[hider=Kaylan Osborne] [b]Name:[/b] Kaylan Osborne [b]Nickname:[/b] Kay [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall, dark, and gloomy. Kay stands at around 6'1", though you sometimes wouldn't know it based on his slouchy posture. He's also pretty toned and athletic, despite his choice of attire making that hard to notice. He does wear a tight shirt and slacks that would otherwise show off some of his physique, but he also wears a long black poncho of all things over the top of that which generally hides what his physique looks like underneath. He used to keep his dark hair short, with blue highlights along the combed back top. These days, though, his hair is a bit longer and not quite as cleanly combed. Instead it's usually just lazily tied back into a ponytail of some kind, although the blue highlights are still visible. Once upon a time his previous travels favored him with a bit of a tan as a result of time spent outdoors. That's not the case anymore, it seems, his skin now more on the pale side - as if he's spent some time living as a shut in. [b]Personality:[/b] Kay would call himself a "realist". But most people instead call him an outright pessimist. He's got a bit of a gloomy outlook, typically the first one to question a plan or even just outright poke holes in it because he sees it as foolish or pointless. All this is a far cry from the fiery ball of determination he used to be back when his friends first knew him. He still values his friends and relationships, otherwise he wouldn't have been convinced to go on this journey at all. And yet, when the chips are down and it's time to fight or battle, sometimes you can still see an occasional spark of the determined trainer he used to be. But it's often drowned out by an overwhelming drive to win, and prove something either to the world or to himself that no one but Kay knows. [b]History:[/b] While Kaylan himself was born in Vanville Town, his parents both originally immigrated to Kalos from the faraway Johto region. Among his friends, he was also the one that originally wanted to be a Pokemon Trainer the most. He suggested they all give it a try, but they all had their own interests and passions that eventually made them drift apart over time. But Kay, fiery kid he was at the time, didn't let this deter him. He'd go on a journey and take on the Pokemon League alone if he had to. He began with a Froakie courtesy of the Professor that he named Jiraiya, and left on the journey that would ultimately break him. It went well for a good while. Kay was able to challenge gyms and win their badges, all the while gradually developing a team of trusted Pokemon along the way. But he did have a rival at the time, a snobby prep school kid from Lumiose City named Dorian Young. Apparently the heir to some Fortune 500 company, Dorian was rich and not afraid to remind the rest of the world of that fact. It also became clear early on that his wealth afforded Dorian a distinct advantage as a Prokemon Trainer, whether it was higher quality Poke Balls or Vitamins that could make his Pokemon stronger. But here again, Kaylan refused to let that deter him. And for the most part, he kept pace with Dorian despite everything. At least, for a while anyway. Everything changed at the Kalos League Conference. By this point Kaylan hadn't seen Dorian in a while. But he was fully expecting the jerk to turn up at the conference with all eight badges in tow. And sure enough, he did. But it soon became apparent why he had shown up fashionably late. He claimed to have been doing "special training" that allowed him to unlock abilities for his Pokemon that would make them unbeatable. And when the battles began, he showed off exactly what that ability was. His Ace Pokemon - Gallade - had somehow gained the power to evolve into a new form during battle that heightened its abilities in ways Kay had never seen before then. Kay refused to be intimidated and he battled his way past the first two rounds and was paired against Dorian in the third. And while Jiraiya - now a fully evolved Greninja - fought valiantly, in the end he just couldn't overcome the power of the evolved Gallade and was defeated. In the end, victory went to Dorian. "I told you, didn't I? You never stood a chance. Worthless nobodies like you never do." He arrogantly said, gloating over his victory. Eliminated from the tournament, Kaylan left without even staying to see who won in the end. He was too devastated, both by the loss and by the cruel words Dorian told him afterward. When he returned home, Kay found himself unwilling to talk to anyone about what happened. He holed up in his room for a while and then one night he and Jiraiya left town without even telling anyone where they were going. Some time after that, Kaylan found himself living in the remote Ninja Village. He followed rumors and stories about the place where People and Greninja both live and hone their skills. Maybe here he and Jiraiya could find some kind of clarity. And it was here they remained. Kay was just over 15 when he first left on his Gym Challenge, and had turned 16 by the time he had returned from his crushing defeat at the Kalos Conference. He remained at Ninja village for nearly four years. Until one day - against all odds - he received a letter. Who could possibly have found him in order to send a letter? Well it turned out to be from one his old friends. André apparently decided he wanted to give the Pokemon Trainer thing a try. He was kidding, right? [i]Now[/i] he wanted to go on a journey? Still valuing the old friendships he previously had, Kay set out for Vanville Town. If nothing else, he would tell André in person that he had already taken on the League once and didn't really want to do it again. But then again... maybe he [i]should[/i] try again? Either way, Kaylan was going to Vanville empty handed, with none of his Pokémon in tow. [b]Other:[/b] [b][url=https://d.furaffinity.net/art/siriusandpyri/1485833336/1485833336.siriusandpyri_greninja.png]Jiraiya[/url][/b] [b]Species:[/b] Greninja [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Loyal to a fault. After already going on one journey with his trainer, Jiraiya has become insistent on staying by Kaylan's side no matter where he goes. [b]History:[/b] He was first given to Kaylan when the latter began his first journey in Vanville Town. Things didn't start out smoothly, and in fact they were almost defeated in the first gym until their bond pulled them through. He's been a loyal and steadfast partner ever since. [/hider] I know the Pokemon is fully evolved. For balance purposes, I'm willing to have Kaylan have no Pokemon on him at all to start with so that Jiraiya can rejoin him later, if such a compromise is preferable.