[center][color=#b3ccff][h2]Esben Mathiassen[/h2][/color][/center] [hr] The conventional tactics being suggested and debated by the others were unsurprising. Eve's suggestion, as well, was more in line with expectations than against them; she was a weapon made for war, and the rest were soldiers and warriors. Everybody would work with what they knew. Esben sat in silence for a few moments more as he contemplated the numbers Ciradyl had available in comparison to the force they would work against. One dozen allies on the inside, up to one hundred Valheimer soldiers available to focus on the execution. Assuming that number did [i]not[/i] include Ciradyl's agents, that still meant that by combining their numbers they made up better than ten percent of the enemy force. Not the worst odds if a mission like this went sour. He drained his cup of tea, setting it back down in front of him. As Arton finished speaking, his hand came up, a small gesture to hopefully silence any others before they spoke up so that he could get his own words out without having to raise his voice. [color=#b3ccff]"So, we have allies on the inside to work with, further forces outside, our own number, the capacity to pass messages rapidly and safely, and more importantly—we have other high value targets. Good."[/color] His hand fell slightly, pointing at various members of the party in turn. [color=#b3ccff][i]"Ranbu no Izayoi.[/i] Eve. Myself, and..."[/color] His eyes glanced over to Robin next to him; small and nimble as she was, she could prove useful, and skilled enough with a blade he wouldn't have to worry. But not someone he'd fought with much. Miina was another unknown. Éliane would be useful in a pitched battle, but would overlap too much with his own plan. Arton, maybe; Galahad, maybe, though he could imagine better use for him outside. [color=#b3ccff]"Rudi."[/color] His pointing finger fell on the last his eyes passed over. Perceptive and thoughtful from what he'd gathered, and moreover, as a [i]hunter[/i] Rudolf could be trusted to know both when to be sneaky and when to get loud. And, seemingly, he was not prone to overt displays of heroics. [color=#b3ccff]"Two high-value targets long before now, and two that were up close enough to Reisa in our last skirmish that the descriptions of all of us she's no-doubt been passing around will be more detailed in our particular cases. Worthy to make an added show of force come morning, removing multiple thorns in their sides."[/color] Esben turned back to Ciradyl and Galahad, a small smile on his face. [color=#b3ccff]"Call Chisaki back in, and have her sell us out to the occupiers. Pass messages quickly to all of those you have on the inside, run any bribes you need to make sure as many of them as possible are in the party that will detain us, and have us transported to this Eastern Detention Center. They'll secure our weapons as well. Once we're ready to be placed into confinement, we'll turn on any hostiles who are closest and neutralize them, our weapons returned to us. Release Lord Hien, Eve can open a path for us by knocking down a wall or five, and the rest of you can be stationed along whichever escape route we determine best, ready to receive us as we make our exit, or to come in after us if things should go abnormally wrong."[/color] He shrugged at [i]that[/i] possibility. Worth remembering, not worth considering; at that point, any plan would be in tatters as it was. [color=#b3ccff]"As it stands, my preference would be to simply grab him, force open a way out, and make our retreat. I'd suggest Éliane be given opportunity to engage in some surprise remodeling of the city if it proves needed to deny the enemy advance, so it would be wise to send out some messengers and surreptitiously evacuate whichever route we plan to take. For that goal of simplicity of escape, a simple infiltration—we're hardly all suited to a kidnapping, after all, and a pitched battle doesn't suit us no matter where or what time we choose it."[/color]