When Fellwing didn't response right away, there was a flicker of emotion in Garrock's eyes, somewhere between guilt and embarrassment. He opened his mouth, likely to quickly change the subject, when Skobeloff entered the room.

The older dragon quickly shut his mouth and turned his attention to the blue drake. He looked a little doubtful when Skobeloff brought up the supposed giant spiders, but that doubt vanished the moment he mentioned Rudrick wanting to speak with him. He raised his voice to address the entire room. [color=FADA5E]"Will you all just excuse me a moment? There's something I need to take care of,"[/color] he said before quickly exiting the room.

This caused Heliotrope to pause while examining Altostratus and look over, first towards the door, then towards Skobeloff and Fellwing.[color=ed1c24] "What was that all about?"[/color] she said. 

[color=e03fd8]"You know, I do believe that is the most politely I've heard him speak to us this entire time,"[/color] Vipereyes could be heard muttering on the other side of the room.


Rudrick watched Skobeloff leave, looking so astonished that it took him a moment to register that there were still two other drakes in his presence. [color=8D3A19]"Your friend is a strange one, indeed,"[/color] he said before turning back to Shieldwing and Stargaze with a smile. His cheer looked less strained now, if a little quizzical. [color=8D3A19]"Yes, we should probably go find Coryn,"[/color] he said. [color=8D3A19]"I think I might have some idea of where he is."[/color] With that, he starts striding down the corridor once more, this time with a less hesitation in his steps.

Should Stargaze and Shieldwing follow him, he would lead them round the corner into another corridor, this one filled with a variety of living quarters as opposed to classrooms. Rudrick started marching down the corridor, glancing through each of the doorways as he passed. Most of the rooms seemed to be empty of their occupants, but signs that dragons were indeed living there were plenty. One room seemed to be filled with a variety of trinkets that had been hung up on the walls as decorations, while another had a book lying open on one of the nests, likely waiting to be resumed at some later point. 

Eventually, Rudrick stopped at a room that only had two nests in it. One side of the room had walls lined with a variety of (mostly overgrown) plants with no seeming rhyme or reason to their placement, while the other several neatly organised shelves containing collection of gems and rocks. [color=8D3A19]"I think this is where he's staying, if I recall correctly,"[/color] Rudrick said, peering his head into the room. Coryn wasn't in there, but instead another, gloomier looking drake with scales of a bluish-grey. He was currently trying to pry loose a particularly thick set of vines that was creeping up alongside one of the shelves. [color=8D3A19]"Ah, Lazward,"[/color] he said. [color=8D3A19]"You wouldn't have happened to have seen Coryn by any chance?"[/color]

Without looking round, the drake responded in a flat tone of voice, [color=29465B]"Came in here a minute or so ago, asked me if his tongue looked infected, I said I didn't know, he ran off to the bathroom."[/color] Despite Lazward's attempts, or maybe even because of them, the vines started moving further up the shelf, with one of them even starting to curl around one of stones perched on it. [color=29465B]"And if he doesn't come back soon, I'm setting fire to his side of the room,"[/color] he said, his voice still devoid of any tone that would indicate whether he was joking or not. Before anyone could say anything, he grabbed a feather duster that had been lying on a nearby desk and started whacking at the vines with it,