Joey and Seto looked to Duke when he paused, hearing the news of where Yami had possibly disappeared to. It was silence for a bit till Joey grinned sheepishly. Kaiba looked to Wheeler and frowned but said nothing. He didn't want to know what was going on in that head of his. Joey's attention was suddenly on Yugi then when he woke up. He felt his mischievous nature rear it's ugly head but had to shake it away. "Mornin' Yug'! It's only Saturday. How ya feelin'?" He asks. Before getting an answer he looks to his duel disk that he forgot to take off and saw the glow. "Yo! What's this about?" He asks confused. Seto looked to his own and stared at it. He was not ready for whatever was going to happen next. For once he wanted a days peace and quiet so he could gather information. Yami was also fast asleep, probably the first time he had slept this deeply in a long time. His arms still wrapped around her, not having moved much.