[CENTER][b][color=007236][u][h1]The Huntsman[/h1][/u][/color][/b][/CENTER] "[color=bc8dbf]That would be 500 gold pieces per arrow.[/color]" Azul answered the Huntsman's question [color=007236]"Per [i]arrow[/i]?"[/color] The Huntsman replied, eyes wide in shock at such an asking price. If a single arrow cost 500 gold, then that would mean he would need to pay 10000 gold for a full quiver! That kind of money would be enough to actually put a dent in the royal treasury! The Huntsman was unsure how these people hoped to stay in business with prices like tha- "[color=bc8dbf]Of course, we can work out a deal if that's too expensive.[/color]" Azul added before the Huntsman could finish his thought. Ah. That made sense. The gold cost wasn't meant to be affordable. That wasn't the way the owners of this shop wanted to be paid. The Huntsman had a feeling that if he asked for a deal, he would get much more reasonable terms for the arrows. Even so, he hesitated to ask. With the Huntsman's only experiences with magicians up to this point being the Queen, he wasn't eager to start dealings with more of them. But even as he thought this, the Huntsman found his eyes drawn again and again to both the arrows and to other things about the shop. While his experiences with the Queen had left him wary of magicians, the Queen had only ever compelled him to service through threats and coercion. These people were actually going to offer him rewards in exchange for whatever it was they wanted. At the very least it wouldn't hurt to hear them out. [color=007236]"What... what sort of deal did you have in mind?"[/color] The Huntsman asked.