[center] [color=#736AFF][b][h1]Ranbu no Izayoi[/h1][/b][/color] [/center] "AIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE" Was the scream that came from several of the gunmen as they were electrocuted by Eve's lightning. Their corpses sizzled and smoked as they hit the ground, with one particularly unlucky one falling off the upper railing entirely. Between Rudolf and Esben's efforts, the remaining swordsmen fell in short order, blade and bullet distracting them from focusing entirely on one or the other. As the last of the Valheimr squad died, Izayoi came up from the rear, still supporting a heavily limping Hien. [color=#736AFF][b]"Forward, then. The less we tarry, the less time Ciradyl's fighters must hold out to support us. A few more steps, and we'll emerge out into the streets."[/b][/color] ___ "Stubborn bastards!" The sergeant giving orders screamed in frustration as he fired his rifle, his and his men's shots by and large deflected by the combined efforts of Arton and Robin. Thanks to the latter two, the effects of the killbox were lessened, giving Galahad, Ciradyl, and Eliane clear shots at the Einhanders. The abominations began falling from the sky, but not before their gunfire rent holes in the rooftops, the rounds their attached guns carried a good deal larger than the man-portable ones used by the common soldiers. "Damn them! Get me a line to the airship!" The aforementioned comms man dutifully dashed up to the sergeant, handing a device over attached to the bulky contraption on his back. "Proudclad, Einhanders are down! Requesting support fire, danger clos-AUGH!" His request was cut off by Miina's Blizzara forming above, icicles raining down and impaling both himself and the comms man in the chest, head, and throat. Unfortunately however, it seemed the call still went through, as a few moments later, cannon shots began booming out from the airship. A dozen thirty-pound shots crashed into buildings around the area, smashing through wood and civilians within. The first barrage didn't seem quite accurate, largely exploding around the Kirins, though a few rounds did get close. Those with working knowledge of artillery knew that situation wouldn't last: the closer the airship drew, the more on target the shots would be. Even with this reprieve however, the Valheimr lines were still in disarray from Eliane's disruption and the loss of their immediate command. The infiltration team emerged from the side of the prison just in time to see the Valheimr in chaos and the airship firing upon the district. "Are they insane?!" Hien choked, his expression ashen as he witnessed collapsing buildings and screaming citizens in the rubble. "They'll level the district if they continue!" Izayoi's expression was similarly grave as she assessed the situation. After a moment, she shared a look with her former student. [color=#736AFF][b]"Even should we bring it out of the sky, it will still crash on [i]something[/i] within the area."[/b][/color] Her tone implied as if she was asking for permission rather than simply ruminating, and Hien grimaced for a moment before nodding begrudgingly. "I don't know how you can, but do it. At this point, it's preferable to allowing that frigate to keep firing unimpeded." [color=#736AFF][b]"Understood."[/b][/color] Izayoi turned to the other three Kirins, her expression set in a grim mien. [color=#736AFF][b]"Eve. Remember what we discussed?"[/b][/color] Megaflare. Her gaze turned towards the airship. [color=#736AFF][b]"Can you bring it down?"[/b][/color] [color=#736AFF][b]"Esben, Rudolf. Cut through to Galahad and the others. Lord Hien is secure. We need to regroup and begin our retreat, airship or no."[/b][/color] Her eyes looked over to the still-disorganized Valheimr on the ground. [color=#736AFF][b]"Enjoy yourselves."[/b][/color]