While the interruption left Dula understandably annoyed Muzkane couldn't blame the Halfling for her questions, especially since taming a dragon did sound ridiculous. The rest of the speech didn't actually make things much clearer but the gist of it seemed to be that, if it was true, they were supposed to bond to those eggs and become warriors or have the choice between becoming a member of the Temple of Forgotten Past and getting killed. Neither option really appealed to Muzkane, there was a good reason he became a sculptor and not a soldier after all. Apparently there was a test and a table for each of them to perform their test at while trying to bond with their eggs. As he looked around it was obvious to Muzkane which table was his but when he heard about them having benefactors he wondered if Hinrew was his and if the older dwarf had any idea what he got Muzkane into or if he genuinely believed it was just a sculpting job that required more traveling than he could handle.