[center][h1][color=f7976a]Viktor[/color][/h1][/center] It seems the pyromancer's information is out by an order of magnitude, there's barely fifty of the savages, a short sighted attempt to avoid fighting, unlikely, the many clearly relishes power and every military treatise he's studied indicates such a horde is the ideal environment for pyromancy. More likely they were in the Maw longer than previously thought, entirely believable, Viktor himself had little sense of time, likely a result of some mind suppressing magics. In that time the hordes have been broken, as the Warden stated. They shall be easy pickings for a group as dangerous as his fellow Blackguards. As he was thinking the undead woman reveals something of her power, a sonic attack, not many creatures can do that, and yet she hides behind others. An exhausting ability, true fear, or an act? Viktor wills himself into action, can't let those souls go to waste. He points towards the barbarians as they stumble into their former compatriots, his hands trace mirrored patterns in the air, identical demonic sigils appear on their foreheads and sink in with a spray of blood. A few of the reavers let out cries of pain as the demonic magic peels away their skin and muscle, within seconds a dozen reavers are but clean skeletons standing in a pile of gore. That flesh rending curse is definitely one of his best 'purchases', the skeletons are in perfect condition for post battle reanimation.