Blood? That was concerning. Concerning enough that he almost did not catch what the two men were saying. Elijah did a rather poor job of hiding his stare at the blood. That’s fine. Probably. Neither seemed to be paying much attention to— Man. You’d think that, by being so big, people would see you and not run into you. Evidently, that wasn’t the case. But shit, he had definitely forgotten to shower after his workout— oh. Right. Bugs. He sighed through his nose. Elijah had gotten so used to them that he often forgot others found them gross. Elijah stepped backwards to allow both men to step out but he was still concerned. He snatched up the bag on the ground. [color=#9d9751]”Hey! Wait!”[/color] With a grunt, Elijah chased the men outside. His face set into a frown. Why he chased them, he was not certain. He told himself it was to get the food back to Li.