The HA! caught everyone's attention, including Trevor's, who glanced at the source and took a moment to take in the small halfling. He turned his attention back to the High Priestess. There was only one person in his life he would call mother and this person was certainly not that person. With crossed arms and a straight back, he listened to the explanation. Becoming more powerful did not sound bad, but he rolled his eyes at "how to interact with noble company". He knew perfectly well how to interact with them. When it was time to draw numbers he came forward, grabbed one of the papers and examined the number. Then he glanced at the tables and his eyes rested on the weapons. It was very unlikely he was here for something else. Question was, how would he use it? At least he had some time to figure it out, as he would go second. He turned to look at the eggs. How was this test even supposed to do anything? Those things didn't have eyes. Finally, his eyes moved over all the people gathered. He did not feel like mingling, small talk or any of that. This testing and the potential death if he failed kept him focussed, pleasantries were just a distraction now. He waited patiently for the testing to begin.