[color=gray] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1217764770825113643/1220132261110874223/Ariella_1.png?ex=66301ab8&is=662ec938&hm=9f14ee65a366f32553ce6122a77c9f3849fd8d46497f3633bd7c427a89ed1a6d&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=377&height=567[/img][/center] [color=slateblue]Time:[/color] The night before [color=F0E399]Location:[/color] Secret Garden [color=slateblue]Mention:[/color] Callum [@helo] [color=F0E399]Interactions:[/color] [color=slateblue]Appearance[/color]: Wild curly hair, simple white dress, no shoes [i]The night before [/i] In the depths of her contemplation after the nod from Callum, Ariella's mind became a canvas for her own schemes. She delicately pulled the hood over her fiery red locks, a fond smile gracing her lips as she recalled Callum's compliment. It was an unexpected praise that made her see her hair in a new light, fostering a newfound appreciation for its vibrant hue. The world around her seemed to shimmer with an inexplicable brilliance as if the effects of the tea had transformed her surroundings into a living painting. With bare feet carrying her along, Ariella embarked on her journey back to the sanctuary of her secret garden, a smile adorning her face as she eyed all the beautiful colors of the night. As the night unfolded, she sauntered through the quiet streets, enveloped by the gentle glow of the stars above. Amidst the tranquility, a sign bearing the proclamation "KING EDIN CELEBRATION" caught her eye, prompting her curiosity. Observing formally attired figures exiting the nearby church, likely attendees to the crown, Ariella seized the opportunity for an investigation. With silent steps in the deserted streets, she stealthily approached the church, crouching low to avoid detection. Slipping inside, the absence of any lingering presence allowed her to lower her hood and take in the ghastly decorations adorning the sacred space. A sense of revulsion crept over her as she beheld the spectacle, akin to her mother's extravagant displays but magnified tenfold in the vanity of King Edin's worship. Navigating through the dimly lit interior, Ariella stumbled upon a sizable object concealed beneath a sheet. With a mixture of apprehension and intrigue, she unveiled the mystery, only to be greeted by the unsettling gaze of a ghastly portrait depicting the king. Suppressing a startled laugh after nearly having a heart attack, she surveyed her surroundings and discovered remnants of black paint left behind by diligent workers. A mischievous glint danced in her eyes as she contemplated her impish act. In her inebriated state, she seized the paintbrush with playful determination, adding her touches to the royal visage. Upon completing her clandestine masterpiece, she stepped back to admire her handiwork before carefully concealing it once more beneath the sheet. Exiting the church with her head held high and a mischievous grin adorning her features, Ariella embarked on her journey back to the sanctuary of her secret garden, her heart brimming with satisfaction. After an hour of meandering through the twisting paths of the woods, Ariella finally found her way back to the heart of her haven. With a soft exhale of relief, she drank in the serene beauty surrounding her. The tranquil sounds of owls hooting in the treetops above added an ethereal layer to the atmosphere, imbuing the air with a palpable sense of magic. Magic… Drawing forth a vial from beneath her cloak, Ariella gazed intently at the slender strands of hair ensconced within the glass tube. Earlier that day, during her brief encounter with Callum, habits took over and she plucked a few strands from his jacket. Collecting oddities had become somewhat of a habit for her, but this particular acquisition held a special significance. Feeling emboldened and fearless from the concoction of her evening, Ariella hastened to the ruins where she kept her prized collection of books. Among them lay one tome that even Callum was unaware she possessed. Pausing reverently before the book, she ran her fingers over its weathered cover, each touch a testament to the reverence she held for its secrets, yet her fear had kept her from delving into its pages. Adorned with silver engravings that gleamed against the black leather binding, the book exuded an aura of mystique. Carefully opening its pages, she sought out a specific spell — the luck spell. Following her conversation with Callum, Ariella was determined to aid her friend, knowing he was on the brink of potential danger. Yet, she sensed his reluctance to involve her further. Eager to wield magic for the first time in service of her friend, she set to work. Scouring her wooded sanctuary, she gathered materials — string, rope, and a heap of dried leaves. Arranging them beside the open book, Ariella flopped down clumsily onto the ground. Grabbing parts of the supplies she meticulously crafted a small doll, weaving strands of Callum's hair into its form. With each twist and knot, she imbued the doll with the essence of her friend. After what felt like an hour and once satisfied, Ariella read and re-read the passage in the tome, focusing on the spell's benevolent effects. With a serene smile, she closed her eyes, feeling a profound connection to the earth beneath her feet, amplified by the lingering effects of the tea she had imbibed earlier. [i]This spell channels the caster's energy into an object belonging to another person (such as a strand of their hair) to weave a shield of fortuity around them. Once activated, this spell enhances the subject's luck, subtly influencing circumstances and chances in their favor until a critical moment of need has passed. It's like an invisible hand gently nudging situations to benefit the shielded individual, manifesting as serendipitous occurrences or fortunate coincidences.[/i] As she chanted the incantation, she felt a surge of energy coursing through her veins, her very essence flowing into the doll. [color=slateblue]"Fortunam Adfluo,"[/color] she intoned, the words tinged with power. She felt a rush or a surge of energy escape her body, leaving through her fingertips into the doll she held tightly in her fingers. A trickle of blood seeped from her nose, unsure of if it worked she assumed the blood was at least a possible sign. Placing the doll beside the open tome, Ariella rose unsteadily to her feet, her movements sluggish and weak. Stumbling toward the nearby stream, she endeavored to cleanse herself of the blood, mindful to preserve her pristine gown. Yet, as she knelt by the water's edge, dizziness overtook her, the world spinning in a dizzying blur. With a sudden rush of exhaustion, Ariella collapsed onto the soft earth, unconsciousness enveloping her like a shroud. She lay by the babbling river, a slumbering figure amidst the tranquil embrace of the woods around her. [/color] [hider=TDLR] Ari left the event and drunkenly stumbled upon King Edin's church event being set up. She found some rather large paintings that scared her so she made it less frightening. Finding her way back to the woods, she decided in her drunken state that doing dark magic was a great idea. Using some hair that she got off of Callum's clothes she embedded it into a doll using magic to charm him with a luck spell to hopefully help whatever mission he was going on. She got a nose bleed and went to go clean up when she was knocked unconscious. [/hider]