"Have fun!" I shouted after the running Beren before taking a seat on the balcony. The air of Darkwater Crossing was humid, but its elevation meant that there was a cooling breeze out on the balcony. I pulled a knife from my belt and and carefully slit the wax seal. Its always a good practice to keep a seal intact incase you need of falsify a letter at some point. I unrolled the scroll and began to read the contents. [i]Lady Emmaline Von Morganstern My Lady, welcome to Darkwater Crossing. As you might imagine new arrivals are a source of some excitement in our small community. I would like to invite you to small soiree at Pelican Mansion in order to meet other members of a more refined sort whose company I have no doubt, you will find vastly preferable to the common run of riff-raff. If you are available, please attend at the second hour after sun down when the beastly heat is somewhat abated. We are all eager to make your acquaintance. Enrik von Nieman[/i] I brightened somewhat at a taste of the finer things, though now my need to do some shopping was somewhat more acute. I pondered going out without waiting for Beren but decided that on balance I'd rather stay here where it was cool until he returned with whatever information he was able to gather.