I might be interested. Though I - personally - feel that people going on a "Pokémon Adventure" when they're 18-19 or older is a bit... Out-of-character for the pokémon-verse. Of course, I understand that most people don't really have a desire to play as 10-12 year olds (myself included), but from what we see in the anime at least, most people who're past their mid-teens either have jobs or careers, and the only "adults" that go on journeys are either the region champions, the elite four or random-ass characters-of-the-week who we never see again. That said, what exactly is the focus of this RP? Are we just trying to be group of friends who're trying to re-live the excitement of their first journey (apart from André who never wnet on one)? Are we going to be doing the gyms/contests? Are we aiming for the pokémon league? Is it just gonna be a "wander around and get into random mischief"-type of deal? I really prefer to know what the story's plot is before I sign on for something, y'know? ^^