[b]Mak0 and Badger-[/b] [@BigPapaBelial] [i]“Hello, old friend,”[/i] the voice from Mak0’s mask had been altered to sound like a middle aged man. [i]“How long has it been? I stopped counting after a decade.”[/i] Mak0 slung the rifle off his shoulder as he approached the desk. [i]“It seems there’s been a bit of a stir in the city. Normally, I wouldn’t care, but a client of mine has become involved so I’m offering you a trade.” [/i] Placing the rifle on the desk, Mak0 watched as Badger eyed the weapon, [i]“An upgraded model of a failed prototype. It still needs a little work, but I figure you’d have fun toying with it. I want information.”[/i] Mak0 produced a tablet from within his tattered coat and an image of Rotor from the security feed flared to life. [i]“I trust you can see the haze next to the young man? We both know it doesn’t take much to wipe yourself from the MCPD camera feeds, but it’s another matter altogether to hide yourself from my hacking abilities. I want to know where this tech came from and who it was sold to.” [/i] Honey Badger smiled brightly at Mako. And took a moment just to look at him. Badger’s own voice scrambling briefly, and coming out sounding tired, [i]“Honestly after this long, I’m surprised we even keep track of time my friend. Even as I remember the Wars vividly often.”[/i] He sniffed, [i]“I think it’s been twelve…maybe eighteen years? I don’t really know anymore.” He nods slowly, “Yes the whole Sk@ter thing yes? Young Rotor if I remember correctly. A sad thing.”[/i] Badger’s eyes light up as they follow the passage of the rifle. And as it’s placed on the desk, Badger’s arm opens up, shifting and twisting, a high power lamp coming around to flare across the lines of the weapon, [i]“Failed Prototype you say? Ahhh pi…oh is this supposed to be a gift then? Interesting. Oh no, not a gift. A temptation then?”[/i] He chuckles and nods, a manipulator arm tracing the rifle slowly, cataloging the elements of it. Even as Mak0 produced that tablet. Badger’s attention pulled away from the rifle. His eyes narrowed and his arm coming away from the rifle, “Yes my friend I see the haze…interesting…it’s not a feed glitch is it? Oh who am I kidding you probably already did a deep dive and a full scrub of the network and the video before you even came to me.” He nods. Then in a flash his other arm lashes up and attaches a cable to the tablet, and transfers the video to Badger’s own personal data vault, [i]“Let’s see what I can do to help you with it hmmm?”[/i] The badger masked man pulled the video up on a holo-display, enhancing the video and playing it, watching it, [i]“Interesting…yes…very fascinating.”[/i] He watches it, rewinding, slowing it down, fast forwarding, rewinding it, the whole time slowly his aura seems to dampen. He looks to Mak0, [i]“Before we continue, tell me what you think it is.”[/i] [i]“It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before. I’ve heard rumors of other groups working to develop advanced cloning technology, but I assumed it was theoretical. If someone within the Pack, or one of the Heirs’ wage-slaves has developed a device like this, I struggle to think of what else they could be hiding.”[/i] Mak0 rubbed the shark faceplate on his mask. Being worried was a rare emotion for someone like him. [i]“Badger, you carry the most connections within this city. If there is ANYTHING you know, tell me now.”[/i] A whirring sound emanates from Mak0’s chest cavity. Reaching inside, he pulled out a black flash drive with a blinking blue light. [i]“I’ll even sweeten the deal. In here you’ll find schematics to keep the Badger Sett busy for the next year. Something your clients will appreciate…”[/i] The Shark watched with interest as Badger considered the deal placed before him.