
Fellwing mirrored Heliotrope's smile, but didn't turn back to bother her any further. Nor did she get back to Kyte with more than a quick, approving nod. She wasn't sure whether Stargaze would appreciate her meddling, but she also couldn't bear to let any feelings of regret or guilt linger in her friend's mind.

Speaking of meddling, Garrock's response was about what she expected, and this time she couldn't even blame him. She understood him, after all; she would've been likewise irate if someone tried to pry into her family business. But instead of saying that, what came out reflexively was an equally monotonous:[color=#595555] "I suppose I haven't had very many responsible adult role models as of late." [/color]

[i]... Shoot.[/i]

Fellwing tried so very hard not to side-eye Garrock as she said it, instantly recognizing that he wasn't being particularly venomous this time around — and so, neither should she. So she coughed, quickly continuing:[color=#595555] "Mind, he only did it because he was so excited to see you. Excitement that hasn't waned despite, what I assume to be continuous, lack of reciprocity. Or, in other words..."[/color]

She sighed, looking up at the older drake with a look of genuine sympathy, unwelcome as it would likely be.[color=#595555] "You're really dear to him. I'm sure a few minutes of your time would mean the world to him — [i]and [/i]get him to leave you alone faster."[/color] An almost conspiratory smile visited her features. [color=#595555]"That tends to be the way to handle the clingy sort. The further away you push them, the harder they cling. Give them a figurative bone, and they'll be content chewing on it for a while."[/color][/color]