[quote=@Crimson Flame] There’s still room! Only 2 people have expressed interest so far. I’m hoping for a group of 4-6 including me. If I get a lot of people interested I can make it uhh… not first come first serve. [@AwesomeZero5] Can I assume your interested since you liked the post? I spoke to Innerflame on Discord. [/quote] Right on! Currently thinking of a bit of a dour character to counter-balance the movie star (plus the idea of old friends going their separate ways and turning out radically different seems fun). I've always liked the idea of having a character being someone who works in the governmental side of the Pokemon world just because it [i]has[/i] to suck having a job like that in a world like Pokemon. So I may go with something like that, or have the character more involved in the training/coordinating scene to be the tryhard of the group who is taking this way too seriously. Either way, the story concept provides some fun material to dig into for character creation.