[color=lightgray][center][h1][color=AFDCE0]Count Landon Monet[/color] & [color=0072bc]Count Calbert Damien[/color][/h1] [color=AFDCE0]Time:[/color] 11am [color=AFDCE0]Location:[/color] Church of Sorian [color=AFDCE0]Interactions:[/color] [@Rodiak] Nahir [@Lava Alckon] Farim[/center] [hr] As the applause filled the air, Count Landon Monet, with an obligatory smile, clapped enthusiastically, though the tension in his jaw betrayed his true feelings. [color=AFDCE0]"Magnifique! Truly a sight to behold,"[/color] he declared. [i][color=AFDCE0]This is absurd, all this pomp for a king who barely acknowledges his people. How do they all fall for this charade?[/color][/i] His eyes flicked briefly to Calbert, gauging his reaction. Calbert applauded with genuine enthusiasm, his smile warm and inviting, perfectly masking any personal reservations. [color=0072bc]"Ah, what a grand spectacle! King Edin's presence is always a reminder of our great fortune,"[/color] he remarked smoothly. Turning slightly to address those behind him, he added with a wink, [color=0072bc]"Isn’t this just the most marvelous event you’ve ever seen?"[/color] Fayette, from her position on Princess Anastasia's shoulders, nodded eagerly. [color=#FFD1DC]"Yes, Monsieur Calbert! It was so beautiful! I loved the ballet dancers!"[/color] She exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder. Beau, equally mesmerized, as he awkwardly remained by Prince Wulfric's side, [color=#E1F7D5]"I want to be just like King Edin one day!"[/color] he declared with youthful exuberance. Landon’s forced smile faltered, a flash of irritation crossing his face. He quickly regained his composure as his mind locked in on Prince Wulfric's presence, though the tightness in his expression was unmistakable. [i][color=AFDCE0]No, Beau, you should aspire to be better, much better than King Edin.[/color] [/i] [/color]