The Doctor dodged Sabriel’s flirting as deftly as ever… if not more so. She seemed to avoid talking to him alone. To the point that she purposefully steered the conversation off towards anyone else around. The morning continued that way, with casual conversation that kept her from being alone with the murderer. It was better than going to bed. Not as if she would get anything resembling sleep anyhow. If she did not know any better, Dr. Gate would swear that the caffeine was still buzzing in her veins. Dr. Gate took her medicine as subtly as possible. She had not started taking any until halfway through her brief stint in solitary, which meant that she had only been taking them for about two days outside of solitary. The Doctor preferred not to broadcast her new need for depression medication, especially around a bunch of literal villains. Once they were taken, the Doctor looked over to Roy and gave him a nod. Roy’s request to go to the couch was met with cautious curiosity. She tried to make it subtle when she leaned on the opposite side of the couch from Sabriel. It did not help that, before her solitary, the Doctor preferred to be near him. After… everything, it was difficult to handle interacting with him. There was a level of guilt to it. He had been knocked on conscious because of her and she still owed him an apology. An apology that required privacy they did not have. She told herself that she would get to it… eventually. “I have heard of the kinds of things that happen at Disney world. It seems utterly boring.” And by boring, she meant motion sickness inducing and generally loud. Not to mention miserable. “Though… going to the beach and taking a dip in the ocean might be nice. Now you’ve got me thinking about swimming, Casey.”