[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231021/c8de3d4938a7934e3807d1d1d63ce88c.png[/img] [color=B2FFC4][b]Mentions:[@vietmyke][@Click This][@Izurich][/b][/color] [/center][hr] [color=B2FFC4]"What are you..?!?"[/color] The lithe Faye was flying through the air before she could utter another syllable. Her instinct immediately kicked in and she twisted in air to orient herself. She locked onto a flying monster as she reached the apex of her trajectory. Ciradly quickly nocked an arrow and fired it in one swift motion. It was not a full draw so it lacked power, but the impact nailed its chest and caused it to crash into building. She landed smoothly on her feet, sliding to a stop while retrieving another arrow from her quiver. She ducked quickly into the nearest cover as a gunshot pinged off the surface next to her. By the time she popped her head out, the shooter had already been taken care of by another member of Kirin. Ciradyl's free hand touched the edge of the flare attached to her hip. [color=B2FFC4]Soon[/color]. She took the chance to observe the battlefield unfolding around the prison. By now, Chisaki should have regrouped with what capable warriors she did have under her command. It was going well. What wasn't she taking into account? The faint joy in her eyes went ice cold as the bombardment raked the city, though she did not react much beyond that. It was as much as she expected from their oppressor and nothing could be done for the civilians caught in the blast. They were not the objective. Ciradyl returned to taking shots at the remaining Valheim forces, focusing on clearing the extraction point. Her eyes immediately locked onto Hien as he came into view along with the rest of the infiltration team. [b]They had him[/b]. She could see Izayoi talking to the young girl from earlier and then she started running. What were they thinking? No, what was [b]she?[/b] The power that began to radiate off the eidolon was palpable to the Faye. She was taken aback at the form she changed into. She had questions. Questions that would need to wait. She could see Eve was targeting the airship but she couldn't think a way she would be able to damage it. Well, if that was the plan then she better lend her hand to make sure it works. Air swirled around her feet as she backed to the edge of the rooftop before sprinting towards the quickly rising Eidolon. She leapt into the air, pushing her legs to their absolute limit. Ciradyl reached out a hand and rested her palm briefly on Eve's scaly shoulder [color=B2FFC4]"[i]Do not hold back. Let them suffer.[/i]"[/color] A different kind of magic flowed into Eve's body through their connection. This power swirled and mingled with Eve's, acting like a focusing lens. Her fingers were pulled off by the forces of gravity and she began to plummet. Ciradyl managed to adjust her descent into a cotton canopy that cushioned her fall, putting her on the ground floor with the infiltration team. The flames of burning Proudclad dancing delightfully in her eyes as she witnessed the terrifying power of Valheim's rogue weapon. She prayed to whatever gods were listened that Reisa was onboard and being cooked alive, but she was prepared to be disappointed as usual. Still, she couldn't help the small giggle that escaped her lips. Her hand moved down to the flare attached to her belt and grabbed it. It seemed like such a pathetic, little firework compared to what just occurred. Chisaki and her forces were likely already on their way. Still, she held the flare pointed to the sky and launched it into the dark-orange sky. This was the mark of a new day. The time for lurking in shadows and hiding in the enemy's den was over. [color=B2FFC4]"I hope you are ready, Hien. This battle is all yours now."[/color] She quietly said to herself.