[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjEwNi4wNjhjOGUuVEdsc1lTQkNiR0ZqYTNkdmIyUSwuMA,,/gritluefdemo.regular.webp[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MyKmatB.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Interactions:[/b] [i][b]VASHTI[/b][/i] [code]KARI’s [/code][/center][hr] [color=FFE4E1]"They’re fighting for you and you want to run,"[/color] The Maiden whispered to Lila as she was turning to help the Amara clone on the ground. Lila stopped in her steps as her head twitched violently at the words. All across her mind she could feel the feathered bitch pushing her influence like cold tendrils that wrapped its grip around her thoughts. Lila forced her head to stay still by placing her hands on her heads side pressing down as she did. [color=DA70D6]"No, no, no no nononono,"[/color] Lila whispered. [color=FFE4E1]"They’ll die fighting for you while you run,"[/color] The Maiden continued, [color=FFE4E1]" you have always been a [i]coward[/i] no matter what lies you tell yourself."[/color]. Lila groaned as she felt The Maiden push even harder to be let in. The Maiden was suspiciously quiet before this, and it seemed she thrived in the moments of chaos and emotional turmoil. And this was a moment of both. For starters she saw Vashti wearing one of her favorite hoodies. A confirmation of who was at fucking fault for the damage at her house and the pain it caused her gram. Lila wanted to punish her, to rip her hands from her arms, and then her jaw from her face. Lila wanted to make her feel nothing but pain for a brief moment before she sent her off to the dreamless sleep. The joy that would bring flooded Lila’s brain and she smiled a wicked smile once more at the thought. Vashti walking through the world without her hands, her jaw, just a worthless shell of the woman who once grabbed life by… Lila paused the thought as she saw her vision get that much more clear. She blinked once, twice, and a third time as she looked over the battlefield. She could see Emily, Vashti, and every one else with such clarity. She gasped. The Maiden had found a foothold once more. [color=DA70D6]"Fuck, nonononono,"[/color] Lila whimpered as she began to feel the bones in her hand push to the side as her claws began to push its way out. Lila tried to stop it, she tried to think of the monster movies she loved, the friends that she cared for, and the various cute animals she saw in her day to day at her job. Yet despite these pleasant thoughts she yelled in pain as her fingertips split open, and as the skin on her arm’s split pushing feathers through like a thousand papercuts. Lila doubled over as the pain surged with each subsequent feathers and claw and tears began to stream from her eyes as she tried to scream but couldn’t force a sound from her lips. More and more feathers sprouted from her arm, higher and higher the pain surged, and more and more of the ground became coated in her crimson blood. After what felt like an entirety, Lila’s breath was the only sound that escaped her lips. A soft whimper soon followed by Lila still felt like she was in control. She looked at her arms, her claws, and tried to push herself up from the ground but something suddenly felt off with her back. And as something began to press against the skin on her back she suddenly found The Maiden pushing for control. Lila held on in her mind as her back began to visibly push outward at two spots on either side. Further and further out the skin began to stretch, the bulging mass visible to Sloane, Amara, and Lynn. The pain was back and this time it was a hundred times worse than anything she felt to this date. She screamed at the top of her lungs, revealing her presence on the battlefield. The scream continued, growing in intensity as her back bulged outward, more and more, and more still. Eventually, the strength of whatever was trying to get out was too strong to hold back and her skin ripped in two even lines and her wings shot outward with such force that it ripped her shirt and bra from her back. The force of the wings shooting out shot blood and flesh particles across the area, with the three women caught in the crossfire. In this moment Lila and the maiden had merged, both were one and both had their eyes on Vashti across the battlefield. They lingered for a second before they slowly moved to Emily. A wicked smile crept across her face as her head twitched slightly, before Lila laughed entirely too loud for the situation. The monster, the arrival, the threats, all of 8th street finally revealed that they were a joke. Lila’s head shot back to Vashti, twitched once more, before she licked her lips. [i][color=#DA70D6]“[/color][color=#DB74D6]V[/color][color=#DC78D6]a[/color][color=#DD7CD7]s[/color][color=#DF80D7]h[/color][color=#E084D7]t[/color][color=#E188D8]i[/color][color=#E28CD8],[/color] [color=#E594D9]V[/color][color=#E698D9]a[/color][color=#E89CDA]s[/color][color=#E9A0DA]h[/color][color=#EAA4DA]t[/color][color=#EBA8DB]i[/color][color=#EDACDB],[/color] [color=#EFB4DC]V[/color][color=#F0B8DC]a[/color][color=#F2BCDD]a[/color][color=#F3C0DD]a[/color][color=#F4C4DD]a[/color][color=#F6C8DE]a[/color][color=#F7CCDE]s[/color][color=#F8D0DF]h[/color][color=#F9D4DF]t[/color][color=#FBD8DF]i[/color][color=#FCDCE0],[/color][color=#FDE0E0]”[/color][/i], Lila paused as she took a step back as her wings flickered a green glow, anyone who was looking at them would briefly fall under their curse, [i][color=#DA70D6]c[/color][color=#DD79D6]o[/color][color=#E083D7]m[/color][color=#E38DD8]e[/color] [color=#E9A0DA]g[/color][color=#ECA9DB]e[/color][color=#EFB3DC]t[/color] [color=#F5C6DE]m[/color][color=#F8D0DF]e[/color][color=#FBDAE0].[/color][/i] Lila took off in a sprint running behind the burning house. At the same time, the air was filled with the sounds of a murder approaching fast. Far above the battlefield. Suddenly the sound of their wings ceased, and the air grew silent for just a moment. It would not last for long as the murder braved their way through the storm clouds and began to swoop down on the 8th street below.