[color=lightgray][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YGxzxVR.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/A1P9wz0.png[/img][/center] [color=D0B4EC]Time:[/color]Evening [color=D0B4EC]Location:[/color] Calbert's Estate [color=D0B4EC]Attire:[/color] [url=https://i.imgur.com/AAsuurI.png]Hair Style[/url], [url=https://i.imgur.com/VSMqVVz.jpegg]Dress[/url] [color=D0B4EC]Interaction:[/color][@FunnyGuy] Lorenzo [/color] [color=D0B4EC]Mention:[/color] [@Potter] Olivia [@ReusableSword] Roman [hr] [color=lightgray] The morning light crept into Charlotte’s bedroom, bathing her in a warm glow as she sat quietly on the window sill. Still dressed in a flowing white nightgown, she somberly stared out at the world outside her room, the sound of the morning birds and leaves rustling in the breeze a gentle background to her steady thoughts. Her gaze was fixed on a large, old willow tree that was just in reach. Its branches swayed slightly, each leaf a bright green under the touch of the sunlight. Yet, the beauty of the morning did little to lift the heaviness in her heart. The events of the previous night played back in her mind—a whirlwind of masked faces, threats, and a dance that felt like both an escape and another trouble that would surely brew. She felt drained, even after the long rest, as if each step she had taken to the window had drawn a little more strength from her soul. As she leaned her head on the wooden frame of the window, a small twitch in her vision on a lower branch of the tree caught her attention. Her gaze soon settled on a little bird, its feathers ruffled and unkempt. It was perched precariously close to the edge. With each labored breath, its tiny chest rose and fell in rapid, struggling gasps. Charlotte's heart clenched at the sight as she furrowed her brows. She reached out a hand slowly, careful not to startle the suffering bird. The bird didn’t resist as she scooped it into her palms as it was too weak to fly away. Bringing it close to her chest, she could feel the fragile pulse of its tiny heart, a faint flutter against her skin. Sitting back against the cool frame with the bird cradled softly between her hands, she delicately stroked its blue feathers with her fingertip, barely touching the soft plumage. [color=D0B4EC] "It's alright, darling. You're not alone anymore."[/color] Over time, the bird seemed to relax slightly, its breaths less fraught. Charlotte watched it with a sadness that welled up from a place deep within her that she couldn't quite source. There was a reflective pause then, suddenly, she began to sing in a voice that was low and tender: [center][Hider=Music][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=so6ExplQlaY&ab_channel=Lulu[/youtube][/hider] [i][color=D0B4EC]Close your eyes, my little angel, On a branch on this tree, under the leaves of the willow, I found you here today, And now you're safe, As the morning embraces us, I'm here with you. Rest your wings now dear, the night is over now, And you're here with me, as the new day dawns. Close your eyes now, my dear little one, We're together, and together we'll always be. In my embrace, please find a sweet dream, You'll never have another thing to fear. So close your eyes and here we'll stay. In this morning dream, it'll just be you and me. So close your eyes now dear, my little angel, I found you here today, Under the leaves of the willow, As the morning embraces us, I'm right here with you. And right here in my heart, you'll always be.[/color][/i][/center] Her lullaby filled the air, at times louder than Charlotte had even noticed. Singing, and certainly music in general, had always been an outlet for her since childhood, but it had been one she had long set aside over the past year. As she sang, the first rays of the sun illuminated her face, casting her in a light that reflected the tears welling in her eyes. The bird's eyes slowly closed, and as the final note of her song drifted into the morning air, it seemed to find peace. Charlotte held it a moment longer, her tearing eyes locked on the bird. Then, gently, she placed it back onto the branch, her heart heavy but a smile forming on her lips. [color=D0B4EC]"I hope you found a lovely dream."[/color] She whispered. It hadn't been long after that when Delilah knocked on her door, and the two of them had climbed into her bed to have their morning tea ritual. Delilah would always bring the two of them team then they'd return to the warmth of the bed and chat over the newspaper. She was weary to find out that once again she and Lorenzo made the headlines and had groaned reading the gossip. Her sigh escaped her lips as she read on, her dismay deepening when she learned that Roman, one of the sweetest people from the Varian Kingdom, made the headlines as well for some reason. She made a mental note to herself to check on him. Delilah, meanwhile, shifted the conversation toward the day's events. She mentioned that Lorenzo had requested Charlotte's company at the church event, while Olivia had expressed a desire to attend the Courting Mixer. Relieved to hear of Olivia's improved spirits, Charlotte requested that Delilah accompany Olivia and watch over her. The maid was luckily always pleased to go anywhere with mimosas and had even told her all about how she was going to drag Gilbert along. Charlotte had listened with a knowing smile. As the sun had risen higher in the sky, Delilah asked at the conversation's finality, [color=7ea7d8] "... Will you be alright at the church? You've seem down this morning."[/color] [color=D0B4EC]"Of course, Delilah."[/color] Charlotte told her with a warm smile. [color=D0B4EC] " I found out perhaps things may be more difficult than I thought they were going to be... "[/color] She perked up and raised her fist, [color=D0B4EC] "But I will not yield! ... Just as Gunther of Tides said. "[/color] Delilah took her hands tenderly, [color=7ea7d8] "Neither of us will... The morning sun always returns after the long night."[/color] An hour later, Charlotte entered the estate's foyer, attired in a simple blue dress edged with lace at the neckline and her hair tied back with her customary ribbon. She greeted Lorenzo warmly, embracing him without hesitation before they both stepped into the carriage. Upon arriving at the church, they were greeted by the sight of crowded pews, the noise briefly overwhelming. With a slight frown, Charlotte leaned toward her stepfather and whispered, [color=D0B4EC]"All in favor of sitting in the back...?"[/color] [/color]