[b][i]Kazuki Yamagata[/i][/b] Kazuki decided to ignore the brewing fracas for the sake of his sanity and instead kept reading the files he had gotten over and over until he had fully understood them. It seemed Endaevor was angling for them all to join his Agency. Sure, why not? It's not as if he hadn't already gotten everything he wanted from that internship with Hawks - Including a license to kill he made noises about using but didn't want to unless it was absolutely necessary. As he looked at Rin, Kazuki decided to give her a chance, raising his hand to ask, "Miss Himura, forgive the doubts of my classmates; they do not know that you would have been chosen for us for a reason. Also, Endaevor's Hero Agency, with an invitation from his son - I am honored that someone such as me would be seen as acceptable for such an exalted post." After reviewing the context of Yusuke's behavior, Kazuki turned to the other youth, looked him in the eye, and said, "What a backhanded way to defend our new teacher, while attracting all the negative attention for yourself. I almost got up to punch you in the face before I got that it was what you're doing." He was not the only one skilled with computers; Kazuki had taken the time to improve his skills in that area of expertise precisely because the digital sphere was more accessible to Quirkless and it was easier for them to be recognized there. Typing into his own Hawkpad, the young man brought up Eirei's privacy and data protection policies to see if looking into Yusuke's records would get him expelled (it turned out it would, so he stopped after a few seconds). [i]I think I can have friends here...[/i] was his latest string of thoughts.