A Purple GENERATION 2 Armor Polish Troop approached from a high, shattered, tiered office building. "Polish Army 1st Lieutenant Luke, I saw the explosion. Need a gel-band?" "Polish Naval Border Guard Lieutenant Grade 2 Sebastian. Just my flame-thrower. It was too heavy to run with. I got an energy sword, you wan-" Over a divisionary wall a Brown GENERATION 2 E.V.A. Armor Polish Troop soared over incoming to their zone. It had a Flame-Thrower Turret at it's rear, with a Pumpkin colored GENERATION 3 Torchbearer Armored Polish Troop wielding it. The Peach colored GENERATION 2 Vector Armored Polish Troop in the passenger seat fired a bazooka at unseen covenant over the wall's side, coming down. "Ooowaaaahhhg"!! said those elites, in pieces. The Torchbearer managed to flame them before the vehicle landed. The Brown E.V.A. Polish Trooper skidded towards the wall after seeing us LT's in the courtyard. Colliding with a Legionnaire Spartan landing over that very wall, halting to state Rank: "Polish Territorial Defence Force Lieutenant Adam" - then the Peach Vector Armored Polish Trooper said Her's "Polish Coastal Defence Force Sergeant First Class Monika" - then the Pumpkin Torchbearer Armored Polish Trooper "Polish Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Sarah!" The Legionnaire Spartan cringed getting up behind them "That'll take more to remedy this Sydney". I walked towards Her finishing my intital SMG bullets on Her. Killing Her. Adam said "That was a Hospitaller revel>" Luke said "Hoplites I say". A Silver GENERATION 3 Firefall ODST Armored Polish Troop had jetpacked-tackled a Goblin Spartan through some upper levels of the office building, crashing through glass into the courtyard pavement. "Goblin down. Achilles millennial inbound!" Monika "Whatever hoshposh, the Achilles aught to be the Hostile! Assert Komando Squad BAttle Reports!" We all braced ourselves to cover each other's flanks straightening our reticles to not shoot at shadows till affirmative results, ignoring the tussled fight. Sarah didnt ignore it, She kept a steady aim at the Goblin Heretic. So I commanded Monika to vacate the vehicle while moving forward some to where Sarah wouldn't twist to shoot, then said to Adam to knee in front of the vehicle. Luke said Himself He'd strafe into the Squad clockwise. "Sergeant, vacate the vehicle, guarding that side. LT knee at the front of your vehicle. I'm taking the rear." "I'll cover the aft side" Said 1st LT Luke strafing with their BR55 Battle Rifle closer. When Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Sarah didnt say Her say the Firefall ODST Armored Polish Troop trusted in our formation to pounce off the GoblinSpartan, having the Brown E.V.A. Armored Polished LT Adam the the Goblin Spartan with his MSBS Assault Rifle with bullets. The Pumpkin Torchbearer Armored Polish Petty Officer shot flames at them, too, but the Goblin Spartan evaded the attacks, withdrawing into the office building with a backflip. The Firefall ODST Armored Polish Trooper somersaulted to stand, unveiling a Shotgun. They pumped it free of a used bullet casing then they jolted up onto the adjacent wall everything seemed to come from, seeking affirmation. They bellowed "It was one covenant patrol, no resistance incoming. Achilles not present." -He landed to our ground side, their Back to the wall. "Polish Army Mechanised Brigade Warrant Officer Grade 3 Daniel. Good on our Military knowing how to Republic our Command Signals. We have private communications, they can only Paragon. Killing these two Separatists may be the only millennials next. After that moment 1st LT Luke and Sgt First Class Monika saw the Achilles Spartan, they fired towards the sky at them, but the Achilles Spartan survived the haze of bullets, stomping the Flame-Rover, ejecting the Petty Officer flipping forward into an Oak Tree canopy. I lanced my energy sword through the Achilles Spartan's heart whilst the Flame-Rover was mid-flip beyond them, through their Back. The Brown E.V.A. Polish LT swivelled to blast them with bullets during those moments. The Flame-Rover crashed behind Him. The Goblin Spartan appeared with my Flame-Thrower "Don't move! I, Force Colonel Abbigail, of the U.N.S.C. decla-" the sword was now through Her throat. I gashed it out of the Achilles Spartan shadowy. She fell to Her knees, struggling for breath. I ginited a plasma grenade and stuck it to Her helmet from where I was. Her head exploded like an energy drink soda pop can. Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class landed with two M7S SMGs in Her hands. I said in my GENERATION 2 Rogue Armor "1st Lieutenant Luke you have the Squad."