hellooooooo Houston, we have a interest check westerns and fantasy is what i'm all about. i will not ever play slice of life. i'm here to roleplay, not go to school. i hate school, if you couldn't tell if you want more detail about my preferences you could read my bio, totally. i don't particularly like to rp in fandoms i can do romance and adult themes, TOTALLY! i don't care at all about grammar. if i can tell what you're trying to say, i'm TOTALLY fine with your level [hider=preferred dynamics] almost always mxf; i can do fxf too. i'm most comfortable with playing female characeters (GIRL POWER!) i like when our two characters know eachother beforehand. i only have like three characters i'm willing to use in rps but if you'd like i could always make one! [/hider] [hider=rrrromance dynamics] avert your eyes, children!! just joking, it's not ALL bad.... enemy x lover, like every other person EVER. i can see. you're rolling your eyes right now. boss x coworker... no, not like 'secretary'. maybe. injured/sick x doctor. i play the healer too much in overwatch crazy lad x sympathetic lad knight x knight. let's die in battle... together knight x princess. yes, basic. prince x courtesan, totally. nerd x drop dead gorgeous girl. like needy and jennifer... toxic vampire x meek escort. vampire x vampire hunter, like forbidden love or something siren x human VAMPIRE X PRIEST. I NEEEEEED ITTTT! - spongebob human x human (zombie apocalypse, post-war, sci-fi post war like [i]fallout[/i], modern-ish with fantasy, etc etc [/hider] if you're interested just shoot me a pm! make it snappy open? CHECK! closed? nope.