[center][color=CCCC22][h3]Jub the Peculiar[/h3][/color][/center] When Brutrumukk began his response, Jub immediately tensed up as he was expecting to, at best, be shouted at or, at worst, get beat up. Surprisingly, neither of those happened. While outraged, Brutrumukk took his lack of transformation pretty well, and pinned the needle to his clothes so they could make use of it later. As Jub stared at the small, sharp implement, he got a sense that even though it didn't actually possess the power to turn people into werecreatures, did have some latent magic. In fact, it was not dissimiliar from the wild magic that now radiated from Brutrumukk. [color=CCCC22]"Just... be careful with that,"[/color] he said after a moment. [color=CCCC22]"I get the feeling that its magic might be on the unpredictable side."[/color] He added, under his breath, [color=CCCC22]"Just like everything else in this damn place."[/color]