It is a rainy day, after all. [b]The Basics:[/b] -Advanced writer -No slice of life. -No established worlds. Come ready to build one. -Preference for FxF when writing romance, but can play any gender/sentient being/creature. Assume multiple characters. -Partners must be over 21 (For general mature content. I can take or leave detailed sex scenes.) -Preference for Google Docs (I'll share my email so you don't have to.) [b]Stuff I'm into these days:[/b] Post-apocalypse, but it's been a few thousand years Fantasy built on the bones of a more ancient civilization Dreamscape/Surrealism The absurd, frightening, wild, beautiful Old school creepy fairytales/myths Morally gray stories and characters [b]Stuff I'm not currently looking for:[/b] Sci-fi, Military fiction/fantasy/sci-fi Ideally, I'll collect one additional long-term partner with an established voice and an interest in some deep world-building. If you'd like to be that person, send me a writing sample. (Unless we've written together before.)