I swallowed the spiced bread, quite good by my estimation, and drank a bit of water to wash it down before I dabbed my mouth with a cloth. "I concur most judiciously. It seems Sigmar has brought us here for a reason. What priest would I be to ignore the summons of my esteemed deity?" I reasoned, my mind made up. The alderman's house was quite fine, but the Baron's manor would be a step up in comfort and prestige. "Sometimes I cannot tell if you are speaking honestly when you talk of Sigmar." She replied. We both spoke in Tilean as we often did, though I do find her accent when she spoke imperial quite adorable. I flashed a sly grin. "It's a mystery to me as well, my lover. Now I suggest we go and report this to our generous host. It would not do to leave a body lying in the street, particularly a body we might profit from." I advised, taking my staff in hand and rising from my seat. The hour was quite late, or early depending on who one asked. If luck was with us, no guard had stumbled upon the corpse. It was our good fortune the alderman was an office meant to dispense justice. Camilla ruffled her hair up and rubbed her eyes, giving her the look of a woman that had just awoken. She followed behind me, my staff knocking on the bedroom door of the slumbering alderman. There was a grumbling, before the door opened. Gregor looked at us bleary eyed, incredulous. "What is it, herr priest?" He asked tiredly, clearing trying to be polite despite what he deemed as an impolite interruption of his sleep. He changed his mind quite quickly when I informed him of the events of the past two hours, and when I looked at Camilla, her glorious dark eyes were wide with shock and amazingly there seemed to be real moisture brimming. Sigmar, even I couldn't act that convincingly.