The first test didn't do much to convince Muzkane that all this was real. Sure the eggs definitely weren't stone but an island full of humans giving another human a test that seemed to rely solely on intuition? That was way too easy to fake and rehearse. Sure the other tables seemed to indicate different, but in his mind it wasn't unlikely that all this was either an excuse to get them trapped on the island for some reason or if dragons were real set up to ensure that all the Phospholites failed. As he thought the Halfling standing next to him seemed to have similar suspicions given her question.[color=f7941d]"... It seems a bit too convenient that the very first test is something that could easily be planned ahead of time.[/color] He didn't know if that was a satisfying answer to her but she also wanted to know more about he thought his test would be. [color=f7941d]"Easy, see those sculpting supplies?"[/color] Muzkane pointed to one of the tables as Gwyn walked up to the eggs. [color=f7941d]"Those are clearly meant for me, I'll just use my own tools th.. What the?![/color] Before Muzkane could finish his sentence Gwyn disappeared and it seemed Dula suspected or knew it might happen as she just called the next person.