[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a0/00/f8/a000f8c325aa5cd5907d8923992c9029.gif[/img][color=hotpink][h1]Lord Leo Smithwood[/h1][/color] [color=lightgray]Time: Morning Location: Sorian’s shrine of Edin Interactions: Riona [@JJ Doe] Daily Misfortune: Leo's hair and skin are now hot pink.[/color][/center] [color=lightgray][color=hotpink]“You thought a collection of tacky, women’s shoes that looked like a sugared-up child picked them out were appropriate for a fashionable gentleman of my standing? If you’re going to lie, at least make it believable.”[/color] Leo answered with an eye roll. [color=hotpink]“No, for some reason you have decided to harbor a bizarre grudge against me. Going so far as to take the olive branch, I so graciously extended to you, snap it in half, and toss it aside. Like a petulant child.”[/color] He went on to explain, in great detail, exactly what was wrong with every shoe that was placed in his room. Until he got to the lion slippers, [color=hotpink]“I suppose even a broken clock is right twice a day, the slippers were acceptable. However, your ability to hold an umbrella steady is unimpressive.”[/color] Leo was not letting the shoe situation go, perpetually irked by the fact that every time Riona was unable to follow simple orders, he was then forced to continue interacting with her. [color=hotpink]“I cannot understand why Lady Morrigan finds this an appropriate remedy, the burden of correcting unruly servants should not fall upon guests. This would never happen in Varian. Have I offended her somehow?”[/color] He paused, perplexed as to what he could’ve possibly done to offend Morrigan. [color=hotpink]“Ah, never mind, how would you know the answer to that.”[/color] He chuckled at the thought of some random maid having any insights into Morrigan’s mind. [color=hotpink]“Now about my room, the furniture needs moved around…”[/color] Leo went on to explain how the placement of everything in his room needed to be rearranged in some manner and how he expected Riona to make sure that was taken care of by nightfall. Truly, Leo was enjoying the sound of his own voice again now that it was back to normal. [color=hotpink]“And, since it seems beyond your understanding, I will explain how this works; I assign a task and you do it [i]correctly[/i]. Then we can stop having these unwanted interactions, everyone wins. I can go about my day, unhindered by incompetence, and you can return to whatever it is you do when not bothering me. Oh like playing in horse muck. Speaking of, my horse, Menace, could also use some grooming. He can be a bit temperamental but I’m sure you’ll figure that out.”[/color] Leo then entered the strange shrine to Edin’s glory, feeling like he had handled this situation quite well. [color=hotpink]“Refresh my memory, do you worship His Royal Majesty as if he were the embodiment of a god or because the King is divinely chosen?”[/color] He asked, he never paid much attention to religious practices. It was all just superstitious nonsense as far he was concerned, but while in attendance he should at least have some idea of what was going on today. [color=hotpink]“Don’t forget to put the umbrella away once inside.”[/color] He added. Once inside he looked for a seat near the back, just in case the service was boring. He didn’t want to be seen looking half asleep too close to a king, and currently, he stuck out like a sore thumb - one dipped in bright pink paint at that. [/color]