As I said in this very thread, the Microsoft buyouts proved to be nothing but bad news. And Microsoft is only making more terrible decisions, after dropping four entire studios. To the point where I can't buy and play Hi-Fi Rush now, knowing that money isn't going to anyone but Microsoft. Plus, everyone's already calling out Hellblade 2 doing poorly and Microsoft giving them the axe next. [s]Regardless of my opinion of that walking simulator that natters on in your ear.[/s] It was a "double-A" darling for others, and I've seen basically no promotion of it's sequel. And Sony is continuing the stupid PSN crusade and just removed access for Ghosts of Tsushima in the same countries as Helldivers 2. (Doubt that will be the last of them either.) Take Two also fired six hundred employees/two studios and cancelled most of it's projects too. (Among all the other bigger studios cancelling games like Square-Enix.) So I think the only piece of good news that I've seen in the gaming sphere is how well several indies are being received. Animal Well / VideoGameDunkey being the funniest. Because while he hasn't actually made anything funny on Youtube in years, he still pisses off all the right people AND it looks like I might get another good Metriodvania to play. (The thing is even on Playstation Extra.) So I'll take the wins that I can get. [hr] [quote=@Dark Cloud] I think its fucking infuriating, but I'm glad they backed down on their decision to need a PSN account on PC for Helldivers 2 [/quote] Note that the game was still removed from 177 countries that originally had access. And I doubt every single user that bought the game in those places, were able to get it properly refunded. [hr]