[CENTER][h1][color=00746b][u]Skobeloff[/u][/color][/h1][/CENTER] It didn't take long for Skobeloff to realize that convincing Garrock to speak with his family would be a nearly impossible feat. The grumpy Warrior gave off the distinct impression that he would rather single-handedly take on an army of giant spiders than do that. Well if an army of giant spiders was what he seemed to want, then an army of giant spiders would be what he seemed to get. Skobeloff emerged from hiding and entered the room in earnest. [color=00746b]"Ah. Right where I left you."[/color] Skobeloff said to both Garrock and Fellwing. [color=00746b]"Have you heard the news? Distressing things are afoot at the Snouthold. When I caught that updraft on the way here to impress that gliding class we passed by, I spotted an abandoned mineshaft a short stretch away from this place. Well word has just come back that an entire army of giant spiders had been discovered gathering in there. Shocking stuff, am I right?"[/color] With the carrot in place, Skobeloff then turned to address Garrock in particular to deliver the stick. [color=00746b]"Oh by the way Garrock, your brother is looking for you."[/color] The little Trickster continued. [color=00746b]"He had a very serious look on his face and mentioned that he had something reeeally important to talk to you about."[/color] If all went according to plan now, Garrock would make a beeline to the mineshaft to occupy himself with fighting the spiders as a way of getting out of having to speak with Rudrick. Then it would only be a simple matter of sending Rudrick the same way, which would lead to him cornering Garrock in the mineshaft. At which point, Garrock would have no choice but to speak with Rudrick. [hider=OOC] Skobeloff tricks Garrock into thinking there is an army of giant spiders for him to single-handedly take on as a way to avoid speaking with Rudrick. He rolls a [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/26923]12[/url] and opts to create an opportunity and confuse Garrock for some time. [/hider]