As the day progressed, Pine sat there and read a book. It was an old plant book he had read plenty of times before, but it was more interesting than engaging in small talk with most of these people. His spirits were lifted when the snack cart came, and he help himself to some snacks. He may have plant DNA, but Pine had a heavy sweet tooth, and he just couldn’t resist the cookies. The sun filtering the room gave him a much needed burst of energy. Then, the nurse gave him his vitamins. Specifically formulated for his physiology. Among all the other employees coming in and bringin stuff, there was Roy. Who had an announcement for the Hounds, and wanted to bring everyone together. Pine was also sitting on the couch. “Ooh, is uncle Roy going to tell us a story?” Pine asked, his tone dripping with sarcasm. Casey made a joke about going to Disneyland. “My parents never took me to Disneyland, and I doubt these people are going to take us there now.” He responded matter of factly while crossing his legs. “So tell me, what is this really about?”