[h2]Miina Malina[/h2] Miina stared. She'd done the best she could and... well, still it was nothing. The request for help had gone out all the same, and what it brought with it was... complete destruction. What could she do? Well, nothing, really. Maybe fire something at the soldiers that hadn't gotten out of the line of fire in time. As always, she'd been so [i]stupid[/i] in trying to practice a bit of everything, if she'd only focused on black magic— No, probably not even then, she just wouldn't have the experience needed. And that left her with no way to contribute here. Healing? Well, none of them were more than bruised; anyone the shells might have hit in their errant barrage was well beyond her meagre ability. Obviously, just a sword wouldn't cut it. She was useless, and having to trust in the strange black mage with the fascinating tail and—she didn't. Not really, as nice as she was and as much as she could be trusted, Eve was mostly a stranger. Maybe she had unnatural advantages but... really? Miina wished her brother was here. He'd always been smart, and confident, and so much better than her and even if nothing she'd seen him do could match this... it had been years. And Zeke would've gotten better, she knew it. But he wasn't here, and maybe if he was it would just be an illusion of comfort and not enough, and she'd have to trust in the strange pale girl... Because she didn't have the skills of her own to manage it, and no barrier she might attempt could possibly help against one of those if it fired again.