of making you feel like an outcast. But I guess that was just another failure of the Old Coven. It's not your fault that the apparition does what it does. Ashley demanded you leave and look what happened to them? The Coven fell apart, [b]while you still had to deal with the Void Heart.[/b] They could've done more for you, should've done more for you. Anyway, I just want you to know that someone understands. I get that [b]you’re[/b] not the villain here. I hope you find a way to deal with it, a way to get back some control. It’s not too late to turn things around, you know? Maybe one day, they’ll see that. Love you, friend, even if you don't know it.[/i][/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=CD5C5C][b]Linqian[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Han[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1o7sydk.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"I kept my distance from you for my own safety."[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 387:[/b] [i]Jinhai. What a guy. He always had this charm, you know? Tall. Hunky. And smart. It was just how he carried himself that made me like him. But there was more to him [s](There always is)[/s]? It always felt like he was playing a game, and he was the only one who knew [i]how.[/i] He never put himself in danger, even when the rest of us were out there, risking our lives against the Snake. I guess I can't say much because I was the same way. I was never a fighter, my White Lux was useless out there, I was too valuable, or whatever lie I told myself. Soooooo... whenever someone came at his neck about that, I felt like I was getting too! Even though a lot of the Old Coven [b]adored[/b] me for everything I did, and nobody in their right mind would ever criticize[b] me.[/b] That's why I was there defending you. [sup]Notice me.[/sup] But then there's your twin... Linqian. She's a whole different discussion. Everything about her was so jarring... and I just couldn't stand her hot and cold attitude, I'm sorry. One day she'd be all smiles, the next, she wouldn't even look at you. And she had this way of causing all these [u][b]problems[/b][/u], you know? Like, she'd just start an argument out of nowhere, and it's all downhill from there! I just think she did it all for the attention. There was too much drama and too many fights, and I had enough on my plate without getting involved in... whatever was going on with her that particular day. I just couldn't deal with it, I'm sorry! But Jinhai... yeah, it's a shame he left the Coven. If he had stayed, maybe things would've been different - but what's done is done. Even if he was a bit too self-serving for his own good, he just had this vibe about him... ... It made you feel like he could handle[u][b] anything.[/b][/u][/i][/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=6B8E23][b]Luca[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Oliviera[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/w5vRg9v.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"Despite it all, I still love you, Luca."[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 312:[/b] [i]Luciano... Luca. You're one of the Old Coven's many mistakes on legs... no, let me rephrase that, I'm not trying to say that [b][u]you're[/u][/b] the mistake. But, I wish things had turned out differently for you. I remember when Britney brought you to the Sycamore Tree coven, looking like you had just had the worst day of your life! It was hard not to feel for you—you didn’t deserve to be stuck with that apparition... I tried, you know? I spent hours scouring the All-Verse, looking for any clue, anything how to help you. It felt like I was looking for the Apparition Killer again! But, I never found anything that could get rid of that thing, but I didn't give up. I would never give up on a brief. You never did, either. I admired that about you. Even when it was bad, you kept that smile on your face and kept trying to see the positive side. It must have taken a lot of strength... [b]... [u]But then you joined the fucking 8th Street Coven. [/u][/b] I get it. You just wanted to be rid of that damned Apparition, but Emily... she is [b][u]evil,[/u][/b] Luca. She's a cancer on everything she touches. She bullied Lisa, Saskia, and Ella, for fun, and I'll [b]never[/b] forgive her for that[s] (Especially now that they're gone. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.)[/s]. She's a manipulative monster, and she [b][u]will[/u][/b] ruin lives just to get ahead even if it's a little, and you're not like that. You're too kind, too trusting. Maybe 8th Street seemed like your best shot, [b]but you should have given me more time.[/b] All I needed was more time. That's why I turned my back on you. Was I the wrong one? Probably. But, I miss you. I wish I could go back and find a way to fix all this. But, at the end of the day, you made your choices, and I made mine. Take care, Luca. I hope you can keep that positivity, even when it seems hopeless. Don't [b][u]ever[/u][/b] let it get to you. Find something, anything, to make it all worth it. And remember, I did try. I really did. I just wish it had been enough.[/i][/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=Silver][b]Sloane[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Faris[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MoGapjb.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"We had something good once, but you threw it all away because you couldn't be bothered to care about what other people went through."[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 442:[/b] [i]Sloane, I thought we were on the same page here. We spent so much time working together in the Old Coven, at least as much as anyone can with you. I know you were serious about your work, and you were just trying to keep us all grounded. But did that [b]really[/b] mean you had to be so stone-cold about everything? I always felt like you never understood people, or maybe you just didn't care. Your attitude was unbearable sometimes, I'm sorry. Did you ever think about how your words came across sometimes, or did you just feel like you were just more important than everyone else and, thus, disregarded other people entirely? I can't tell you how many times you made things harder than they needed to be. Yes, your whole thing is maintaining order in the face of chaos, and we needed that during the war with the Snake more than anything - but that doesn't mean you had to be [u][b]sooooooo[/b][/u] harsh [u][b]all the time[/b][/u]. It's like you lived in your own world where everyone's just a piece on a chessboard, and if they didn't move the way you wanted them to; you threw them away. You demanded [u][b]respect[/b][/u] but never gave any back, not really. You were always rolling your eyes, sighing, or crossing your arms like everything was a burden to you. And you wanted to be a [u]leader. [b]Really?[/b][/u] However, despite it all, I knew you weren't as bad as they made you out to be. There is good in you. They voted you out, and as much as I tried to fight it, I couldn't fight against the tide of the Old Coven. Despite that, you [b][u]still[/u][/b] wanted to protect St. Portwell. You wanted to take artifacts out of the hands of monsters, and other bastards that hurt people. I [b]agreed[/b] with that. I helped you find these artifacts before they could be used to hurt people. It always felt like you were using me. You never called to ask how I was doing or if you wanted to hangout. No. It was just all business, but you were doing good. I thought that maybe, in time, you would lighten up and get some much-needed [b][u]perspective.[/u][/b] But then Emily G. Reed started harassing me to join 8th Street, and when I asked you for advice, you suggested I just join them. [u][b]Really, Sloane?[/b][/u] Did you forget what Emily did to Lisa? She damn near drove Lisa to [b]suicide[/b], and not only did she show no remorse, she kept bullying her - and Saskia and Ella, too. Did you forget how I feel about those three? Or did you just not care?[u][b] It felt like a slap in the face.[/b][/u] You [u]know[/u] how much I hate Emily, and yet you suggested I join them like it was nothing. So yeah, fuck you. I had to do something [u][b]drastic[/b][/u] just to maintain my personal autonomy. You can be all about honor and duty and whatever, think you're the smartest person in the place, and delude yourself into thinking you're doing the right thing (You know who the fuck else thought they were doing the right thing? Lemme give you a hint: it starts with a B), but you don't get a free pass to treat people like trash. You need to learn some empathy. Or you're just going to end up a lonely and miserable woman, surrounded by a bunch of artifacts.[/i] [/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=DE198A][b]Tayla[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Choi[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Y2NoC6c.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"At some point, I just couldn't watch it anymore."[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 889:[/b] [i]It's hard to write this, but I guess I need to. I remember when we used to hang out, back when we were fighting the Stygian Snake. You were always so full of life, even if you had that edge to you. It made you fun to be around, and I think you knew it. But then things changed after James died. That was a turning point for all of us, but for you, it was like the world just crumbled beneath you. I watched you start slipping, bit by bit. I tried to keep an eye on you with my Observation spell, the Loving Eye - Okay, I know it was fucked up to spy on you like that, but I just wanted to make sure you were [b]okay.[/b] It was my way of caring, even if I didn't know how to say it to your face. You were already slipping into darkness and I thought that maybe I could find a way to help you. But the more I watched, the worse it got. The drugs were your escape. I get that. It was a way to numb the pain, to forget what you'd lost, I watched you fall deeper into that hole, and it scared me. But you didn't want help, or maybe you just didn't know [u][b]how[/b][/u] to ask for it. I just stood there, watching from a distance, hoping you'd get better. But you didn't. You just kept sinking, and I couldn't watch anymore. I don't remember what was the last day I used The Loving Eye on you, but I know I did it. I had no choice. It was starting to hurt [u][b]me[/b][/u] and I already have my [u][b]own[/b][/u] demons. I just hope that one day, you'll find your way back, not to the Coven because there's... nothing to come back to anymore, but to[u][b] yourself.[/b][/u] To the person you used to be before everything went sideways. Because that person is still in there, beneath all the pain and the scars. And I want to believe that one day, you'll see her again. You deserve a second chance, and if that's not enough; a third and fourth.[/i][/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=FFC1CC][b]"Edict"[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Devola[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/EWBD7FA.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"You made your bed, and now you can lie in it."[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 582:[/b] [i]Greyson, do you even know what it's like to be in the background? Because that's what I was to you: just another face in the crowd, not worth your time to say so much as [b]hello[/b]. We were in the Sycamore Tree Coven together, in this fight as one. It was all about you, wasn't it? You manipulated everyone to get what you wanted. You never cared about the rest of us, just about how you could stay on top. It was wrong for the Old Coven to use you as they did, but I couldn't help but feel like you deserved it, as fucked up as it sounded. Then, you started taking our channelers - items that were [b][u]important[/u][/b] to us - and held them hostage. I was against voting anyone out, but I made a special exception for you, Emily, Hagan, and [b]Britney.[/b] Oh, I heard you and her were a thing after you got booted. I wonder how [b]that[/b] worked out for you. You know what's sad? Even after all that, some part of me still hoped you'd come back and at least [b][u]try[/u][/b] to make things right. But then I realized you probably don't even remember my name. I was just someone to be used and thrown when I was no longer helpful. I [u][b]wanted[/b][/u] to believe there was more to you than that, but I guess I was wrong. So go ahead, keep playing your games, and keep working on your deals. Don't ever come to me asking for a favor, because I know a rat like you eventually will. [/i]][/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=6644ff][b]Jack[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Hawthorne[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NvqYYuh.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"Come home Jack. We need you."[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 666:[/b] [i]You know, I gave this page an edgy number... you know what, forget about it. You always had that vibe that made everyone stop and think, "What's he up to this time?" You were the one who could pull off stunts that the rest of us couldn't even think of And it always made me worry. [u][b]"What if you got yourself into something that even you couldn't get out of?"[/b][/u] I always had that thought whenever I soooo much as looked at you. I know you probably would take that as an insult, but think about the people around you for a second. From the day we met, you were doing things that most people wouldn't try—and I'm not sure if it was bravery or just recklessness. I mean, during the battle against the Stygian Snake, you followed that beast while we were trying to figure out what the hell we were going to do next. You lost your arm, and I remember thinking, "That's it, he's done." But you just made yourself another one, and I was like, "Cool." I admired how you just keep pushing, but it also made me wonder how much of you was still... you. I know how you felt when you lost Reza. Believe me, I'm still dealing with it to this day. I understood why you left, but I was watching over you the whole time you explored the All-Verse. It was like I was right there next to you! It was fascinating, but also nerve-wracking... I never knew if you'd ever make it back. Then you took off to the Void, and I lost track of you completely. The Observation spell doesn't work there. You were gone for what felt like forever, and I couldn't help but worry... I can only hope that you're still alive. So... Take care, Jack. I know you'll do the right thing, even if it's not what we expect. And that's more than enough.[/i][/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=goldenrod][b]"Sully"[color=2e2c2c].[/color]McPherson[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Sp7PIxV.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"Sometimes, Sully, [b]the right thing[/b] to do is to say "no." To draw a line and stick to it."[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 3736:[/b] [i]Sully... You had this way of making everyone feel like they[u][b] belonged,[/b][/u] even the shy kids like me. I'll always remember how you encouraged me to speak up and be myself. I wouldn't have become who I am without you pulling me into the circle and showing me how to loosen up and have some fun. For that, I thank you. I remember you always had the "king's cup" with you, this big silver goblet that you swore could fix anything. You had something special with that Chalice. You always had this gift for making people feel [u][b]welcome,[/b][/u] no matter where they came from or what they believed in. When I exposed Britney's secret, I thought [b][u]you'd[/u][/b] understand. I figured you'd be angry like the rest of us. But you weren't. You defended her, said she was trying to make things right, that she deserved another chance. You made excuses for her, Sully. I couldn't believe it. After everything she did, you were still willing to give her a free pass. I knew you always saw the good in people, but Britney wasn't just pushing boundaries—she was crossing lines that shouldn't be crossed. She was (and probably still is to this) dangerous. You said that she meant well, that she deserved another chance. Meanwhile, The Rot is still adjoined to Luca... regardless of how I presently feel about him. You [u][b]always[/b][/u] prattled on about second chances, but you do realize that [u][b]not everyone deserves them, right? Right?[/b][/u] Sometimes, the best thing you can do for someone is hold them [u][b]accountable[/b][/u]. Otherwise, they'll never learn... I... I just don't know who you are anymore. If you won't see the harm someone like Britney caused, then I'm happy to never speak to you again, Sully. I still don't feel bad about trying to vote you out with her.[/i][/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=FFC1CC][b]Leon[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Richoux[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/FSxFXhZ.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"I used to look up to you, but my personal autonomy [b]is[/b] the most important thing in the world to me. So, it is what it is..."[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 284:[/b] [i]I remember when Leon first joined the Coven. He was an entire giant—like,[i] huge[/i]—and it was kind of scary. But, Leon Richoux, you made people feel safe just by being around, and people put incredible things on my name but even I couldn't do that. I really liked you then. I was scared for you when I heard that Lady Lelou was sealed into you. When the Coven broke up, you started changing... or maybe you were always this way. You started talking about the Temple and how it could help people find direction [s](something, I, to this day, desperately need)[/s]. I thought you were just being a friend, maybe just offering some advice. But then it felt like you were trying to [u][b]recruit me[/b][/u]. It was like you were trying to convince me that it was your way or the highway [s]when its not[/s]. You were pushing your mother's agenda on me. I know what she wants: she knows how powerful I am (It's like a curse!), and knows I'd elevate her plans to new levels. But I am [u][b]no one's[/b][/u] pawn - my autonomy and independence are the two most important things to me, and I will never let anyone take that from me. So, I had no choice but to cut you off for my own sake. I hope you find what you're looking, Leon, but I cannot help you find it.[/i]][/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=00FF98][b]Stormy[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Carson[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YPix3H6.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"You have my number, STormy, I know its hard but maybe we can pick the pieces up [b]together.[/b]"[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 112:[/b] [i]Stormy, you're one of the best. You stuck around until the end, even when others (including [b]Daisy[/b]) cut and run. You could've left when the Coven began to fall apart, but you stayed, and I can't help but respect that. I know I can trust you because you've proven that when things get tough, you don't just vanish like so many others. I still remember how you gave Britney hell for what she did. You made it clear that she couldn't get away with what she did to Luca, and how she gave Emily new avenues to be a monster. [u][b]That made me believe in you, Stormy.[/b][/u] I can't put into words how much the Coven owes you for not just protecting us with your shields, but [b]caring[/b]. You weren't just muscle—you were a [u][b]heart[/b][/u], and you used it well. You were always lifting others up and protecting them, even when you were having a rough time yourself. And that laugh of yours? It could make even the worst days better. I know you're carrying the burden of the people you couldn't save, but I want you to know that you're not to blame. It's people like me who were useless for doing anything other than [b]watching[/b] their friends get cut down. I hope you never change, Stormy. We needed more people like you. Maybe things would have been different. [/i][/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=9966CC][b]Anya[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Baksh[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/VvitzLT.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"You're not smart as you think you are... I can see through you, Anya."[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 492:[/b] [i]Anya, you've always talked like you have it all figured out, but as I got to know you, I knew you were just playing an angle [s](They always are, I hate it when people only want me for my magic)[/s]. You were never outright rude or anything— you just had this way of [u][b]pretending[/b][/u] to be friendly, and it always drove me up the fucking wall. I thought for the longest time, you were just being nice, but the more time I spent around you, the more I realized it was all a game to you. One big, fucked up game. I hated it, [s]I hated you.[/s] You only kept people around until they weren't useful to you anymore. You were always trying to get the upper hand because, just like Edict, you only cared about coming out on top. And the worst part? You'd make it seem like you were doing [b]us[/b] all a favor. You never shared anything [u][b]real[/b][/u] about yourself. Everything was fake. Fake. Fake. Fake. [u][b]You're fake.[/b][/u] You never wanted anyone to see the real you. And being around you was always a chore because I always had to second guess [b][u]everything[/u][/b] you did. Everything you said. Every gesture. I just had to be on guard around you at all times, and it was sooo exhausting. When it was time to vote you out, I abstained [s](like I always did)[/s], but they voted you out anyway, and you know what? I think we were better off without you. Yet I can't help but feel sorry for [b]you[/b]. You put on this act like you have everything under control like you are one step ahead at all times. But deep down, you're just insecure, and that insecurity made you [b]desperate[/b] to stay in control. I hope you grew as a person. I hope you found something better to do with your life.[/i][/cell][/row] [row][cell][h3][color=F08080][b]Evelynn[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Serenelight[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zXGJQom.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"You'll always have a place in my heart, even if we aren't currently together."[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 628:[/b] [i]Lynn, it's hard to write this you know. I wish we met under better circumstances, I really did. If it were different, we'd be together to this day. However, we found each other in the Old Coven during the darkest days... you were there for support when I lost all three of my best friends. You were the best. However, as time went on, those feelings for you weren't genuine, I was like some parasite using you for emotional support... only to ultimately toss you away. And I admit, that was my fault[s] it's always my fault[/s]. But I'm getting off track, Lynn. You have this lightness, even with all the weight you carry. It's hard to jot down, but that's what drew me to you. [u][b]You were something else and I ruined it.[/b][/u] Hold on, let me get back on track... We had a connection, Lynn—one that most people dream of finding. We shared the same fears and fought the same battles. Being with you made me feel whole, and it made everything else seem less important - even my grief. But we both had so much trauma, [u][b]so [/b][/u]much baggage and I thought that being together would help us both heal. But it felt like we were just clinging to each other, trying to keep ourselves from drowning. And I had to let you go. I didn't want to, but I knew it was for the good of both of us. It's obvious that neither of us were ready for a relationship. I miss you, Lynn. I know you’ve moved on, and I’m happy for you, but I wish it could've been different. I wish we could've healed together instead of falling apart. You'll never read this, but I want you to know that I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't enough. I'm sorry I led you on. I'm sorry for all of it and I hope you find someone better than me.[/i][/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=DA70D6][b]Lila[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Blackwood[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/CCk7att.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"You're a whole new person now, Lila."[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 372:[/b] [i]You were Lynn's friend, but we never really connected. I remember you as that one person who was really shy... that just followed the first person who knew what they were doing [s]we all did really[/s]. After the Snake, you changed everything about yourself... and it was finally free to be whoever you wanted to be. You were someone with big goals, you wanted to create a space for LGBTQ+ youth in St. Portwell. Because lord they need one. It felt like you were trying to leave a mark. I know you were close to Lynn, and that mattered to me because she cared about you. But you never really opened up to [b]me,[/b] though. Like you had something to hide, and that was fair given my Abstraction. But, you had this confidence... and I wondered if it was real or if you were just putting on a show. You were always around people, but it felt like you were keeping everyone at arm's length. It sounds oxymoronic until you're the one who has to witness it. Maybe that's why we never got to know each other. Maybe that's why you and Lynn clicked, you both had things you didn't share with everyone else.[/i][/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=98FB98][b]Jasper[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Wilde[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PaqYK3h.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"Jasper, you've always been this strange thing to me... like a piece of art I didn't have the brain cells to understand."[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 347:[/b] [i]You always seemed like an interesting guy, Jasper. You had this creative energy that was barely contained in a person. Chains on your hips, button-up shirts, and that gold chain peeking out from under—it felt like orderly chaos. I think you were more comfortable with that chaos than most people would be. I didn't know you as well as some of the others, but I never got why you always hounded Sloane. But forgetting about that, you always had this charm, even if you were battling your own demons. Lynn said you had this dream of living self-sufficiently, and it made sense. You always seemed to be doing your own thing, like you weren't a fan of the whole structure that the Coven had. You left early on, probably because of how... messy it got. That didn't surprise me. Your art was impressive, though, and it wasn't just the magic that was cool; it was the way you talked about it. You had [u][b]passion[/b][/u] for what you did, and magic just expanded our horizons. I think that's why people liked you. You had this vibe that made people want to be around you, even if you didn't always want to be around [u][b]them[/b][/u] [s]something we have in common.[/s] I wish we had more time to get to know each other, but things got crazy. I can't blame you for leaving. [/i][/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=fd8a6c][b]Adora[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Phoenix-Prescott[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/eL8NcDg.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"You're not alone in this, Adora, even if it feels like it, [b]you're not[/b]. I know you don't want to hear that, but it's true. We're all trying to pick up the pieces of what happened, and maybe we can help each other. You know where to find me, and I am never going to turn my back on you. And I am with you, [b]where ever [/b]you go. Just don't do anything you can't come back from."[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 7:[/b] [i]I bumped into Adora at the grocery store yesterday, and it was like seeing a ghost. She looked so distant, so lost in her own thoughts. I approached cautiously, not wanting to startle her. She was surprised to see me and [b]almost[/b] smiled before retreating back into her shell. I remember how Lisa's death hit her hard. I mean, it hit all of us hard, but you were right there and saw it with your own eyes as Lisa was ripped apart. In a way, I was right there, too, but... you had this fire in you, and now it's gone. But now, there's a heaviness in her heart, a sadness and trauma that weighs her down. It's like she's lost a piece of herself that she'll never get back. I tried to engage her in conversation, but I was really just talking to a wall. She's so distant now, it's clear that she's still haunted by [u][b]that day. [/b][/u] Despite it all, I can still see the old Adora in there, just little pieces of it that appear and disappear like a flash. She's still fighting, still trying to find (No, [b]fight[/b]) her way back to the light. And maybe, with time and support, she'll get there. The Coven turned their back on her, but I won't.[/i] [b]My Notes Page 727:[/b] [i]Okay, I have to dedicate two pages to Adora. Funny, ain't it? I just didn't think that last entry cut it, so I had to add more. But... You know I've always thought the world of you, Adora. Back in the Old Coven, you were one of the strongest. When you stepped into a fight, even our strongest members couldn't help but look on in awe. Even if we don't act like it anymore, we appreciate and love all you did for us, Adora. You saved so many lives, and for what? You had the power to just run and leave us to hang, but you [b][u]didn't[/u][/b]. There was this [b]fire[/b] in you... But now, it's like you're carrying around all the ashes from that fire. I can see it in your eyes, the way you get uncomfortable when I mention Lisa [b][s](I miss her too, believe me, I'll stop but it eats me up inside, too)[/s][/b]. I remember the day we lost her like it was yesterday [s](Because it was my fault)[/s]. You watched as she got ripped apart, and you broke. And I don't blame you. It breaks my heart to see you struggling just to get through the day. The way you used to inspire everyone around you to fight, that there was hope in a hopeless fight. And now you're just a shell of your former self. I know that's a bit harsh, but it's true. Even though there are some occasional glimpses of that person... [u][b]you are not the Adora that fought in the Trinity anymore.[/b][/u] But I want you to know, [b]I'm[/b] still here for you. I'm still your friend, and I'll always be. I'm glad you're letting me help, even if I feel like I don't know the right words to say to make you feel better. I don't know how long it'll take, but we [u][b]will[/b][/u] get through this. You don't have to do it alone. You're still strong, Adora. It might not feel like it, but even after everything, you haven't given up. And that's what makes you amazing. So when you're ready to be that powerhouse again, I'll be right there cheering you on.[/i][/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=7ABBFF][b]Layla[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Hyacinthus[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/N7lXXfC.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"You had this habit of fading into the background like you were trying to disappear. Made me wonder who you were hiding from."[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 1112:[/b] [i]You were always so quiet and kept to yourself. It was like you didn't want anyone to know you were even there. Honestly, that made me suspicious at first, but as time went on I figured you were just intimidated or just wanted to stay out of the Coven's many dramas. I was too busy trying to keep the peace to look into you much. There was always something going on that needed my attention more than you [s]. I know that sounds shitty, but it is what it is[/s]. I think most of the Coven didn't even realize you were [b]there[/b]. Now that I look back, I wish I’d taken the time to talk to you, maybe ask about those roses you carried around. But I didn't, and now I guess I’ll never know what was really going on with you. You always had this look in your eyes, like you'd seen things we couldn't believe. I think that’s why I stayed back. I had enough on my plate.[/i][/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=bcbcbc][b]Luna[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Inoue[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/JvQ05SQ.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"If you have even a shred of decency left; stay away from me. I have enough problems as it is."[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 23:[/b] [i]I can't believe you'd do this to us. We trusted you, and you sold us out. You were always kind of shady, by my admission but I gave you the benefit of the doubt. After everything we've been through... the battles, the chaos, the loss... and you sell us out to your stupid mafia? And for [b]what?[/b] Money? Your little boss patting you on the head and saying [b]you did a good job?[/b] What could possibly be worth betraying us? People who put their lives on the line to save you. What the hell were you [u][b]even thinking?[/b][/u] Did you even stop to consider what your actions would do to the rest of us? I'm valuable, Luna. I know that. You know that. Everyone knows that. My Observation Spell is a gift - and now it seems like a curse, because now I'm looking over my shoulder every minute. I'm wondering if the next face I see is going to shove me into a car so your boss can [b]force me [/b]to work for her. Or just take me out so she can keep her business in the dark. You know what that's like? To be constantly on edge? I bet you don't. Because you only thought about [b]yourself,[/b] and your stupid little mafia. But let me stop here: good luck with your new family, Luna! Mafias aren't known for their loyalty by the way, but in that case, you'd fit right in. Right, Luna?[/i][/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=white][b]Aislin[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Rose[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/HKitH8d.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"You made everything feel a little less heavy."[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 25:[/b] [i]It's been years, but you know why we're still close, right? You were always such a cool person, with your smile and art, you made everything alright. I can't even count the number of nights we spent just talking, laughing, and trying to make sense of the chaos. Your positivity and creativity kept me sane when things got bad. I never told you that [s]and I'll never have the courage to[/s], but it did. I don't know how you do it. Despite everything we've been through, you still find[b] beauty[/b] in the world [s]when I sometimes have a hard time myself[/s]. Your graffiti and drawings all have this energy that I wish I could replicate. You remind me that there's still good in the world, even when all hell is breaking. I know you don't like to talk about the past, but I want you to know that it's okay to feel the way you do. What happened with the Stygian Snake, and all the deaths that came with it— I get it. You don't have to carry that burden alone. I've got your back, and I always will. You forgave Alizée, even though I wouldn't have blamed you if you didn't. I remember when we first met in the Coven. You were always drawing on something, even when we were supposed to be planning, training, whatever. I'd find you scribbling on napkins, walls, and even the floor of our old lair. It drove some people crazy! I always thought it was great. You brought color and life to the place, and we needed it. So let's make a pact. No matter what happens, we stick together. We create our [b]own[/b] light, just like you do with your art. And if you ever need me, you know where to find me. I'm not going [b]anywhere.[/b] Say the word and I'll come.[/i][/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=7B81B3]Kenshiro[b][color=2e2c2c].[/color]Murakin[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D4xTZM7.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"I love you."[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 551:[/b] [i]You know you're everything I could ask for, right? I don't say it enough, but it's true. I mean, you're just... you're like the perfect blend of everything I adore. Mysterious yet familiar, strong but gentle. And you make the world a better place with just a smile. I love how you can be all serious and focused one moment, then switch to playful and teasing the next. It's like being with you is always an adventure, and I can't get enough of it. Okay, I could go on forever, but I won't. Just know that you're my favorite person in the world, and I can't wait to see you again. I know you left on your big adventure through the All-Verse and wanted me to join, but my place in the world isn't exploring the universe but finding my place in the world. That hasn't stopped me from watching over you with my Loving Eye—it's like I'm there, by the way! Maybe once I am in a better headspace, I'll join you. I wish I could show you my notes, but the life you live would make you a liability. I'm a liability too, but I won't stop. I know dangerous things, Ken. Things that should stay hidden from everyone, even from you. My observation spell lets me see places I shouldn't, but it's a part of me now, guiding me toward the truth in ways that can sometimes be frightening. But don’t worry, I have a plan to keep you safe. To keep [b]everyone[/b] safe. [/i][/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=00BFFF]Ayrin/Aaron[b][color=2e2c2c].[/color]Thorne[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/gBPPomE.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"Take care, Aaron. Or Aryin. Whichever feels right. I hope you find the peace you're looking for."[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 517:[/b] [i]Hey Aaron, or should I say Aryin? I always get confused with which name to use when I talk about you in my notes. You always wanted to keep people guessing? I didn't get to know you all that well when we were with the Coven, but I remember seeing you on the front lines. It was impressive, really [s]you saved lives. I was a bystander[/s]. You had this way of adapting to whatever the situation called for. I admired [b]that[/b] about you. I always wondered what it was like for you to live with two personalities. Was it exhausting? Or did it give you an edge? And then there was the whole thing with Emily... It takes a lot of strength to keep doing what you do and I never got the chance to really ask you how you were holding up. I hope you're doing okay now that the Coven's not around. I heard you've been hanging out at the 317, getting involved with some of the folks there. That's good. You need a place to belong, even if it's not with the Coven. It must be nice to have some kind of community. I might not have been the closest to you back then, but I get the whole "trying to find your place in the world" thing.[/i][/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=789caa][b]Amara[color=2e2c2c].[/color]King[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/WmdEpkp.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"You might not remember me, but I'll always remember you."[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 448:[/b] [i]Remember that time we were in the Old Coven's lair? You were putting the final touches on some battle plan, and I just feeding you information while reading a book. That was a weird dynamic, looking back. I mean, you were this... unstoppable force, always charging into battle without hesitation. I was just... watching you do your thing. You made it look [u][b]sooooooooooooo[/b][/u] easy. I remember the way you’d walk into a room and take control. People [b]respected[/b] you. Even when they disagreed with your plans, they listened. You had this aura of authority that was hard to ignore. You were intimidating, I can't lie about that. Even the way you talked was enough to make me nervous. But then I'd remember those moments when you let your guard down. When you’d sit back and just talk about life, about the things you missed out on because of all the fighting. I think that's when I realized that you were a person... a good person. You always took the time to ask me if I was okay, even if it was just a quick "Hey, you good?" It meant a lot, especially when everything around us was falling apart. I don't know if you'll even remember me in a few years because of how the Army of One works (don't get mad but I tested some of my Intuitive Perception spells on you), and that's okay. I guess I'm just grateful for the time we spent working together. You made me feel like I was part of something like I wasn't just some background character in someone else's story. I'll always remember you as one of the bravest people I've ever met. Take care, Amara. I have no clue where life took you after the Coven fell apart, but I hope you're happy.[/i]][/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=A299FD][b]The[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Void[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Heart[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/xl8H0Im.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"I can't wait for the day when you're just a distant memory."[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 923:[/b] [i]I don't even know why I'm bothering to write this, I'm only going to make myself mad and I wrote enough angry entries down into my journal. But, I can't believe what you did to Alizée. You turned her into your puppet, you sucked the soul right out of her. You know, she could have been something else, [b]someone[/b] else, if it weren't for you. Alizée could have lived her life, made her [b]own[/b] choices, and found herself. But you stole that from her and that is the true tragedy. You made her your pawn in some twisted game, pushing her to do your bidding, to hurt people. You saw her as a tool to help you satisfy whatever sick obsession you have with opening some "gate of paradise." Let me tell you something—there's no paradise where you're headed. Just an eternity sealed in some pen cap. You call yourself the Void Heart, but I think you're just void. Empty. Hollow.[b] Nothing[/b] but a parasite that feeds off the pain and suffering of others. You're not welcome here, Void. You never were. The sooner you're gone, the bette- [u][b]I have to stop myself here. I'm just making myself mad.[/b][/u] So, here's my final message to you, Void: Leave. Go back to your Void—or wherever you came from—[u][b]and don't come back.[/b][/u] Play your sick games somewhere else. [/i][/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=764820][b]Lisa[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Turner[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/SNoeSAk.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"I've already fallen..."[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 1:[/b] [i] I don’t—I don’t even know. I can’t—I can’t believe you're gone. It’s not real. It [b]can’t[/b] be real. Why did this happen? How? How did this happen? It’s not fair, Lisa. It’s not fair. This wasn't supposed to happen to you. Not to someone who had [b]so[/b] much life to life. It’s all wrong. All of it. I can’t—I can’t even think. I don’t understand. Why did this happen? I can still hear you laughing, talking about your spiders, and it’s not real. It’s not. You’re not there anymore. You’re gone, and I can’t do anything. I should’ve—I should’ve done something. I should’ve been there, but I can only[u] fucking [b]watch[/b][/u]. All I'm good for is finding things! I should’ve saved you, and now you’re not here. It’s my fault. It’s my fault, and I—I’m so sorry. I’m sorry, Lisa. I can’t—I can’t stop thinking about what happened. You shouldn’t have had to go through that. It’s not right. You didn’t deserve it. You deserved—oh God, you deserved [b]so[/b] much better, and now... now you’re just gone. And [b]I can’t fix it[/b]. And I [b]FUCKING[/b] hate it. I just want to hear you one more time, okay? Just one more time, hear you talk about whatever spider or weird ass thing you got into. I want you back [b]soooooooo[/b] badly. It’s not fair. You were the best, Lisa. You made everything better, and now everything is just... empty. You should be here. I’m so sorry, Lisa. I’m so sorry. Believe me, I'm so sorry. I should’ve done more. I should’ve—I should’ve-I should’ve—oh God, why didn’t I do [b]more?[/b] I should’ve done something. [u][b]It’s my fault.[/b][/u] And now... now you’re gone, and I don’t know what to do. I’ll never forget you, Lisa. I promise. I promise I’ll never forget you. I’ll keep fighting because that’s what you’d want. You’d want me to keep going, but it’s so [b][u]FUCKING[/u][/b] hard without you. I just want you back. I want you here, and it’s never going to happen. And I don’t know how to deal with that. I don’t. [s][b]Why am I such a fucking failure?[/b][/s] Goodbye, Lisa. I... I’ll see you again, okay? When it’s my turn. I’ll see you then. Just... just wait for me, okay? I’ll be there. I’ll find you. I promise. Just—just wait for me. Just wait. I’ll see you again. I will. I promise. I... I just miss you, okay? I miss you so much. Goodbye, Lisa. Goodbye. I just—I just can’t. Goodbye. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I just... I just can’t. Goodbye. Goodbye, Lisa. I’m sorry. So sorry. I miss you. I miss you. So much. Goodbye. I’m so, so sorry.[/i][/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=e77fbf][b]Ella[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Brooks[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/SxVqX5P.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"... I can't drive my head..."[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 2:[/b] [i]Ella... Ella... You were supposed to be here, with all your energy, and you’re just [b]gone.[/b] You shouldn't be gone, you didn't deserve it. It's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair... I can't stop thinking about your smile, and your laugh, and the way you made everything seem like it was gonna be okay. You had that magic, you know? I'm not talking about your abstraction but you could light up a room just by walking in, and I just... I just want you back. I need you back. You were the best of us, Ella. You were the best of us. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I couldn't save you. I should have been there, I should have done something, I should have stopped it. [u][b]Why didn’t I stop it? [/b][/u]WWhy didn’t I see it coming? You shouldn’t have been alone, not like that. It’s my fault, it’s my fault, it’s my fault. I should have done more and you would still be here with me. You know what I miss the most about you? Your voice. You always had something to say, always talking about anime and manga, and you always made it sound [b]so[/b] amazing. I miss you, Ella. I miss you so much. I miss your hugs, your stupid jokes, your ridiculous transformations, your smile,[b] everything[/b] about you. I just want you back. I'm sorry, Ella. I'm sorry I let you down. I'm sorry I couldn't save you. [u][b]I just want you back.[/b][/u] Please come back. Please. Please. I'm begging you. Just... just come back. Please. I miss you. I miss you so much. I miss you. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I should have saved you. I should have been there. I should have stopped it. I’m sorry. I miss you. I miss you so much. Goodbye, Ella. Goodbye. I’m sorry. I'm so sorry. I miss you. So much. So much. I'm so sorry. Goodbye. I miss you. I miss you. Goodbye. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I miss you. Goodbye. Goodbye, Ella. I’m sorry. So, so sorry. I miss you. I miss you. Goodbye. Goodbye, Ella. I'm sorry. So sorry. I’m sorry. I miss you. Goodbye. Goodbye, Ella. I miss you. I miss you. Goodbye. Goodbye, Ella. I miss you. Goodbye. I'm sorry. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye, Ella. Goodbye. I miss you. I miss you so much. Goodbye. Goodbye. I'm sorry. I’m sorry. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. I miss you. I miss you. I’m so sorry. Goodbye. Goodbye, Ella. Goodbye. I miss you. I'm sorry. Goodbye. Goodbye. I miss you. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. I’m sorry. Goodbye. Goodbye, Ella. Goodbye. I miss you. I miss you. I’m sorry. Goodbye. I’m sorry. Goodbye. Goodbye. I miss you. I miss you. Goodbye. Goodbye. I’m sorry. I miss you. Goodbye. Goodbye, Ella. Goodbye. I'm sorry. Goodbye. Goodbye. I miss you. Goodbye. Goodbye, Ella. I miss you. Goodbye. Goodbye, Ella. Goodbye. I'm sorry. Goodbye. I miss you. Goodbye. I’m sorry. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye, Ella. Goodbye. I'm sorry. Goodbye. I miss you. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye, Ella. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. I’m sorry. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. I miss you. I miss you. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye...[/i][/cell][/row][row][cell][h3][color=DC143C][b]Saskia[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Otten[/b][/color][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/vFf4Tvv.png[/img] [color=eac6ae][sup][i]"... It's [b]so[/b] hard wanting you."[/i][/sup][/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/center] [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell][b]My Notes Page 3:[/b] [i]I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. [b]Everywhere [/b]I go I keep seeing her face. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I should have been there. I should have done [b]something.[/b] I couldn't—why didn't I do more? I keep saying I can only [b]watch[/b], but I have the power to write this down, I could have done [b]something.[/b] I should've—I should've stopped her from going. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's like a loop in my head, and I [b]can't[/b] stop it. It keeps going round and round. I'm sorry. I keep saying it, over and over, because what else can I say? She's gone. And I can't—I can't fix it. I can't make it right. I can't—I can't do anything, and I'm just stuck with it, stuck with this. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I can't stop saying it. It won't—why won't it go away? I just want it to go away. I'm sorry. It's my fault. I should've been there. I should've stopped her. But I didn't. And now she's gone, and I'm here, and it doesn't make sense. None of it makes sense. Why did she have to be the one? Why not someone [b]else?[/b] There were [b]so many[/b] people that deserved what happened to you... Why not me? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It never ends. It just keeps going and going. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I can't—I can't fix it. And I don't know what to do. I don't know how to fix this. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I keep saying it because it's the only thing that feels right. It's the only thing that makes sense. But it's not enough. It won't bring her back. It won't change anything. And I'm [b]sorry. [/b] I'm sorry. I'm sorry.[/i][/cell][/row][/table][/hider]