Donovan simply stared, deadpan. Did they seriously just spout off the entirety of the First Amendment off the top of their heads? He hadn't meant for that to be taken so literally...Not knowing how else to respond, after a brief groan, he simply nodded. "Yeah, yeah. You're free to be pissed about him, and he's free to talk garbage. Long as it doesn't go further than words." He'd said his piece, however weak it felt after getting a part of the constitution verbally dumped on his head. Awkwardly sidling a bit away from the couch, he mercifully found something new to focus on; the questioning squawks of Bezaliel. "Sorry bud," Jack spoke up, turning his gaze upwards into the rafters. "but that stuff's made outta jams and peanut butter, mostly. Think there's a honey one, too..." His face scrunched up in concentration, trying to recall the actual kinds of sandwiches they made for their brand. Regardless, he could pretty much guarantee none of it is Bez-edible. Realizing he was getting caught up overthinking it, he shook it off and gave a more appropriate response to get to Bez. "Er, that means no meat." He wished he had better news for him, but that was just how it was. The last thing to catch him off-guard was Lauden; or, that is to say, the lack of him as he began to take his leave. Did...Did he honestly think things were gonna stay quiet enough for that? It was shockingly optimistic as far as their group went. Jack knew he couldn't get back to sleep, that much was certain. Beyond a briefly raised brow at the departure, Donovan shrugged it off and focused his attention back on the group as a whole as best he could, just trying to make sure nothing cataclysmic happened. Sadly, if it came to something like that, he was pretty confident he'd be one of the few Hounds in the room who might be willing to step in instead of adding fuel to the fire somehow. Thinking about it, he just softly sighed and got comfy in his spot lounging against the wall.