[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/futuristic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240402/a93083f93f5168063bd6469114b732e1.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][@Silver Carrot][/center] [hr] The ride back to her house was relatively uneventful. The streets were significantly more lively with the temporary shutdown of the Geonet system and the MCPD out in full force trying to keep order. But that doesn't matter for Xiang Min right now, the MCPD has their job to do, and Xiang Min has done hers for the day, and she wants to return to her home and relax. Her house is her fortress, and her villa, a place where she can unwind even more, reveal her true colours, and do damn near anything she wants. Especially when Mingfan isn't around to mess up her vibe. The car entered into her Apartment Complex's garage. A seemingly ordinary one within the confines of the Spire. Luxurious, spacious, and a bit tacky all things considered. But she entered a closed garage, the two cameras on top of the moving gate scanning the car and the faces of the passengers before a green light burst into life, and the garage doors opened. Revealing a [url=https://static0.carbuzzimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/gallery-images/original/439000/900/439988.jpg]mechanical structure[/url] that seems to fit her cars' dimensions into it. [color=FFCE00]"Don't open the doors Julia. We're not in my house yet."[/color] Xiang Min said. Driving the car into the confines of the unusual garage, with the garage doors closing afterward. Both women then felt a sudden feeling of being pushed downwards. As the mechanism turned out to be a car elevator. Seemingly bringing Xiang Min's car straight to the roof of the building. Where they are greeted with a small driveway into what seems like a [url=https://images.adsttc.com/media/images/5ea2/d115/b357/6561/5800/0143/slideshow/T3_001.jpg?1587728626]wall[/url]. The blonde haired CEO drove the car into the garage, which opened seemingly in recognition of her presence, and she parked the car amid the myriad vehicles of various shapes and sizes inside it. [color=FFCE00]"Welcome to the Purnama estate!"[/color] She turned to face Julia. Turning her car off and then exited the vehicle. Ushering Julia to follow her. [color=FFCE00]"My ancestors bought this estate all those years ago when we were evacuating from the country formerly known as Indonesia, VIP tickets and all. Been our family's home ever since."[/color] The woman then walked into the door. The system scanned her irises and then the palm of her hand. [color=FFCE00]"Xiang Min Purnama."[/color] She said to the speaker, [color=FFCE00]"With 1 guest too. Register her as a permanent guest for the house as well, let's not shoot this lovely lady here to bits okay?"[/color] The computer that operated the system seemingly understood the nuances Xiang Min told it and opened the door. Revealing an [url=https://keyassets.timeincuk.net/inspirewp/live/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2016/06/Houes-for-sale-with-amazing-gardens.jpg]immaculate garden[/url] with various robots tending to it. [color=FFCE00]"This is the Western Garden section of the house. It may not look like it, but I've added a bunch of turrets in hidden locations for extra security. It's also a great way to unwind as you walk back into the house. Neat ain't it?"[/color] Passing through what appears to be a wall ripped off from some old European castle. The scenery changed into a much smaller, [url=https://images.adsttc.com/media/images/5ea2/d380/b357/6525/4e00/01e3/slideshow/T3_021.jpg?1587729244]Japanese-style[/url] garden, with the house where she lives in front of it. [color=FFCE00]"And there it is."[/color] She said. Looking at the modern-styled house. [color=FFCE00]"Home sweet home!"[/color] She walked towards the house, minding not to step on the patterned small stones and looking at the large stones that serve as a walkway. [color=FFCE00]"In case you're wondering Julia, I've thought about damn near everything in this house. Emergency services have a nice wide ramp where they can access the house in case of emergencies, and most of the time they fly in with helicopters or hoverjets if they need to meet me at my own home anyway. Some with firefighters really if things are really bad. The AI in the house is trained to recognize law enforcement, EMT and Medical, as well as firefighters, and will give them full access to the house the moment they recognize the uniform they're wearing, or cross-reference the Geonet database if they're wearing plain clothes. The turrets and other defensive systems which I won't tell you will pretty much tear apart anyone short of an entire division's worth of mercenaries into smithereens, and the house has a full HVAC system with localized modification. So that myself and my sister don't have to fight over what temperature the house should be in the winter/ summer. She always prefers it to be much colder than what it should be, ugh."[/color] [color=FFCE00]"Oh, and I only have 1 rule in this house."[/color] She said, before proceeding to take off her shoes and put them into the shoe rack nearby. [color=FFCE00]"Do take off your shoes before you enter my home. I hate it when someone wears shoes, along with whatever random stuff they picked up from the Megacity in their soles walking around my house. It's disgusting and I don't like it."[/color] [color=FFCE00]"Your guestroom is there by the way."[/color] She pointed toward a room beside the kitchen. [color=FFCE00]"You'll find it filled with all the clothes you can wear, as well as a full-on bathroom with whatever a woman needs to clean herself. I'm off to bed now Julia. G'night! And don't kill me while I'm asleep or this house will turn into a deathtrap for you!"[/color] She jokingly said. Leaving Julia to her own devices as she retired into her room.