[h2]Sakura[/h2] Now that things were less dangerous--and that meant [i]much[/i] less running around trying to avoid being accidentally shot, although towards the end she'd just been keeping an eye out to see if anybody needed to be pulled out of the way of a lethal blow--there was time to think. Not that she needed to do all [i]that[/i] much thinking, this was a ghost story. But they'd really got the perspectives backwards, and if it weren't for being so ridiculously overboard for a traipse through an abandoned mansion, they'd have been just another list of victims. Maybe with some fancier deaths. Plus, Tera's decision to become a [i]giant monster centipede[/i] of all things helped a bit more on the ideas front. "So... does anyone think I should go get a priest?" the girl wondered, playing with a strand of hair. "We wouldn't need one for exorcism, but I'm sure there's always room for another local god."