[center][img]https://imgur.com/TdKUJXV.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=7bcdc8]“What the f-”[/color] Raph snapped from his murderous intent as he saw two lifeless bodies rise from the ground, reanimated by the peculiar powers of Enzo's blood. It was the exact kind of supernatural freaky stuff that Raph still had not wrapped his head around in this world of darkness, despite having travelled so far and wide since his embrace. Even he could not help feeling a chill run through his spine at the sight of actual zombies. He then heard Ian’s voice calling out to Elizabeth. It took Raph a moment to understand what was going on, but once he saw the Brujah motioning towards the door it became clear that a certain Tzimisce was about to do a big no-no. [color=7bcdc8]“[i]Oh, bordel de merde![/i] What are you doing?!”[/color] Raph snarled in frustration as he dashed towards Elizabeth. He thought about pulling her back, though that could very well end with his throat ripped by Elizabeth’s claws. Instead, he attempted to place himself in front of the Tzimisce, running with his arm extended against the door in order to prevent Elizabeth from opening it. [color=7bcdc8]“Aaagh!... [i]Putain![/i]”[/color] The impact of his arm on the door sent shockwaves of pain from his mangled shoulder, where the shotgun pellets were still lodged. Raph hoped he had done enough to stop Elizabeth from making a rash decision, though in that moment of lacerating pain he had no way of stopping her from pushing him aside and walk through that door.