[quote=@Darkmoon Angel] Whether Chinatsu accepted the fluffcakes or not, the backpack girl was suddenly pointed at by Rodd’s baseball bat. Being put on the spot, she muttered to herself nervously before standing up, hefting the massive backpack with little effort. [color=f6989d]“Well uh… My name is Marianne. But you can just call me Mari. I recently started working for the Rosen Queen Co. so I’ll help with getting fresh items and equipment… Just uh… Don’t expect too much… I’m uh… Still at the bottom of the merchant ladder.”[/color] She said nervously before bowing her head.[color=f6989d]”It’s a pleasure to meet you all…”[/color] [/quote] [color=6A5ACD] "Great Mari of Queens! Starting at the bottom but surely soon to be the most powerful thorned Rose of the company. Now that's a good brand idea to send off to merchandising, or for your player image. Seems you got a lot of strength there too. I'm more of a control batter myself, but with a build and handling heft like that, could probably be a power batter, and a good first baseman. Just got to keep yourself from being tackled over, and if you can handle that bag, could probably handle being tackled." [/color] Rodd grinned and would let out a nod back, giving a tip of his hat. He didn't particularly like the bowing custom himself, but he understood it enough to give a polite gesture back too it. He more enjoyed throwing a pitch together. [color=6A5ACD]"Definitely would love some new gloves and other equipment later on. Tend to burn through those every few months. Explosion and all that."[/color] [quote=@AzureKnight ]"Ahem, firstly, you have my undying gratitude for feeding me this morning, Ms. Pirilika!" Chinatsu said. "And rest assured, with your addition of me on the Nethertime Defense Force, the Netherworld's well being is all but guaranteed!" She drew her fans again, and conjured more azure foxfire around her. "For I am Chinatsu, The Beautiful Kitsune of the Blue Flame! All will bow in awe at my power!" Chinatsu, of course, seemed to be completely oblivious to how embarrassing her little monologue actually was...[/quote] "Definitely a flashy showy type, and loving the confidence and conjuration there. Don't think you can hit, but if you like being in front of the show.... guess being a pitcher would fit pretty well. How well can you throw those things? Or a ball for that matter, or a ball and fireballs at once? Hah! That'd really draw some interest." "No real nickname there though, but got the working title." Rodd would bob his head along with an agreeable but quizzical look toward Chinatsu. [color=6A5ACD]"Now that we got a bit of a crowd here and all that, some of which I'll be glad to hear about~." "Anybody get a memo on our first match to take down... or er.... defend home plates, in all this? Don't think I've seen into the playbook on that."[/color] He would look around, especially toward [b]Pii-chan. [/b] [b] Rodd would notice a random baseball card floating in the wind, and would take off after it! Leaving the rest of the group as they were. [/b]