Neat, between Violet's transformed appearance and Isra's patron, Ayane won't feel lonely in the height department anymore. 8D ...though the former will just piss her off more since she has the choice to be tall and curvy by just detransforming, then going by that logic, there's also Faniel. Guess it's just Nikki. Well, it's something. Renge doesn't count because she's an inch taller, that single inch matters. [quote=@Randomguy] I kinda find it funny for someone whose family got killed by monsters when she was a kid, got pregnant out of wedlock, married young and then divorced to be a single mom, Emma seems like have the least emotional baggage lol. Therapy, people, it works. [/quote] Emotional stability and maturity are overrated. 😎 Join the Trauma Club, we got cookies.