"I," says Saber to the empty air, "Remain." Not that she can claim much beyond that. Her magical energy is burned down to nothing, her wounds sap her physical strength, and her Master is nowhere to be found. It is only by her continued presence in this state she can even infer that Diaofei survived this encounter. Perhaps that dragon proved its worth after the lackeys had been dispersed. Or perhaps they'd both been captured and the fox was simply not strong enough to drag her prey far enough away for the connection to break. "Master?" she calls, "If you can move, then come. I have need of your head." And if you're not then good luck. Your Servant is no longer in good enough condition to give you princess rides. Saber drops to one knee, propping herself up by the broken remains of her sword just to keep from toppling over any farther. Pathetic. Damage like this should be nothing to her. With even an approximation of her true strength she would have been swift enough to finish off Bohemond given this kind of opportunity, with power enough left over to tend to her wounds herself or even threaten her savior. But blood still seeps from these unworthy wounds she suffered at the hands of nothing more than debris and the pressure of the princeling's lance. Her core is intact, and burning with hungry fire, but that is the most optimistic assessment of her condition she can manage. Everything else is pain and fatigue. She had not expected to be called to war and wind up weaker than she'd been in life. This was a desperate moment. The solidarity of their shared pain had softened Saber's heart on the matter, but she could not afford to give Diaofei more than one more chance. Either they found a real source of usable mana, or she'd have to cut off her Master's hand and carry the remaining command seals to someone like Fluffymountains to forge a new contract. Power. She needed power. Strength enough to use her own gifts properly. To kill Actia it was worth any price. "As for you, newcomer: I take it from the lack of a second spear that you are interested in speaking? My head is not difficult to claim at the moment. Well if you are not here to deliver a warrior's death then step into the open. At minimum I would propose an exchange of information..."