[center][h2] [color=indianred]Becker[/color][/h2][img]https://c.tenor.com/7XRiwlokC4kAAAAC/tenor.gif[/img] [i]Location:Coffee Shop Skills: N/A[/i][/center][hr][hr] After the officer suggested getting their statements over the phone or sending someone to talk to them, Becker nodded in agreement. [color=indianred]"That works for us,"[/color] she replied, whilst swiftly jotting down her phone number on the officer's notepad. [color=indianred]"Here you go,"[/color] she said, handing it back to him with a polite smile. [color=indianred]"We'll be available whenever you need us for further clarification." [/color] With that, she turned to Flynn, a sense of relief evident in her expression. [color=indianred]"Looks like we dodged a trip to the station,"[/color] she remarked. [color=indianred]"Let's hope they sort this out quickly."[/color] Becker glanced at her phone, reading Dave's message about overseeing the ambulance. She trusted the kid's competence despite being new on the job. Considering the time and the chaotic events, Becker contemplated getting some rest but decided on one final action to ensure the perimeter was settled first.