[hider=Kurios *Lord* Casteillan, Adonis Cowain. "Dagmars Bane" ] [b]Name:[/b] Notes. Kurios *Lord* Casteillan, Adonis Cowain. "Dagmars Bane" Royal Guard of Lunaris. Royal Guard Order Militium Capitaline Lance veteran Company. [b]Age:[/b] 45 [b]Appearance:[/b] A tall muscular man who is weather beaten and dark hair has long started to gain strands of silver. Bright blue eyes of an unusually vibrant colour. Usually bearded it hides multiple scars earned In battle, hunting and from the lands they call home. Clad in full armour or lighter grabs of leather, chain mail and stout boots. His sword by his side, dagger and bow. Though a satchel of inks and parchment can also be seen upon him too when peace allows. 6 foot tall. [img]https://i.imgur.com/j88JPAI.jpeg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/oPan8bZ.jpeg[/img] [img] https://i.imgur.com/djMA3Ji.jpeg [/img] [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Kingdom:[/b] Lunaris [b]Role:[/b] Veteran Lord Castellion of the Royal Guard. Veteran Officer of the Royal guard assigned to protect the Princess from threats, external and internal. Also to evaluate the Prince and see if his honour and reputation are truth or lies and report such to the king. [b]Magic:[/b] An air mage, able to channel the forces of air to increase his speed, agility and move in ways that a fully armoured man should not. His powers are less developed but has limited use of them in other regards, having gained further training as a senior Knight. [b]Short Bio:[/b] Veteran Officer of the Royal guard assigned to protect the Princess from threats, external and internal. Also to evaluate the Prince and see if his honour and reputation are truth or lies and report such to the king. The harsh climate breeds hard people and the hard people breed hardy warriors. Some of those choose to endure and face the Orders trials in the keeps and fortresses of the North. He is one of them, years of hard training, testing from the beginnings of manhood, pushed hard by both their Masters, their climate, the eternal winters and the battle to survive. Death regularly is a price of failure. With verging on 3 decades of service Adonis Cowain black hair is streaked with grey, his career began as a squire and skills meant he soon caught the attention of others, an air mage and doing well he was brought under the wing of one of the veteran Paladins who saw him flourish and whose death would cause him to gain his honour name. During the capture of a keep belonging to a group who turned traitor and to bandity, he avenged his mentor slaying the enemy chieftain in single combat though it gained him a scar in return. His blade shattered by the powerful attacks he with the agreement of all took up the fallen man's sword. Though bearing no wife or official sons, a few children's shouts have rung off the stone bearing a surprisingly similar look, and at least one of those has already gained a son of their own. 2 of those he shares a soft spot for their mother and has aided them as needed, the others fate has kept them apart… Though serious and devoted to his purpose he is not a humourless man nore a man who is not without ability to soften when hardness is detrimental. For being pragmatic and knowing when is best to act accordingly. He has a love for wine, women like many a fighting man but also is skilled with an ink and parchment able to craft landscapes bringing them to life when life allows during the monotony of time in-between terrifying action and adventures. Those talents have in times of Garrison work taught the drawing arts to others, as a way to earn some extra gold and pass the time. [b]Misc:[/b] Retinue / Household. Warsmith, Hector "Stone Breaker '' Master Warsmith of the Royal Guard. One eye covered by a patch of padded iron, a metal arm replacing his right from steel and clockwork of own devising. Hair going grey, his body hard and worn from a lifetime of hard labour and hard life. Solid a keep, he is built more like a fantasy dwarf. Heavy and alot of farmer muscles. 5'8 tall. A canny, smart and skilled Warsmith who is known for drinking a little too much, a temper, and being Impatient. His accent is so thick even his own kin have had to be told something twice. Warsmiths are Knights with additional training in multiple aspects, able to conduct repairs of armour, shoe a horse and conduct other repair of weaponry, and other such items until they can be taken for more professional and permanent repair. Has a drawn cart of tools, anvil and other supplies needed to set up their camp and such along with his horse and spare. [hider=My Hider] [Img]https://i.imgur.com/lnaPe7B.jpeg[/img] [/hider] ... Senior Squire Daphne Athenus of the Royal Guard. In her 20's and under the Lord Castelian in completion of full apprenticeship to Knighthood. A fast fighter and chosen as a fast learner, their suspected air magic means the Castelion was a logical choice if their talents really do fall that way. If so it would surely make her preferences to twin blades a formidable warrioress and earn rank, fame and potential to rise into the ranks of Paladins, Officers and more. Her height and amazonian build made her stand out at 6'1, she was a prime candidate tall as some men as a teanager. Is a skilled singer and somehow is able to get on with the grumpy old War Master, and has shown both skill, potential and quick wit to impress even the demanding Lord Castellion. Now if only they could stop the two Knights keeping on calling her Squirrel to tease them. However the teasing is also a sign of respect that they are considered one worthy of their group. [hider=My Hider] [Img] https://i.imgur.com/ObaDNop.jpeg [/img] [Img] https://i.imgur.com/035F05Z.jpeg [/img] [/hider] [/hider] The Inn keeper [hider= Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Innkeeper.] [b]Name:[/b] Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Innkeeper. [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/4Cp6Ihu.png[/img] [Img]https://i.imgur.com/5pCaJlC.jpeg[/img] The blight is more pronounced in some, some pass by as mere humans, others who had to face the depths of the blights turned badly, the powers causing mutation that killed, or caused some to be killed. Her death, her rebirth was slower than others and the blight caused deeper and more profound changes. A normal woman was blighted beyond the normal but somehow retained her mind. One eye, ears, her senses. All faced the mutation of the blight. A smaller woman, slim of build and tends to dress in practical clothes, living in the borderlands food could be scarce and feast and famine was the norm. The Prince's endeavour was indeed a generous one and provided her with new clothes and all the materials to start a new life in Gloomhaven. Hair is a warm Brunette, often in a braid secured with a hair stick, or some other way to keep it tidy. Often under a hooded cloak or such when out and about if unsure of company. Due to her childhood and harsh upbringing where food was scarce she did not have the best chances in life. Her height only reached 5'1. [b]Race:[/b] Blightborn [b]Blight-Born Traits:[/b] Night vision is clear as day, though bright lights can cause intense pain and prefer the cool, heat is intensified, does not like heat. Her senses are enhanced and can be increased in power and range to increase drain on herself and others around her. Her powers when stressed, she can see things that are beyond the visual, into a feeling that she cannot process, that makes no sense, a feeling… a deeper meaning of sorts, from the lie hidden in a truth to the dark intent and pain of others. Drains psychic energy, though the more people around, the less pronounced the effects on people. This can sometimes phase more into general energy, depending on how her unstable nature functions. Her magic and blight influence have been rather unpredictable and chaotic given her lack of any real formal training. [b]Kingdom:[/b] Technically Aurelia, though the borderlands were very much contested, her Father was a lunarian, her mother from the sun Kingdom. The line between the kingdoms was…blurred. [b]Role:[/b] Innkeeper. “The eye of the Beholder.” a large Inn with rooms for accommodations, a large bar area, and kitchen. Personal accommodation attached. Think of a darker setting, but this is the theme and general style. [Img]https://i.imgur.com/Pt9Dzmp.jpeg[/img] [Img]https://i.imgur.com/C0RqNWY.jpeg[/img] [b]Magic:[/b] See blight section. [b]Short Bio:[/b] Born in the borderlands these areas had long been contested between two kingdoms, wars had been long fought over the region, changed hands, soldiers boots, the ring of steel on steel and the sounds of battle. Her father was a blacksmith, a fairly prosperous but hard working man in the village. He worked for the border lord, a man who was a somewhat less than kind but survivor. The Lords of the borders were a different breed to the ones of the kingdoms. Her mother was a servant at the castle and worked as a ladies maid. Life was tough but life was not the worst, it was hard to make a living in the grey zone between the dark and the light. The grey where both sides could so easily become an enemy as a friend. Then the blight came. The blight brought the end of all she knew, before anyone knew deaths increased time over time, each day the village got worse, the castle's great walls provide no protection from things that can penetrate the water, the food, the air and the ground. The Lords died as much as any peasant. Though a few rare souls faced an fate arguably worse than death. The blight did not kill everyone, the Lord's son was one of those, he died. Reborn he became a monster and lost his mind, screams and blood rang from the castle as the heir turned on the people within. It's great barred gates held as the fortress burned, taking all its souls, bodies and blight with it. The purple gas seeped out the ground as the black smoke began to die down seeping through cracks in the stone and the blasted ruins of the keep and its towers leaving but a doomed and dead ruin of blackened stone on the horizon. She died. Her last view as a living being was to see the castle fall, those who tried to flee were gone, those left were unable to flee, too weak and sick to leave. Strength began to fill her limbs, her senses began to waken again. Hunger, thirst and desire for things indescribable gripped her. Hauling herself to the blacksmith's quench tank she finally saw her new face, a cursed face and one that would mark her as an outcast forever. She was a Blightborn. A monster and the thing that they whispered about around the tavern fire. There was nothing left. The village was dead, the land had fallen to the blight in such a way no mortal army ever had. No war of sun or moon had brought such horror to the lands that the blight had. Taking what little she could salvage from the ruins of the Castle, the village and what had not been taken from fear or death's rapid pace that got her to a town in Aurelia. A monster. That many called her now, something to be feared. When all hope was lost. When all seemed to be at an end. There was light, the Prince was establishing a settlement and it was going to be built close to the affected lands. Certain death maybe, but Syraeia had died once before, a second death might bring peace and no one wished to run the Inn. And so she found herself leaving with others as its Inn keeper, a place maybe where they might least not kill a blightborn on sight. “The eye of the Beholder” was its name and you could only laugh at the coincidence, fate was a funny thing and you could only laugh or cry at your fate. You might as well enjoy it. Turns out as long as you hand them strong ale and hot food, many folks seemed to not care, but people always seemed warey especially newcomers. Running the Inn was hard work but rewarding. [b]Misc:[/b] The inn's sign includes a large painted D&D beholder, painted in a crude style but also very much like the new settlement. Unfinished. [/hider] [hider=ADD ON. PLAN FOR INN. FLOOR PLAN.] [img]https://i.imgur.com/lAAVJ7w.jpeg [/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QkfaX5p.jpeg [/img] [/hider] [hider=The Royal Guard.] [Centre][b]The Royal Guard. The private Tomes. [/b][/centre] Unlike the Royal Army who serve in their local areas under Lords and chieftains, guarding and protecting their homes. Part time soldiers while also being farmers, farriers, masons and more In their civilian jobs. The normal everyday people who are required to do so much service every year and respond to the command to assemble when the bells toll for the muster or training. The Royal guard is different, those recruits are tested harshly at the capital in all manners of things, from intelligence, survival, combat skills and more at a younger age. The various paths will decide whom they want and they will be apprenticed under masters from their orders. They remain a fully professional force and are deployed far and wide across the Kingdom. Their role is varied though recent years has them taking on more less savoury and secretive tasks. The main orders are. [b]Paladins[/b]. Specialist bodyguards and Kings own personal unit. [b]Black order[/b]. Executioners and elite members sent when someone or something must be done at any cost. [b]The order Militum[/b]. The main core of soldiers and officers. [b]Hospitlers[/b]. Medics and researchers. [b]Combat and siege engineers[/b]. Pretty clear. [b]Warsmiths[/b]. Trained to maintain basic construction and repair in the field and such. [b]The King's Eye[/b]. Intelligence and research. Each order is headed by a Master who reports to the Lord Marshal. The Lord Marshal reports to the king, all except the Paladin Order who fall under the King's direct Household guard and unit. [/hider] [hider=Dramatic Royal Guard theme] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxGj2GIjQ8E[/url] [/hider] [hider=Persephone Laconia (totally not Coswain...)] [color=bc8dbf][h2][centre]Persephone Laconia “The Lady of Shadows”[/centre][/h2][/color] [b]Name:[/b] Persephone Laconia “The Lady of Shadows” [b]Age:[/b] 42 [b]Kingdom[/b] Lunaris [b]Partner / Family[/b] Long term Live in Partner to Adonis Coswain, two adult children, one Grandchild. [b]Role:[/b] King's eyes, Throne Agent of the Royal Guard. Persephone was caught on wrong side of the high mountain passes when first snows came. The keep was in disrepair so she made her way to Dawn Haven. She has no formal invitation bar a desire to find a place where Winter can be survived. [b]Description:[/b] 5'10 with shorter redish hair yet to grey, still in shape with lean muscle. She has scars but in places only her lover can find. She wears the full formal uniform of her office as well as her markings of ranks and honours for services to Lunaris. [Img]https://i.imgur.com/3kZNoCU.jpeg[/img] [b]Magic[/b] Her ability for foresight was never that usful, the future is far too variable and can be changed on a single decision or action. Since the external darkness the dreams have plagued her slwwping hours but what may or may not come to pass is entirely unknown. The future is not written and no mortal can be arrogant ernough to predict it. [b]Bio:[/b] The two met when assigned to joint operation to locate and end an operation smuggling illegal goods into the Lunaris capital and corruption in the men and women who were tasked with protecting travellers, caravans and Lunaris trade laws. The young Knight and the promising Acolyte of the Royal Guard worked well and broke the corruption ring, including implicating several traders in illicit, stolen goods and trafficking of people. Their professional relationship and personal one blossomed as an on off arrangement but has grown more on over the years. The couple are not married, though they have two children, a grandchild and a home together. They have not cared to formally marry though they are good as. Her work demeanour is colder, practical and a high ranking member of the King's eyes and supervises multiple efforts to protect the reign of the King. She has worked directly and had worked with her “not husband” successfully on multiple occasions over 20 years and the two rose up the ranks of their respective orders together to achieve high offices. An direct woman she is known for seeking answers directly, deadixated and willing to travel to confirm her findings. Its alpt easier to get the truth frim the source than a Ravens message. At home her character is an unnerving switch for many, a mother of 2, new grandmother who enjoys baking sweet treats, hosting meals and gatherings of their friends and family. The unconventional family regularly hosts their friends , family and fellows at their home. Seeing the woman who in her role is a respected Throne Agent rock her grandchild to sleep is sometimes surreal for some. The two are some of the few people they can trust to be completely open to and have a level of trust only two people who have lived, risked death and loved together can have. She has a warm relationship with Coswain and the two live together when both in the Capitol owning a 3 story stone townhouse in the Capital City. Its former owner turned out to be guilty of clipping coins and counterfeiting. They quietly purchased the property for a below market rate before it went to Royal auction that happened to cover the loss to the treasury. [Img] https://i.imgur.com/j0jwaX0.jpeg[/img] [b]View on the Blight[/b] Persephone is a denizen of the Royal Capitol, her view of the blight is tinged by the fear and laws enforced close to the main cities of Lunaris. No blight born is allowed near the Cities. However her training means their is never black. Their is never white. The world is grey and to define the truth is somthing that must be done personally. Facts and theory must be tested and truth found. Ahe can be described as Dark grey in her allingment to the Blight Born. [b]How she came to be stuck in Dawn haven[/b] Her reasons for ending up in Dawn Haven are chance and accident. On a visit to the far keeps of the Lunaris border the first snows came in earlier than planned. Deciding that the winters would be even worse the further and higher she rode, tired, her horse was tired and the risks did not add up. Her desire to seek the truth in person trapped her on wrong aide of the mountains. Assigning her small Retinue to help try and fix the keep for winter she turned for Dawn Haven as it was lower lying and more sheltered, her life partner was sent to the settlement so she chose to seek him out. Her own skills would not be needed and one more mouth to stretch the Keep Valors Edges finite supplies. [b]Usful Skills[/b] Despite her role in life she had had maintain a home, run a family and support them. Raising two children with a father often sent off on Royal commands had meant she is capable of everything from baking and childcare to running and maintaining the finances and stores of a large city townhouse alongside her Royal Duties. [b]Alignment[/b] Lawful and determined but also unyielding in matters regardless of situation. Honest and a reputation of pursuit to ends regardless of who or what may be uncovered. [hider=Black Lunarian heavy Horse] [Img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b7/b9/4a/b7b94ab542c868add6259b91d8599ba8.jpg [/img] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Eye of beholder. 3.0 upgrade. ] [img]https://i.imgur.com/b7rqGVC.jpeg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/OXd6H3U.jpeg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/B9YtQ1G.jpeg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/RQCBB8K.jpeg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/9o2fAJl.jpeg[/img] [/hider]